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Re: Hiking Glen Aulin end of August

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Hiking Glen Aulin end of August
July 06, 2009 10:21PM
Well I have confirmed reservations for the end of August. I plan to stay the night at the backpackers camp and then hike back out. I may try to hike a little further just to see more. I would welcome any hints or tips on things to do or not do and what to look for to get the most out of the hike. Thanks
Re: Hiking Glen Aulin end of August
July 06, 2009 10:47PM
If you are going to Glen Aulin, day hike the extra 3 miles or so to the base of waterwheel falls, going past California & Le Conte falls. Unfortunately, late August is not the best time to see the falls in all their glory, but there might be some decent flow left. That area is really at its best in spring.
Re: Hiking Glen Aulin end of August
July 08, 2009 10:14PM
This addition has been tempting me. I am just not sure that the additional 1000ft climb back out will be doable for me at this point. However, I will be back.
avatar Re: Hiking Glen Aulin end of August
July 08, 2009 10:26PM
This addition has been tempting me. I am just not sure that the additional 1000ft climb back out will be doable for me at this point. However, I will be back.

Save it for a spring trip. The river will be quite low.
Re: Hiking Glen Aulin end of August
July 09, 2009 06:08PM
I would like to plan a return trip when I can stay longer. I only have Sat. and Sun. this trip. Thanks
avatar Re: Hiking Glen Aulin end of August
July 09, 2009 07:27PM
Consider looking at this thread from this forum on Glen Aulin


The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
Re: Hiking Glen Aulin end of August
July 09, 2009 10:00PM
Very nice. This trail was suggested to me as mile for mile the most scenic in Yosemite.
avatar Re: Hiking Glen Aulin end of August
July 09, 2009 11:12PM
Very nice. This trail was suggested to me as mile for mile the most scenic in Yosemite.

Just remember it'll be pretty much dry at the end of August. This was taken at the beginning of August:

And the same general area at the beginning of July:

And the falls at Glen Aulin (probably in June sometime in the 1970s):

avatar Re: Hiking Glen Aulin end of August
July 09, 2009 10:10PM
We did the west side approach from Pot Hole Dome a few weeks ago, and I enjoyed it very much (it was really nice to bypass the crowds and mule deuces on the way in)
Re: Hiking Glen Aulin end of August
July 10, 2009 06:25PM
I had read or heard that because it was river flow rather than just snow melt the water level was ok late in the season. I made a trip to Tuolumne Meadows and checked out the ins and outs of making the hike. This will get me familiar with more of the area and I will return next spring with enough time to do it right. The round trip using both sides of the river sounds like a good plan.
avatar Re: Hiking Glen Aulin end of August
July 10, 2009 06:50PM
I had read or heard that because it was river flow rather than just snow melt the water level was ok late in the season.

I guess that depends on what "ok" means. There is water all year long; it's quite low and slow late in the summer.
Re: Hiking Glen Aulin end of August
August 30, 2009 09:39PM
Well I made it in and back. I only went as far as Glen Aulin and I had a great time. I hope to return next year when the water is higher and I have enough time to go all the way to Waterwheel Falls. This was my very first overnight backpack trip at the age of 50. It is something I have long wanted to do. One thing I know for sure is I need lighter gear if I want to go farther next time.

The falls at Glen Aulin

There was fire in the sky.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/30/2009 09:51PM by traildad.
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