Whole Foods
Cap and Trade...Not This Year.
You have to love it when the lefties start fighting with each other.
Someone mentioned "right-wing zealots" in an earlier topic. Yes, things are so much better with these "left-wing zealots" running the show. Too bad that a 3rd party can't make it in America. Whole Foods CEO John Mackey's article on the WSJ op-ed page had some very good ideas to improve health care, meaning they will never see the light of day. All he gets is a threat of a boycott.
The Democrats control every branch of government and yet they can't get anything done. It seems they are abandoning Cap and Trade for this year.
Republicans have absolutely no ideas. Not even bad ones. They have nothing to offer.
And no hope that a truly independent party can be a player.
But the idea that sandal-wearing, dope-smoking, non-bathers are going to boycott Whole Foods is a sign of hope.