That is incorrect. I assumed NO facts other than the criminal act occurred. That is why trying to get into the mind of why some group might do something like that, I prefaced my post with:
I will speculate
Thus it is pure speculation as one possibility. Such is what law enforcement does every day trying to figure out why criminal acts occur.
A. Facepalm
B. "Speculate" and "assume" are synonyms, so yes, you assumed facts not in evidence. No currently available data whatosever supports your statements.
C. You might just as well have said it was committed by giant space weasels directed by mind control waves from a Paraguay Freemason cell. There is an equal amount of evidence supporting that 'speculation' as well.
D. I'm quite intimately familiar with law enforcement investigations. They are based on available facts and evidence, not wild speculation.
Quite an incorrect connection between two terms most people including dictionaries would not make?
http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/speculateDefinition of SPECULATE
intransitive verb
1.a: to meditate on or ponder a subject : reflect
b: to review something idly or casually and often inconclusively transitive verb
1: to take to be true on the basis of insufficient evidence : theorize
2: to be curious or doubtful about : wonder <speculates whether it will rain all vacation>
Definition of ASSUME
5: to take as granted or true : suppose <I assume he'll be there>
Ah, perhaps you've never heard of the word 'synonym'. That could be where your cognitive dissonance is coming from.
[sin-uh-nim] Show IPA
1. a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the language, as happy, joyful, elated. A dictionary of synonyms and antonyms (or opposites), such as Thesaurus.com, is called a thesaurus.
2. a word or expression accepted as another name for something, as Arcadia for pastoral simplicity or Wall Street for U.S. financial markets; metonym.
3. Biology . one of two or more scientific names applied to a single taxon.
In this case the cognitive divide between assume and speculate is a distinction w/out a difference. In order for your 'speculation' to even exist, it must assume certain things. In this case, facts not in evidence.
Just to be clear since you seem to be confused. I as a quite public person using my real name and not some pseudonym, on many sites including this board since the earliest days of the Internet, make considerable use of that relative term on the web and have been doing so for years, which you can readily search on, particularly on serious debate sites. It is meant to be interpreted just as the above definition reads.
No, I'm not confused at all. You being a public person is irrelevant to this matter. As is your use of your real name. As is how long you've been on the Internet. As is how long you've been using the term 'speculate'.
In other words in this case there are many possibilities as to the nature of a group that might have purpetrated the crime. My input is one possibility built on the simple incomplete evidence known currently. It is NOT something I believe to be true or expect any else to, but rather a reflective starting point of what may be the case and I think a rather good one. If there is something specific you want to comment on with my speculation please do as I am curious as to what it is you obviously have issue with? Or are you suggesting the notion of any speculation posted on a community board of enthusiasts where people are wondering why, is an ethical issue until all facts are known? If so that would also be misplaced as a confusion between stating something as true versus wondering what possibility out of several may be.
No, what I'm suggesting is, quite frankly, that you have zero idea what you're talking about, that your 'speculation' is groundless and serves no purpose other than to be inflammatory, especially given your 'speculated' outcome involving "drink, drugs, guns, and sleaze"
What I have an issue with is empty, breathless 'speculation' that is based in absolutely no available evidence, as I already made clear in a prior post.
Much like when an irrational urban climber burned downed the White Mountain Bristlecon Pine Visitor Center, members on a number of boards you can easily search on, SPECULATED, on possible scenarios and people that might have had reason to do so. Eventually it was found the same person had been vandalizing and burglarizing vehicles at trailheads.
And? That is irrelevant to my comments on your speculation in this matter.