Looks like a interesting new book:
Bozo Sapiens: Why to err is human by Michael Kaplan and Ellen Kaplan
Published by: Bloomsbury
Price: $26
HUMANS are idiots - and pointing this out is all the rage. In popular science, humanity's irrational side is the topic du jour.
Bozo Sapiens is rooted firmly in this tradition. Written by mother-and-son team Ellen and Michael Kaplan, its thesis is that humans make mistakes - a lot of them. We are seduced by dumb ideas, follow idiotic leaders and delude ourselves about everything from the economy to romantic love.
Armed with sheaves of anecdotes and research, the Kaplans show just how daft even the most intelligent people can be. The writing is delightful: graceful and packed with allusions, switching easily between hilarity and tragedy.
The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan