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Re: Summer Hot, Summer Cold,and Summer In-Between Swimming Holes of the Sierra

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avatar Summer Hot, Summer Cold,and Summer In-Between Swimming Holes of the Sierra
July 05, 2009 08:36PM
Although the first couple weeks of June were unusually cool, the sun has finally turned up the thermostat a few notches and it looks like summer is officially here! With last week’s temperatures soaring above the 100-degree barrier and sunny skies and 90-degree days forecasted for this Fourth of July weekend, it is the perfect opportunity to start seeking out the soothing waters of the Sierra.

avatar Re: Summer Hot, Summer Cold,and Summer In-Between Swimming Holes of the Sierra
July 05, 2009 08:56PM
Noone is gonna read this.
All you could hear were the crickets when I posted the "Chick-on adventures: piscinas del paraíso" thread.

Here was my swimming hole last week (although Mike will not believe I spent 1/2 hour in the water).
(ok, it took me about 20 minutes to get all the way in...)

My clothes were purrrrty stanky at this point (5th day)... so in I went...

avatar Re: Summer Hot, Summer Cold,and Summer In-Between Swimming Holes of the Sierra
July 05, 2009 11:00PM
Noone is gonna read this.

Who is this "Noone" person?
avatar Re: Summer Hot, Summer Cold,and Summer In-Between Swimming Holes of the Sierra
July 06, 2009 01:56AM
Are those Chick-on bubbles surfacing at the very bottom of the photo (about 1/3 of the distance across, measured from the left-hand edge)?
avatar Re: Summer Hot, Summer Cold,and Summer In-Between Swimming Holes of the Sierra
July 06, 2009 11:15AM
A rare photo of the Loch Tabla Gabhar.

Old Dude
avatar Re: Summer Hot, Summer Cold,and Summer In-Between Swimming Holes of the Sierra
July 06, 2009 02:26PM
A rare photo of the Loch Tabla Gabhar.

Mike, some day I'm going to actually visit Table lake and take a gazillion photos and post them here so they will no longer be rare. Head roll

avatar Re: Summer Hot, Summer Cold,and Summer In-Between Swimming Holes of the Sierra
July 06, 2009 03:33PM
Three routes in:

1. Start at Hetch Hetchy and go east past Rancheria Falls and up and over to Pleasant Valley and then to a short hop to the Lake. Do this in mid to late August when it is the hottest and driest for a higher appreciation of the lake itself.

2. Start at White Wolf and go down to Pate Valley and head east. Just past the footbridge turn left and go up the Switchbacks From Hell. At the junction go about 1.5 miles north to the lake. Do this in the same time frame as in route one.

3. Down the Tuolumne River to Pate valley. Turn right just before the footbridge and up the SFH. See above.

Once there take pictures. Your anger, loathing, and desire for someones blood will get you back to the trailhead without any noticeable effort.

Old Dude
avatar Re: Summer Hot, Summer Cold,and Summer In-Between Swimming Holes of the Sierra
July 06, 2009 03:36PM
What was that word?

avatar Re: Summer Hot, Summer Cold,and Summer In-Between Swimming Holes of the Sierra
July 06, 2009 03:56PM
What was that word?


It was cornhobble.
avatar Re: Summer Hot, Summer Cold,and Summer In-Between Swimming Holes of the Sierra
July 06, 2009 04:01PM

Old Dude
avatar Re: Summer Hot, Summer Cold,and Summer In-Between Swimming Holes of the Sierra
July 06, 2009 04:03PM

avatar Re: Summer Hot, Summer Cold,and Summer In-Between Swimming Holes of the Sierra
July 06, 2009 04:04PM
Hmm... it is ture...
I do want to smack the crumudgeon with a Loch Tablae Fish...

Very interesting...
avatar Re: Summer Hot, Summer Cold,and Summer In-Between Swimming Holes of the Sierra
July 06, 2009 07:02AM
Chick-on only likes to get his feet wet.
(chick-on was complaining about the stink so the handler went for a dip)

(Chick-on at Surprise Lake)

[aside: I knows I spelts no-one's wrongs... I just toos lazie to corrects it.. and me no likey the "Edited" line in posties]
avatar Re: Summer Hot, Summer Cold,and Summer In-Between Swimming Holes of the Sierra
July 06, 2009 08:49AM
South Yuba River State Park, just north of the covered bridge.

Swimming hole. Get there before the state shuts it.

No photos...go get your own.
avatar Re: Summer Hot, Summer Cold,and Summer In-Between Swimming Holes of the Sierra
July 06, 2009 04:17PM
South Yuba River State Park, just north of the covered bridge.

Swimming hole. Get there before the state shuts it.

No photos...go get your own.

State doesn't own this one (and it's good in winter):

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