Yep, it's that time of year again, when the temperatures are a bit cooler, and the trail crews can get out and try to get things in order for next year--or at least next weekend.
This time I joined a team from the Mariposa Trails organization--wonderful bunch of people who not only worked hard, but also had some great conversations along the way. We had one team with a chain saw, taking out the trees that had fallen across the trail; another team with loppers that was cutting back the brush (manzanita, poison oak, gamble oaks, etc); and a third team using picks and shovels to re-route one section of trail and repair the tread to a horse-worthy level. I was on the pick and shovel detail.
The trail was along Skelton Creek, which still even had a trickle of water in it that was a nice background sound to the grunts and gasps of our team. But don't think it was all work, all day. We managed to make a quick side trip to a small cascade where a small tributary joins Skelton Creek, and we finished the day by tracking the trail down to the abandoned Blue Glory Mine.
It was a perfect day---weather was sunny but cool, the workers were cool, too. And we not only made some progress, we had a great time doing it.
The full photo log is here:
Mariposa Trails is here;
Check our our website:
Or just read a good mystery novel set in the Sierra;
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/11/2021 08:04AM by balzaccom.