The Hot Creek fishermen are obssessed! Ever try to talk to one? You can't. You're better off talking to hard-boiled egg shells, and there are plenty of those along the creek far more responsive than the guys with the barbless, baitless hooks.
I like the baitless hook idea, but that's only because I wouldn't catch anything and stink up my hands 8^).
I think for some the attraction of fishing is an excuse for getting out in the forest or wherever. As a kid, I fished (and hunted) but after growing up soon realized that what I really liked about it was the getting out in the forest, meadow, etc. at daybreak. If you catch something, then you have to clean it (or hunting, likewise), and it becomes work; and who wants to torture worms anyway. Plus, I'd rather be moving around, not sitting. I fished commercially for a few years and have never been sport fishing since, just can't get interested (don't eat much seafood either, for that matter 8^).
But some folks just get intense about whatever they do, whether it's fishing, driving (the ones who tailgate, cut in and out, when they don't even have any reason to hurry), taking photos (the ones with tons of gear), or hiking (bagging peaks, as opposed to enjoying your hike).
Yosemite Photo Galleries: http://www.pbase.com/roberthouse/yo