FYI: Yosemite will apparently not issue you a permit for more
than two weeks that begins & ends in the Park. This spring I
applied (by mail) for a three-week trip that was to begin at
Hetch Hetchy and end at Happy Isles. The plan was to hike north
from Hetch Hetchy, through Emigrant Wilderness to resupply at
Kennedy Meadows. From there I planned to head south, back into
the Park with another resupply at Tuolumne Meadows, then over
Vogelsang Pass and out at Happy Isles.
The permit-issuing folks phoned me to work out an alternate plan
as they would not issue a permit for that length of time (permit
application made no mention of the resupplies at Kennedy &
Tuolumne Meadows). I was told they would not issue a permit for
more than two weeks as it was obvious I could not legally (bear
can) carry enough food for longer than that. When I explained
that I had a resupply after the first week at Kennedy Meadows,
and again after the second week at Tuolumne Meadows they still
refused me the permit and suggested two alternatives to legally
make the proposed trip:
1) The Yosemite Permit would be from Hetch Hetchy to Kennedy
Meadows. I would need to get another permit from Stanislaus
National Forest to re-enter the Emigrant Wilderness from Kennedy
Meadows and exit in Yosemite at Happy Isles. I did not pursue
this alternative as it appeared I would have to hitch a ride from
Kennedy Meadows to the nearest Forest Service office at Pinecrest
(about 50 miles) to pickup a permit in person (they would not
mail it ahead of time, as far as I could determine).
2) The Yosemite Permit would be from Hetch Hetchy to Tuolumne
Meadows. I would need a second permit to proceed from Tuolumne
to Happy Isles. I was unable to get the second permit as there
were none available for any appropriate trailhead on the day(s) I
expected to be in Tuolumne (this was about 8 weeks before the
start of the trip). I would have to line up at the permit office
and take my chances with an unreserved permit. I would have
tried this, but other things intervened to make me have to cancel
the whole trip.
I think it is interesting that I could exit the Park and re-enter
for an ultimate exit inside the Park on a single permit as long
as the trip was two weeks or less in length. This makes so
little sense to me that I wonder if I may have misunderstood what
the permit folks told me, or perhaps they themselves had the
facts wrong. The Yosemnite Website pretty clearly states "If you
are starting at a trailhead in Yosemite and wish to camp outside
of Yosemite during your Wilderness trip, you will only need to
get a single wilderness permit from Yosemite." I could find no
mention of the two-week limit, nor any reference to any
difference between "..wish to camp outside of Yosemite.." and
leaving the Park temporarily for resupply purposes.
Anyone have an comments?
. . . Kurt
Grants Pass, Oregon