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Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...

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avatar Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 21, 2012 06:30PM
We sure had some great adventures.

Not sure how I'm gonna make it without you.

Missing you already.
Feed ME!

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 21, 2012 08:50PM
No need to say goodbye. If you have a working oven in your home, you can bake your own Twinkies. They're probably the easiest Hostess product to recreate in your own home. Much easier to recreate than Ho Hos. wink
avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 22, 2012 02:28PM
No need to say goodbye. If you have a working oven in your home, you can bake your own Twinkies. They're probably the easiest Hostess product to recreate in your own home. Much easier to recreate than Ho Hos. wink

But will you get the shelf life?
avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 22, 2012 07:47PM

But will you get the shelf life?

I doubt that would be of any concern in the chick-on's Chick-on is looking at you! household.

(My guess, each batch of homemade Twinkies would probably be devoured within a day or two. wink )

avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 21, 2012 09:02PM
Oh, Twinkie with your golden hue,
You have delicious goop in you.
There you are! Were you waiting long,
Between Sno-balls and stale Ding Dong?

My friends all think I'm kinda kinky
Cause my role model is a twinkie.
But they don't know what we've been through.
Dear Twinkie, I can count on you.

I tell my troubles as I bite.
You never tell me, "That's not right."
You listen to each foolish fear,
Then slowly, deliciously disappear.

I hold you close when we're alone
And think the thoughts that are my own.
Then turn to you, my dear sweet yummie.
You clear my mind, tickle my tummie.

You can read the rest of the ode here.
Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 21, 2012 11:09PM
There's still the Safeway select brand. Not the real thing, but under the circumstances: better than nothing.

But I feel your pain. Sad times.
Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 22, 2012 04:16AM

That's beautiful, man.
avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 22, 2012 04:55PM
You could aways go back to the ledge to eat this one you left there. It will keep. Most animals will not touch it,--well, maybe a drunk marmot.Marmot
avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 27, 2012 09:34PM
I Leave No Twinkie Behind

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 23, 2012 09:16AM
Twinkies are on Craigslist anywhere from $5 to $95,000!
avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 23, 2012 07:22PM
mtn man
Twinkies are on Craigslist anywhere from $5 to $95,000!

Is anybody buying?
avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 28, 2012 11:36AM
You can always replace them with these

... ooops, maybe not.
avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 28, 2012 01:07PM
Actually, there's already a good Twinikies replacement from south of the border available at Mexican supermarkets everywhere. Introducing Twinkies' south of the border distant cousin, Marinela's Submarinos:

(And this week, they're currently on sale (30% off) at a Mi Pueblo Supermarket near you! )

Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 28, 2012 06:39PM
On the TV show, The Chew, they made Twinkies today. I am going to get the recipe off their website and try it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/28/2012 06:40PM by parklover.
avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 28, 2012 06:57PM
Here's the recipe that Todd Wilbur used to make his Twinkies clones:


And here's the video he made demonstrating how to make a Twinkie clone:

avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 29, 2012 04:08AM
Goodbye Twinkies, hello Submarinos!

Yum, yum, yum!

Feed ME!

avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 29, 2012 08:17AM
Actually, there's already a good Twinikies replacement from south of the border available at Mexican supermarkets everywhere. Introducing Twinkies' south of the border distant cousin, Marinela's Submarinos:.
I don't know..... from the Mexican pastries I've tried they are no where close to the sugar content as US snacks. That's probably a good thing, but if one has a sweet tooth, they won't work.
Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
December 30, 2012 09:23AM
Mrs. Redd's are ok, but better than hostess? I don't agree. But they certainly are cheaper. You have to be really careful with Mrs. Redd's, check the date. Find the freshest one, if the date is close to expiring, the crust gets weird.

I used to eat them almost every day when I worked at Stater Bros. Supermarket.
Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 30, 2012 09:24AM
And I had just "discovered" Hostess fruitcake this season. Bought a couple. Twinkies (and other Hostess products) were on sale at Vons at that time
avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 30, 2012 09:47AM
Hostess fruit pie lovers don't need to fret, though, since there's been a better quality alternative to them for those of us living here in California, Nevada, or Arizona: Mrs. Redd's Fruit Pies.

Just like the classic Hostess Fruit pie, but only better!

avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 30, 2012 10:25AM
Hostess fruit pie lovers don't need to fret, though, since there's been a better quality alternative to them for those of us living here in California, Nevada, or Arizona: Mrs. Redd's Fruit Pies.

Just like the classic Hostess Fruit pie, but only better!

Any of those "pies" that are less than 60% air has to be better.
avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 30, 2012 10:40AM
I 2nd that on Mrs. Redd's, better than Hostess pies!

Feed ME!

I've sang the praises of Mrs. R. on here before:

Mrs. Redd's Pies in more 'exotic' flavors
avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
December 02, 2012 04:53PM
Found some safeway pies yesterday hiking around chick-on ranch area.
Guess Hostess doesn't make Safeway pies.

Haven't seen Ms. Redd yet. If you know a place in Bay Area. Speak up.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 30, 2012 03:38PM
avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
November 30, 2012 04:45PM
There are over one hundred enterprises vying for the brand and probably the production equipment. The whole line will be with us.

Old Dude
avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
December 02, 2012 05:46PM
Mrs. Redd's also makes the private label Safeway pies. I'm not sure if they're the same exact recipes
as Mrs. Redd's pies, but if not, they're very close.
Mrs. Redd's comes in a few more 'exotic flavors like coconut and pineapple.
avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
December 28, 2012 08:57PM
avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
December 28, 2012 09:26PM
Is it true that Twinkies never spoil because nothing can live on them? winking smiley
avatar Re: Goodbye dear Friend... We've had some good times...
December 29, 2012 05:18PM
If you haven't seen the Ding Dong SNL skit.
video: http://www.hulu.com/embed.html?eid=7_non1d0vw8es5g_tvk_5q

Chick-on is looking at you!
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