YARTS will be starting its winter/spring schedule on November first. Schedules may be viewed at the YARTS stops or at http://www.YARTS.com. A few runs have been discontinued for this period. Also, please pay close attention to the new pick up times as the two early morning runs are a few minutes earlier than they had been on the fall schedule. Luckily this changes the day before the time change so though you'll have to get up 10 minutes early on November first, you'll be able to sleep in 50 minutes later starting November second.
As many of you may have noticed, Curry Village has been under construction lately and some of the areas have been inaccessible including the YARTS stop. This stop will temporarily be moved to shuttle stop #14 (in front of the apple orchard/campground office parking). We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this situation may have caused.