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Half Dome, The Magnificent and the Brutal

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Half Dome, The Magnificent and the Brutal
August 03, 2011 03:44PM
I just wrote up a blog post about my recent Half Dome hike and included a postscript about the death this last weekend.

You can read it and see the pictures here: "Half Dome, The Magnificent and the Brutal"

In discussing the permit issue elsewhere, and calls for further NPS restrictions on people's choices and actions, I suggested that education is more important than restriction. My idea was that as part of the permit process, they include some kind of simple DMV-like Drivers license test online, but in this case it's a Half Dome Hikers test, and you'd need to complete the test before the permit is officially issued. It could be as simple as reading the Half Dome Cables Info Page on the NPS Site, and then answering a few multiple choice questions to show you've actually read the information, i.e., it is recommended that each person should carry (a) no water, (b) 1 qt. of water, (c) 1 gallon of water, (d) five gallons of water on the hike? If there is rain and lightning occurring as you approach Half Dome, you should (a) NOT go up the cables, (b) NOT go up the cables, (c) NOT go up the cables, (d) NOT go up the cables?

Gary Crabbe
Enlightened Images

"Nearness to Nature keeps the Spirit sensitive to impressions not commonly felt, and in touch with unseen powers." - Oyihesa; Santee Dakota indian, from his book, Soul of the Indian (1911)
avatar Re: Half Dome, The Magnificent and the Brutal
August 03, 2011 05:04PM
When I’d gone up twenty years ago, I don’t remember any issues with traction on the climb, and didn’t hesitate to scoot around the outside of the cables in either direction to pass slower hikers.
This time, even with decent boots, the climb up the cables was much slicker than I remember

I agree 110% with the slickness comment... and anyone wishing to use any additional form of
protection should do so without hesitation.

I've made the comment a couple of times b4 ... but to me... it was almost safer w/ the cables
laying down... since they flopped over and sat on unpolished granite.

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Half Dome, The Magnificent and the Brutal
August 03, 2011 06:16PM
I think on paper it's an inspired idea. But let's face it, the vast majority of people doing Half Dome as a day hike are not hikers. It's usually the only hike they will ever do in their life. They may take and pass the test, but will NOT bring along the proper amount of water or outfit themselves with hiking essentials or the proper footgear, backpack or food. Many will cut switchbacks, not yield to uphill hikers and will litter without abandon.
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