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Re: Tunnel View Photos

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avatar Tunnel View Photos
April 28, 2009 03:58PM
Ok, we have all stopped and taken pictures at Tunnel View. So post some of your favorites.

avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 28, 2009 04:55PM
Not exactly Tunnel View... but it's close...

Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 28, 2009 05:08PM
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 28, 2009 05:59PM
How in the hell did you get a permit to put that billboard up in the middle of the valley? It sure ruins the view.

Old Dude
Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 28, 2009 06:34PM
Sorry about it... I have had too many pictures ripped off in the past. I'm scared to put a picture online any more.
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 28, 2009 06:37PM
Bob Weaver
Sorry about it... I have had too many pictures ripped off in the past. I'm scared to put a picture online any more.

Timely copyright registration can be your friend. Then you can get statutory damages for the ripping off.
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 28, 2009 07:20PM
This was taken about 1/2 above Tunnel View (I wanted something a little different) It was taken Feb 22 2009

avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 28, 2009 07:21PM
Have you thawed yet?
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 28, 2009 07:45PM
Have you thawed yet?

No! Remember, this is the girl that wears a turtleneck in 70 degreee weather...BRRRRRRRRR! I thought that I would freeze to death waiting for that darned Firefall

avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 28, 2009 08:47PM
Have you thawed yet?

No! Remember, this is the girl that wears a turtleneck in 70 degreee weather...BRRRRRRRRR! I thought that I would freeze to death waiting for that darned Firefall


Nature, to bee commanded, must bee obeyed.
Francis Bacon

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 28, 2009 09:12PM
Frank Furter
Have you thawed yet?

No! Remember, this is the girl that wears a turtleneck in 70 degreee weather...BRRRRRRRRR! I thought that I would freeze to death waiting for that darned Firefall


Nature, to bee commanded, must bee obeyed.
Francis Bacon

Very nice; I like it.

I love the outdoors and the peacefulness of a winter landscape, but I have zero tolerance to the cold.

Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 28, 2009 08:39PM

The sunset-appearing color on the rocks is actually from the sun being filtered through the smoke from the Wawona area prescribed fire last October.

Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 29, 2009 01:55PM
That photo makes it look like Zion National Park.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2009 01:56PM by Bob Weaver.
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 28, 2009 10:26PM
My apologies... this wasn't at Tunnel View either. (the other one I posted was from Inspiration Pt.)

But I was in my sleepy bag when I took this one...

avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 28, 2009 11:10PM
And let's not forget the dark side:

avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 29, 2009 08:43AM
And let's not forget the dark side:

I prefer the selective memory approach!B)

avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 29, 2009 12:27PM
Last time we drove through here my wife asked if we should stop. I said "no way". We had followed a very slow camper all the way from Glacier Point who refused to pull over. He finally pulled off to stop at the tunnel overlook and I wanted no more to do with him or the multitude of bodies milling about from 3 busses. I was on the dark side without even getting out of the car.

avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 29, 2009 12:36PM
We had followed a very slow camper all the way from Glacier Point who refused to pull over. He finally pulled off to stop at the tunnel overlook and I wanted no more to do with him

Yeah, I can understand that. And these days (in my dotage) if I stop, I'm likely to go say something to the driver.
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 29, 2009 05:31PM

And these days (in my dotage) if I stop, I'm likely to go say something to the driver.

When does dotage officially begin? Is it around the time when it takes one week recovery for every weekend spent hiking?

avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 29, 2009 05:39PM
It begins when.......I forget when it begins.

Oh wait, I remember now: http://yosemitenews.info/forum/read.php?1,7451,7451#msg-7451

Old Dude

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2009 05:42PM by mrcondron.
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 29, 2009 05:55PM
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 29, 2009 10:28PM
When does dotage officially begin? Is it around the time when it takes one week recovery for every weekend spent hiking?


Only week? You are so young.
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 30, 2009 12:27PM

Dotage begins early in life, you know, when we stop reading the back sides of cereal boxes. By that measure you may already be there!

avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 30, 2009 05:27PM

Dotage begins early in life, you know, when we stop reading the back sides of cereal boxes. By that measure you may already be there!


Would that be like the time I tossed the Bran Flakes back on the shelf, and chose the Captain Crunch, instead???

avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 29, 2009 06:26AM
>let's not forget the dark side

Huh? I thought many of us were already there?
(btw... the Wife says anyone who goes on those forums are a bunch of geeks)
(but... when I show her a thread shes always rolling on the floor)
(she's a poop head sometimes.. smiling smiley )

This belongs in another thread...
but noone noticed something on the top of El. Cap in my picture above...

Here's the view using the Hostess Cupcake super Zoom:

avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 29, 2009 06:37AM
I noticed it but was packing up for 'Gilroy. No picture on your last post.

Old Dude
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 29, 2009 11:39AM
(btw... the Wife says anyone who goes on those forums are a bunch of geeks)

And the problem with that is?
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 29, 2009 01:34PM
(btw... the Wife says anyone who goes on those forums are a bunch of geeks)

And the problem with that is?

Um... I ain't got a problem.... you got a problem?

I just said to her "all the time I waste goofing on the forum is time I'm not bugging the crap out of you".
(she's a big fan of the forum now... smiling smiley )
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 29, 2009 10:24PM
I just said to her "all the time I waste goofing on the forum is time I'm not bugging the crap out of you".
(she's a big fan of the forum now... smiling smiley )

Fantastic move!
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 29, 2009 09:01PM
(btw... the Wife says anyone who goes on those forums are a bunch of geeks)

And the problem with that is?

I met lotsa really fun guys in the Rocket Club!grinning smiley

avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 29, 2009 10:29PM
I met lotsa really fun guys in the Rocket Club!grinning smiley

Like when the mushroom got turned down for a date? "I don't understand it. I'm a fun guy!"
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 29, 2009 07:52AM
If pict doesn't show I don't know. I triple checked the link. And saw it on the wifes computer.
So... dunno..

Picture is here:

Guess I'll check at work if it shows there.. ??
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 29, 2009 03:16PM
Perhaps the worst Tunnel View Photo ever taken (I don't even know those people):

Should I copyright this photo??
At least the pine tree is in focus.

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/29/2009 03:26PM by Frank Furter.
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 30, 2009 07:39AM
Hmm... and I get the bad rep?

Here's the "new" view... and.. I don't know any of these people either.
I asked them to get out of the picture but..

And if you want to copy it... go crazy... anything in picasa is reduced quality and will
suck even more than any of the poo I take... (oops... I think I'm not allowed to mention
poo anymore)

avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 30, 2009 05:57PM

Here's the "new" view... and.. I don't know any of these people either.
I asked them to get out of the picture but....... anything in picasa is reduced quality and will
suck even more than any of the poo I take... (oops... I think I'm not allowed to mention
poo anymore)

I would say that you have revealed, better than I was able to capture in my Tunnel View, a subtle play of light and dark, civilization and civil engineering, wilderness and wideness, obesity and asthenia; the images in the photo symbolically represents man's inhumanity to man balanced against man's inhumanity toward nature. No man is an island yet we are all islands in the sea of wilderness to the extent that the products of man's creation (roads and guardrails) allow us to intrude into the wilds of Yosemite. We are drawn toward the magnetic magnificence of the Valley, yet held back by the stone wall of our own creation.

How is that for too much education?
Who needs poo when we have so much BS ?

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 30, 2009 06:19PM
Frank Furter

I would say that you have revealed, better than I was able to capture in my Tunnel View, a subtle play of light and dark, civilization and civil engineering, wilderness and wideness, obesity and asthenia; the images in the photo symbolically represents man's inhumanity to man balanced against man's inhumanity toward nature. No man is an island yet we are all islands in the sea of wilderness to the extent that the products of man's creation (roads and guardrails) allow us to intrude into the wilds of Yosemite. We are drawn toward the magnetic magnificence of the Valley, yet held back by the stone wall of our own creation.

How is that for too much education?
Who needs poo when we have so much BS ?

Is this from the guy that doesn't like poetry? wink
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 30, 2009 06:28PM

Is this from the guy that doesn't like poetry? wink

Not so much dislike as dis-understand.
My poetic license has expired.

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
Re: Tunnel View Photos
May 03, 2009 02:22PM
Well-written, but it's not the same mood I came across at Tunnel View a year ago... I had seen photos for decades but when we came out of the tunnel I gasped and literally couldn't speak for 30 seconds. Not just the shock of recognition of famous landmarks but the sudden entry into "another world." Like we all had stumbled on a Shangri-La and were still marveling about it. Among the people at the viewpoint that morning, there was a general feeling of awe and discovery... I didn't feel any of the negative things expressed about Tunnel View in other posts of this thread. I was thankful that this particular road and viewpoint was constructed, so that my 90-year-old mother in her wheelchair could also experience it along with everyone else.

avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 30, 2009 07:41AM
Since we're doing Zion...
I DO know this guy ... we hiked to the top of Angels Landing w/the wifie and my sis.

He has always wanted to go to Yosemite... maybe this year.
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 30, 2009 05:59PM
That's it!

I knew I should have hired you to write the brochure for "Loch Tablae"!

avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 30, 2009 07:45PM
It's ironic how we despise all these people cluttering up the tunnel view when we in fact have all been in their place at one time or another, at least on our first trip to the valley. We still hate ourselves for it. What a hoot!

avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 30, 2009 08:10PM
Jim, I don't despise them. I hope I didn't come off that way.
I was just joking. The new view is really nice and there is plenty of space...
I guess before I sorta despised the people with the huge tripods with them
that would glare at you if you got close to the tripod and yet there was
very little room before because of the trees in the way...
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 30, 2009 08:40PM
I guess before I sorta despised the people with the huge tripods with them

I need it for the huge camera.


that would glare at you if you got close to the tripod

Ok, that's not me. I don't glare (unless you are littering!).
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 30, 2009 08:46PM
The new view is really nice and there is plenty of space...
very little room before because of the trees in the way...

Those annoying trees!!!
I have really enjoyed the "typical" tourist stuff in all the National Parks I have visited (except the inevitable ranger monologues about not feeding the bears before ranger talks). Tim Cahill's book "Lost in My Own Backyard" has a good essay about remembering to do the "touristy" stuff in Yellowstone.

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/30/2009 08:50PM by Frank Furter.
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
May 01, 2009 11:59AM

Despise was a very poor choice of word. What I meant is that when we are part of the crowd, it's O.K. Otherwise, we are those unique back country folks who don't do that touristy thing all over the place. You know,------messy, littering, loud, flip flops, cell phones, ipods, flat earthers in each other's way, etc.

avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
May 01, 2009 02:25PM

..., flat earthers, etc.




Some years ago, I was seriously considering joining the Flat Earth Society. Thought that it would make a nice addition to my resume. Affiliations - American Physical Society, The Electrochemical Society, American Vacuum Society, Flat Earth Society....
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
May 01, 2009 02:34PM
Some years ago, I was seriously considering joining the Flat Earth Society. Thought that it would make a nice addition to my resume. Affiliations - American Physical Society, The Electrochemical Society, American Vacuum Society, Flat Earth Society....

Are you saying you have tenure?
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 30, 2009 08:24PM
It's ironic how we despise all these people cluttering up the tunnel view when we in fact have all been in their place at one time or another, at least on our first trip to the valley. We still hate ourselves for it. What a hoot!


nope, nope...never did it...not me...not gonna do it...wouln't be prudent...!wink

(Same goes for Glacier Pt...that was my evil Grinning Devil>twin<Grinning Devil blocking all the good spots)

(I heard she does the same thing on the Rim Trail)

Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 30, 2009 09:43PM
Well when I was at Tunnel View there was a happy atmosphere there, everyone seemed to be (like me) kind of spellbound by the view. I don't recall it as being unpleasant. I think Yosemite Valley kind of casts a spell over people, people are in their best moods there. At least that was my impression. It was 63 degrees and breezy when I was there. Maybe on a hot, crowded summer day it's different.
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 30, 2009 09:47PM
A little before 9 AM and I had it all to myself:

I think I'm going to miss those trees!
Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 30, 2009 09:49PM
great photo
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
April 30, 2009 09:53PM
Bob Weaver
great photo

Thanks. It was just a magic time and there I was all alone.
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
May 01, 2009 11:59AM
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
May 01, 2009 07:13PM

How come no one has mentioned this great photo? This image is very captivating. Can you see half dome? Look closely. Look how El Cap is balanced by Bridelveil Fall. Think how much is obscured by the clouds, yet how much we still see. There is tremendous depth of field. Not totally unique, but given the limitation of the geographic location, this is a very engaging photo. I am also impressed that the image looks like a black and white A. Adams scene, then suddenly you realize that it is in color. Very nice!

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
May 01, 2009 07:17PM
Frank Furter
How come no one has mentioned this great photo?

Because I'm jealous! Grinning Devil
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
May 01, 2009 08:08PM
Frank Furter

How come no one has mentioned this great photo? This image is very captivating. Can you see half dome? Look closely. Look how El Cap is balanced by Bridelveil Fall. Think how much is obscured by the clouds, yet how much we still see. There is tremendous depth of field. Not totally unique, but given the limitation of the geographic location, this is a very engaging photo. I am also impressed that the image looks like a black and white A. Adams scene, then suddenly you realize that it is in color. Very nice!

Prop 8 photo.
Very marriage. Bridalveil.
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
May 01, 2009 08:40PM
Prop 8 photo.
Very marriage. Bridalveil.
A gay marriage of El Cap and Half Dome? I took that for granite.

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
Re: Tunnel View Photos
May 01, 2009 11:05PM
That is a fantastic shot no doubt. I've never seen one quite like that one. Thanks for sharing...whoever shared it.
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
May 01, 2009 02:50PM
A video and photos driving through the tunnel might be in order.

I mean the view OF the tunnel.

I like gearing down and rumbling that V-8 through the echo chamber.

To Do list #86
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
May 01, 2009 06:02PM
Here are all the photos I have of Tunnel View, all from March 2005. It was at sunset the night of the day I bought my new Canon G6. Have fun! (Click the photo and it takes you to the web page)

avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
May 01, 2009 08:33PM
I love the photo. I was going to post that you win... hands down.
I have no idea what Vince is saying.
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
May 01, 2009 11:14PM
I'm still trying to get good bad weather of the right type.

avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
May 02, 2009 12:00AM
Thanks for all the compliments everybody! I took the photo two summers ago but just converted it from RAW earlier this afternoon. I was amazed that Photomatix (great program if you guys haven't tried it) was able to pull out details in the bright sky and in the shadowy valley floor. Modern cameras and respective processing software amazes me.
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
May 02, 2009 06:21AM
ME (Master Eeeeeek), this one has your trees in it. smiling smiley

Was thinking of posting one of Mike in it... but then I might end up getting another Elephant photo back at me...

Probably only got maybe 20 photos of Tunnel View... so I'm nearing the end. It's one of those place like
El Cap meadow where I usually say "I need to go and spend ALOT of time here... not just 10 minutes".
avatar Re: Tunnel View Photos
May 02, 2009 03:05PM
Ok, we have all stopped and taken pictures at Tunnel View. So post some of your favorites.

over the edge!
Re: Tunnel View Photos
May 02, 2009 04:42PM
After Thanksgiving to check out the improvements. I miss the trees.
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