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Turner Ridge

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avatar Turner Ridge
April 22, 2013 04:31PM
Anyone been up there?
Specifically betwixt 5777 and 6534 for starters.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Turner Ridge
April 22, 2013 06:08PM
No, I haven't been up there (nor anywhere close). But if I recall correctly, there was a wildfire around Turner Ridge about five years ago, around 2007.

Also, wouldn't the prescribed fire that is being ignited right now (that Rick posted about here: http://yosemitenews.info/forum/read.php?3,65440) and is supposed to run its course between one to two weeks cause some unpleasantness for anyone hiking along Turner Ridge in the next two weeks in terms of visibility and air quality? (Of course, if you're planning your trip for later in the spring or summer, the effects of this prescribed fire will probably be moot.)

Here's the location of the prescribed fire that is being set off this week:
avatar Re: Turner Ridge
April 22, 2013 06:38PM
To me it looked like they started the fire yesterday.

By the time we got to "Big Meadow View Lookout" on 120 later in the day the fire looked huge.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Turner Ridge
April 22, 2013 06:47PM
To me it looked like they started the fire yesterday.

By the time we got to "Big Meadow View Lookout" on 120 later in the day the fire looked huge.

tongue sticking out smiley

That's what the link said... hehehe... so I was right.

I'm not pulling yer leg... Here's some Meadowy area down yonder:

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Turner Ridge
April 22, 2013 06:58PM
Nice, definitely a better view of Wawona than from Wawona Point.
avatar Re: Turner Ridge
April 22, 2013 07:14PM
To me it looked like they started the fire yesterday.

By the time we got to "Big Meadow View Lookout" on 120 later in the day the fire looked huge.

tongue sticking out smiley

That's what the link said... hehehe... so I was right.

Of course you were right, but I was too.

Here, from the link that Rick posted: “A test burn was started and conditions were favorable to continue the prescribed fire project. Ignition will take 2 – 4 days and active burn down will last 1 – 2 weeks.”

(Note what I underlined and put in bold type) wink

So they were still igniting the fire today (and maybe even tomorrow and Wednesday).

tongue sticking out smiley

avatar Re: Turner Ridge
April 23, 2013 07:41AM
I wasn't discounting what you said... I was simply stating what I saw with my eyeballs.

Anywho... I'm interested if anyone been up on the ridge b/c I want to talk to them about this:

Probably only some turkey like Busta would do such shananigans tho... so prolly should just PM him

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Turner Ridge
April 23, 2013 08:01AM

Anywho... I'm interested if anyone been up on the ridge b/c I want to talk to them about this:

Probably only some turkey like Busta would do such shananigans tho... so prolly should just PM him

So is this an unmarked trail you spotted on top of Turner Ridge, possibly a remnant of the old Mariposa trail?

avatar Re: Turner Ridge
April 24, 2013 06:34AM
So is this an unmarked trail you spotted on top of Turner Ridge, possibly a remnant of the old Mariposa trail?
It's definitely not old Mariposa Trail. It's along the ridge. Was wondering how far it went exactly.
Lost it coming down to Wawona. Might have gone the wrong side. (let's just say it's delicious xcountry)

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Turner Ridge
April 24, 2013 07:52AM

It's definitely not old Mariposa Trail. It's along the ridge. Was wondering how far it went exactly.
Lost it coming down to Wawona. Might have gone the wrong side. (let's just say it's delicious xcountry)

My guess then is that it was an old U.S. Army Calvary trail that the calvary used when they were based out of Wawona (during the time when Yosemite Valley still belonged to the state of California). It might have only been in great use between 1890 through the summer of 1906 (when the calvary moved it's camp from Wawona to Yosemite Valley).

I've read that there was a calvary trail that led out of Wawona to Glacier Point, but I always assumed that was the old Mariposa Trail or the modern day Alder Creek Trail. But maybe there was an alternate ridge route that the calvary used? Who knows? Maybe it was trail to Ostrander Lake? Just speculating here.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/24/2013 08:01AM by plawrence.
avatar Re: Turner Ridge
April 24, 2013 02:45PM
It's a "firefighter" trail. Pretty certain of it.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Turner Ridge
April 24, 2013 07:23PM

It's a "firefighter" trail. Pretty certain of it.

Thanks for your thoughts. That makes a lot of sense.

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