Joshua Tree National Park, Twentynine Palms, CA–Superintendent David Smith has ordered temporary closures, under Title 36 Code of Federal Regulations, section 1.5(a)(1), for two historical and culturally sensitive sites in the park. The sites are Carey's Castle and the El Sid Mine. Recent press articles and social media postings have led to increased traffic to both areas and the disappearance of historic artifacts.
Carey's Castle:
Location: beginning from a point at the northwest corner at 3734950 x 620950 (UTM Zone 11N (NAD 83); thence in an easterly direction to a point at 3734950 x 622565 (NE corner); thence in a southerly direction to a point at 3729675 x 622500 (SE corner); thence in a westerly direction to a point at 3729675 x 620950 (SW corner); thence in a northerly direction to the original point at 3734950 x 620950 (starting point/NW corner).
El Sid Mine:
Location: beginning from a point at the south (southeast) corner at 3759191 x 658910 (UTM Zone 11N (NAD 83); thence to a point in a northerly direction at 3760750 x 658890 (east/NE corner); thence to a point in a northwesterly direction at 3673193 x 654025 (north/NW corner); thence to a point in a southerly direction at 3761195 x 654048 (west/SW corner); thence in a southeasterly direction to original point at 3759191 x 658910.
Superintendent Smith says, "We will look to reopen both sites when we're confident that we have the tools in place to effectively monitor the areas and prevent any further losses." The closures take effect immediately and will remain in effect until further notice.