Yosemite Forum
March 10, 2009, noon to 1 PM in the Yosemite Valley Auditorium
Potential Vegetation Shifts in Yosemite Based on Climate Change
Dr. Dominique Bachelet, Oregon State University
Dr. Jeanne Panek, California Air Resources Board
Scientists from Yosemite National Park recently collaborated with climate and vegetation modeling specialists to apply a predictive dynamic vegetation model to the park's current vegetation. The purpose of this work is to predict how vegetation types in the park will shift and change in extent under various climate change scenarios. Dr. Dominique Bachelet and Dr. Jeanne Panek will present the results of this research, which uses predicted changes to precipitation and temperature to look 100 years into the future. The model predicts potential changes in the extent of vegetation types, snow cover, fire frequency, fuel loads, and runoff. The model predictions will allow Yosemite National Park to anticipate and prepare for potential changes to natural resources, physical processes, staff safety, and visitor experience.