I don't think they will be able to cover it up for much longer.
Although the explanation may not be so nefarious. Actually, it seems like every profound scientific observation, historical event, or theory is subject to detractors or is contested adamantly usually by individuals who do not really want to evaluate data or evidence. I am not referring to those who want to test theories or data. Rather, there seems to be a human need to resist certain concepts or thought processes that is more deeply seated or personal. People argue about the earth's flatness, the holocaust , evolution, vaccination programs, Area 51, etc.. Sometimes these arguments involve proving a negative and I have tried to find out what it would take to convince them-- usually those that advocate an unsubstantiated alternative view are often driven by a pre-existing religious or political prejudice that prevents objective evaluation of information.
The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan