I'm going to resize and edit these photos some for tonight, here's a teaser, will reply to this thread with more, and give you the links to the full-size photos on my web page probably tomorrow (I have some 3D pics).
No firefall this weekend, when I arrived in the valley around 5 p.m. on Friday 2/20 I found blue sky above but a giant cloudbank moving in from the west that killed off the sun on Horsetail. Oh well, now I'm 0-for-3 on the firefall.
At Upper Pines, I was met with this:
This was at a little after 6. I had been in the campground a while, went to the third loop to camp (the gate was open), the campground host was on me like a new suit saying only loops 1 and 2 were open, so I found space 7 in loop 1 to my liking.
More in a bit, could be a long night