Radanovich should learn that the enemy of his enemy may be his friend; though strange bedfellows, as he attempts to power broker his way through this political climate in Mariposa County.
He should know that some of the groups referred to as "other environmental groups", i.e. "Friends of Yosemite Valley" and "Mariposans for the Environment and Responsible Government" (MERG), a.k.a. “the litigants”, are in some cases (strange bedfellows) but friends of his enemy the local chapter of the Sierra Club in the litigation.
He minces his statements very carefully while trying hard to get on the good side of the park again, ground he lost a few years ago with the LeConte Memorial thing. By doing so, he doesn't seem to care that he alienates the very people who could help him.
Of course a lot depends upon the outcome of the litigation. Apparently he believes that the park may win the appeal. Personally, I doubt it. But, if the park’s appeal wins... “Katie bar the doors”, has been the term to describe what happens next when the park service moves forward with their construction plans, to "accommodate all who want to come". He will probably then get his two bridges as a token of the park's appreciation for this letter he wrote. Somehow it will happen, as government agencies seem to scratch each others back on local matters.
The Access Fund and the Alpine Club sided with the park service because of the promised Climbers Museum, and the Southern Sierra Miwok (SSM) side with them too for the park's promised "Yosemite Miwok Cultural Center" east of the Falls area, while their tribal chairman is a park service employee who knows which side of the bread his butter is on. And, Radanovich seems to be saying that he sides with commerce, and if commerce is a friend of the park, so be it, if it means more tour buses for Mariposa.
The park service power brokers for partners, while Radanovich distances himself from many of his own local constituents who are more environmental than he seems to understand. He probably believes that with or without the litigation, his interests and the park manager's seem to agree in their view that more people need to come to Yosemite.
The park service is not a friend of Radanovich's though, and never really has been. He should get that by now. His LeConte Memorial grenade negotiation fizzled of course, and left him on the outs with the park service.
Radanovich's power broker maneuvers change from year to year lately, as his priorities seem also to change with the wind; or, I should say the “rock fall”.
Get it together George. The park service is not your friend.
Post Edited (02-15-08 09:35)