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Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action

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avatar Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
May 29, 2009 05:17AM
Judge: Children's Pool Seals Must Leave La Jolla
City Has Two Weeks To Come Up With Removal Plan

POSTED: 11:12 am PDT May 27, 2009
UPDATED: 6:44 pm PDT May 28, 2009

SAN DIEGO -- A Superior Court judge Wednesday gave the city of San Diego two weeks to devise a plan to disperse harbor seals from the Children's Pool in La Jolla, saying he wasn't convinced a federal order prohibiting removal of the animals was still in effect.
Confirming a tentative ruling, San Diego County Superior Court Judge Yuri Hoffman said the law requires the removal and dispersal of the seals from the area. He scheduled a June 15 status conference to discuss ways of doing it. (cut)

Cynic says: I have been following this story with some curosity as it will certainly result in a conflict between recreational, real estate, state, federal, and conservation/animal rights issues.

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
May 29, 2009 09:15AM
The Children's Pool needs more cleanup than just seal crap. It's a broken concrete and rebar mess.

I'm a native San Diegan, BTW...soooo glad to dump SoCal in favor of NW Nevada...
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
May 29, 2009 10:58AM
I declare that Vince is not a crazy person.

Old Dude
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
May 29, 2009 11:09AM
San Diego has the most nearly perfect weather in the continental US and salt water beaches; Nevada is almost entirely beach but no water; snow even in Las Vegas; and smoking in public places. Hmmmmm?

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
May 29, 2009 12:05PM
Frank Furter
San Diego has the most nearly perfect weather in the continental US and salt water beaches; Nevada is almost entirely beach but no water; snow even in Las Vegas; and smoking in public places. Hmmmmm?

Las Vegas is not in Nevada.

When I get home today I'll send you some pictures of Nevada. The real one.
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
May 29, 2009 12:39PM
I've spent some time in Carson City and Vince is absolutely correct. That whole section of the state, Reno, Sparks, Carson, Minden area, Spooner Lake area, Tahoe Rim Trail, Carson River, Washoe Lake Area, Virginia City, the hills all around, with plenty of springs by the way, is a wonderful place. Hardly "desert".

Old Dude

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2009 12:40PM by mrcondron.
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
May 29, 2009 01:08PM
And then there is Area 51, Groom Lake Air Base, which of course does not exist except on Google Earth. Definitely desert but only the creepy secretive type live there. No seals. Well, maybe the two legged type on occasion.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2009 01:09PM by tomdisco.
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
May 29, 2009 01:13PM
And then there is Area 51, Groom Lake Air Base, which of course does not exist except on Google Earth. Definitely desert but only the creepy secretive type live there. No seals. Well, maybe the two legged type on occasion.


avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
May 29, 2009 06:46PM

So you got too close and they confiscated your bronco?

Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
May 29, 2009 07:59PM
That Children's Pool has become kind of a local attraction because of the seals. We go to La Jolla frequently and there is always a line of people along the wall looking down at them. People who want to swim generally go to La Jolla Cove just a short distance to the north, and much prettier in my opinion.

Children's pool:

La Jolla Cove:

avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
June 23, 2009 09:10PM
Bill to harbor assembled Harbour Seals passes Assembly Committee.


The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/23/2009 09:12PM by Frank Furter.
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
June 23, 2009 09:14PM
Frank Furter
Bill to harbor assembled Harbour Seals passes Assembly Committee.


I guess they have nothing better to do while waiting for the state to shut down. clock
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
May 29, 2009 11:15PM
Thank you for the pix, Bob; I have only been to San Diego once, so I am completely unfamiliar with the area that the article refers to. My dad loves the Carson City area and much preferred Nevada to California, and we spent so much time in Nevada that my sister eventually settled there. I think that Las Vegas seems more of an extention of S Cal than part of Nevada.
Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
May 30, 2009 06:46AM
I don't like Las Vegas at all. During the "Rat Pack" era it had some style to it, and I remember stopping there with my family to eat lunch on our way to Colorado in 1968 and 1972, and it still had that classic Las Vegas look, very spread-out, spacious, with dazzling neon signs, big flat lawns, much simpler than now, but it was nice. In the last 30 years they have built so many huge buildings and extra features that it's turned into a kind of adult Disneyland but it's garish, tacky, loud, annoying, crowded and expensive. So the "real" Las Vegas is long gone in my opinion.
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
May 30, 2009 09:32AM
Bob Weaver
I don't like Las Vegas at all. During the "Rat Pack" era it had some style to it, and I remember stopping there with my family to eat lunch on our way to Colorado in 1968 and 1972, and it still had that classic Las Vegas look, very spread-out, spacious, with dazzling neon signs, big flat lawns, much simpler than now, but it was nice. In the last 30 years they have built so many huge buildings and extra features that it's turned into a kind of adult Disneyland but it's garish, tacky, loud, annoying, crowded and expensive. So the "real" Las Vegas is long gone in my opinion.

That's why I said it isn't in Nevada anymore, it should be ceded to California since that's all it is anyway (how else do you explain Harry Reid?)

Anyway, I'll give you a full page of last week's road trip to Northern Nevada as soon as it's done. I have to resize dozens of photos so Bee doesn't have to sit there all night...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/30/2009 09:33AM by Vince.
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
May 30, 2009 09:45AM
Thank you!

Busy Bee
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
June 23, 2009 09:15PM
The question is how much money it's going to cost San Diego. Cheaper to chase out the seals? Cheaper to keep the children away? How about let it go back to nature, is that cheaper, too? The Children's Pool, basically, is in the middle of a metropolitan area. The state is broke, the county can't be doing any better. Leave things be? Life after humans? No wonder I moved away from that godforsaken place. (thanks for the diversion, btw)
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
June 23, 2009 09:16PM
The question is how much money it's going to cost San Diego. Cheaper to chase out the seals?

Money isn't everything.
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
June 23, 2009 09:22PM
The question is how much money it's going to cost San Diego. Cheaper to chase out the seals?

Money isn't everything.

I understand that, and I agree.

I haven't been to the children's (aka seals') pool in a long time, like when I was a kid in SD 40 years ago, I understand it's now a stinky swamp of critter poop. If San Diego decides the seals are a health hazard, then the decision is obvious.
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
June 23, 2009 09:26PM
f San Diego decides the seals are a health hazard, then the decision is obvious.

Here's what's obvious: if poop is bad for you, don't swim in it.
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
June 23, 2009 09:32PM
I think the thrust of the legislation will allow the seals to remain and eliminate a conflict between regulations of state,federal and local agencies posed by their occupation of the beach.

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
June 23, 2009 09:33PM
If San Diego decides the seals are a health hazard, then the decision is obvious.

Here's what's obvious: if poop is bad for you, don't swim in it.

Agreed. I also understand that the seals can be aggressive and will bite you if approached. Sound familiar?

To get rid of the seals or not to get rid of the seals. I wonder how California/San Diego/La Jolla will decide this one. I watch from afar.
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
July 13, 2009 04:48PM

Seal meat becomes tasty delicacy in Canada after Europe bans imports: report
Wednesday, July 1st 2009, 12:25 PM

{ image }
Harp seals rest on ice floes near the Gulf of Saint Lawrence in Canada.

Seal meat has become a tourist attraction in some of the nation's fine restarurants after an import ban in Europe.

It's a controversial dish that gets the seal of approval from many satisfied diners.
Seal meat - from the same snuggly-looking sea mammals that are a pet cause of animal activists - is quite the culinary delicacy north of the border, where it's served up seared and rare in fine restaurants, much like a loin of beef, The New York Times reports.

The "handful" of restaurants in Canada that serve seal have become unexpected tourist attractions, thanks to a European Union ban on imports of commercially caught Canadian seal products, the Times article states........

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
July 29, 2009 02:14PM
The continuing saga of San Diego vs the harbor seals of La Jolla:

Audio files of dog barking recordings for seal abatement plan released:


The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
March 28, 2010 05:23PM

City To Decide How To Manage La Jolla’s Children’s Pool

Activists for and against making the La Jolla Children’s Pool a seal sanctuary will be out in force this afternoon. A city council committee will consider how to manage humans and seals so they can coexist. ...

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
avatar Re: Seals Loitering in La Jolla Lashed by Legal Action
July 01, 2009 07:02PM
It could be worse:

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