David, why do you say,
"Taxes MUST be raised"? You're joking, right? Raise them 100% and I guarantee that you will still have the same $21 Billion dollar deficit. Or more. The politicians in Sacramento will spend all that you give them, and then some. Raising taxes is not going to balance the CA budget. Heck, California is already one of the highest taxed states in the USA. If high taxes were the answer, CA would have a surplus.
Those of us who live in the other 49 states just sit back and laugh UNTIL you want us to guarantee your loans. If Californians want their $9 billion dollar high-speed rail, go for it. If you want to have the the cleanest air and only ride 10-speed bikes or drive Priuses, we admire you for that. If you want to drive all the businesses out of the state, that's okay. If you want to have confiscatory tax rates that drive the working class out of the state leaving only those who pay little or no taxes, we like that too. We need your good jobs in our states. So please keep driving the wage earners out of CA by raising taxes ever higher. If Villaraigosa and Newsom want to establish "sanctuary cities" where the laws of the USA are not enforced, that's okay by me. I'd rather have all the illegal immigrants in your state and not mine, (I know, in CA you call them "undocumented citizens", but you know what I mean...) We can't afford to give them free health care and welfare in our states. We're close to broke, too...just not by $21 Billion.
So we're good for all the things that you get when you vote for these same buffoons over and over...Republican or Democrat. The teacher's unions and SEIU control almost everything in California and the legislature is not going to take them on if it means a legislater losing his/her job. Arnold tried to cut a few bucks out of SEIU contracts and Obama threatens to pull all of the CA stimulus money. So there is no hope in making cuts. Just more spending.
But don't ask those of us who don't have the warm weather, nice beaches, and wonderful mountains to pay for your toys. It takes a lot of gall for Arnold to say California is going to "lead the way" for the rest of the country and then asks the rest of the country to pay for his brilliant leadership. (Gray Davis now seems like Einstein compared to Arnold.) It's easy to propose all these wonderful things for California if Arnold can get ALL U.S. taxpayers to guarantee the loans. Count me out, please.
By the way, before anyone jumps on me about "illegal immigrants", I would gladly roll out the red carpet for anyone who gets in line and comes here legally. I know even using the term "illegal immigrant" makes me a white, racist, bigot from flyover country, but I am not. I just think coming in through the front door is the right way to do it. Living in the shadows can't be much fun for any family. Allowing businesses to keep these people in the shadows to keep their wages low is morally wrong.
Sorry for the long post, I just hate giving more to Caesar than to my family and I don't believe raising taxes is the answer. I would love to tell my boss "You MUST raise my salary" similar to David saying we MUST raise taxes. But I'm pretty sure my boss would tell me to go back to work and make some cuts...because he doesn't have any more to give me. As taxpayers we are all tapped out. Drive more wage earners and businesses out of CA with higher taxes and see what happens. Those sucking from the public trough will soon find the pickings even slimmer.
More on topic, most times I would agree with Vince - "pay to play." If it costs $69 to maintain a state park for my use, then I should have to pay $69. But there must be some exceptions and I think our wild areas should be some. I don't want a few rich people roping off Yosemite, Yellowstone, or other national treasures to themselves. And they would, if they could. There should be some places set aside for all to enjoy at a reasonable cost. As John Muir so eloquently said...
"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul."