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Tuolumne Meadows and Lembert Dome during a summer storm, Yosemite National Park

The Moon is Waxing Crescent (12% of Full)


Re: Oh, Ranger! Why is Yosemite National Park in flames?

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avatar Oh, Ranger! Why is Yosemite National Park in flames?
July 10, 2009 04:27PM
Yosemite Valley, with its polished granite domes, chiseled ridges, towering waterfalls and alpine meadows, “Is always a sunrise, a glitter of green and golden wonder in a vast edifice of stone and space.” (Ansel Adams) Or at least it should be, except when it’s shrouded in smoke from the Grouse Creek (three miles southwest of Yosemite Valley) and the Harden fires (thirteen miles north of Yosemite Valley).

avatar Re: Oh, Ranger! Why is Yosemite National Park in flames?
July 10, 2009 04:45PM
Penelope Pitstop... pinup girl of the RV crowd?
avatar Re: Oh, Ranger! Why is Yosemite National Park in flames?
July 11, 2009 03:36PM
Penelope Pitstop... pinup girl of the RV crowd?

avatar Re: Oh, Ranger! Why is Yosemite National Park in flames?
July 11, 2009 04:07PM
Thanks Rick. I had checked out Justin's link to Penelope.

Actually, I’ve been waiting for someone to point out to Justin that his choice of the words ‘elevation’ and ‘high’ in the following sentence excerpts are rather non-standard usage, at least as far as American English is concerned:

“Glacier point’s 3,214 foot elevation provides a stunning….”

“…and watch the climbers on the 7,569 foot high granite face of El Capitan from the valley below!”

[I would especially expect that the latter information would be a bit distressing to anyone currently on the wall... although the RVers would probably not be fazed in the least.]

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/11/2009 04:18PM by szalkowski.
Re: Oh, Ranger! Why is Yosemite National Park in flames?
July 12, 2009 08:25AM
I apologise for sounding churlish, but I fear you are losing all perspective. The point is not whether the article was written in American-English (no such language exists), but whether it was interesting and informative to the reader. Isn't it our duty as a writer to try to share the beauty of Yosemite with as wide an audience as possible? I write, for good or ill, in the Queen's English, and frankly doubt that a climber will be "Twitting" my pieces from the face of El Capitan. The inclusion of humour (notice the use of the "U" as the English are not so indolent as to drop letters that seem troublesome to us) within articles is, strangely enough, a well known device used by writer's to hold the attention of their readers. I did immensely enjoy the video clip of Penelope Pitstop though my favourite (there's that "U" again) was Dick Dastardly and his indomitable sidekick "Mutley" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLSIU9BG41U.

Kind Regards,

Julian (apparently aka Justin).
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