The last time I went to Yosemite with the family was back in 2004. Coming up from SoCal, I believe we took the shortest way possible. 5N to 99N through Fresno, 41 through Wawona and then 140 into the park. Somewhere just before entering Yosemite (I want to say in Merced, but not sure?) right off the main road was the most fabulous pizza place. We stopped for a bathroom break and late lunch. It was really the best pizza we've had, I figured it had something to do with the mountain water or something.
Has anybody passed such a memorable pizza restaurant on the way to Yosemite? Do you know the name of this place? I have a picture of the pizza somewhere in my archives, if it helps I will find it and post the picture.
Yes, despite being "just pizza" I've had requests from the other family members that we must stop by this place again when we go up in August. But for the life of me, I can't remember what it's called, or where it was at. I'm hoping if someone else ate there and remembered it being good, I'd have a shot at figuring out where it was.