Cool. (although I'm pretty glad there wasn't more duck tape in some of those shots)
Z Old Dood and I were just looking around below last weekend. It wasn't trivial where
to start going up. Suggestions? Looks like you could camp down below and dayhike
up and down. Although I'd rather stay up high.

Def. want to go check out the incline itself. Some peeps we were talking to last
weekend who assumed we were lost... said some older dood hiked up the incline
every day into his 80s.
North Mountain. It may have been me who said the trail was yummy.
Actually it's not super bad. Just the portion after Miguel. It should be fairly easy
to follow. We didn't have much issue. I posted this photo before but darn if I can find it.

Another fire went thru there after this photo... so I went back and looked if they
did any work... in 2009... and nope... it looks the same. Get past this and you should be
fine. Only been up there once. From Miguel. Gave it a try from Preston once... but
kept running into cliffs and having to come back down and around and after awhile
said sca-rew it. Think only got maybe 1000 ft. up. (if that).
Other time had idea to go there from Poopenaut taking the old Poopenaut to Eleanor trail.
Uh.. yeah... by the time got to the pond wanted to check out... with North Mountain
still over 4 miles away and having to get back down to Poopenaut... no way.
Also had idea to go from Jones Pt. or from bridge over Cherry.
Let us know which way you go. Planning on going back there this year on search of
bench and boundary markers. Plus there's some neat things on the sat. that want
to explore.
Have fun