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Park Archeologist Laura Kirn Wins Prestigious Award from Goucher College

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avatar Park Archeologist Laura Kirn Wins Prestigious Award from Goucher College
July 11, 2009 03:52PM
Yosemite National Park Archeologist Laura Kirn Wins Prestigious Award from Goucher College
Date: July 10, 2009

Yosemite National Park Archeologist Laura Kirn was selected as the 2009 winner of the Goucher College Master of Arts in Historic Preservation Alumnae Prize (MAHP) as the outstanding first year student in the historic preservation graduate program. Kirn was selected by a committee of alumnae from Goucher College. Specifically, Kirn was recognized for her academic paper entitled "Historic Preservation in a Multicultural United States." Goucher is a private college located in Baltimore, Maryland.

“We are very proud that Laura has received this significant award given by her graduate school peers. We have long known what great work Laura does for the National Park Service and it is gratifying that she is being recognized by this prestigious college in this manner,” said Dr. Niki Nicholas, Chief of Resources Management and Sciences at Yosemite National Park.

The Master of Arts in Historic Preservation Alumnae Prize was established in 2002 by the first two graduates of the MAHP Program to encourage and reward an outstanding first year historic preservation graduate student. It is given each year for the best term paper in Introduction to Historic Preservation. The Alumnae Prize for 2008 was $750.

Kirn, who is a 1981 graduate of Mariposa County High School, holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Anthropology from Santa Clara University, and currently works for the National Park Service in Yosemite as the Branch Chief for Anthropology and Archeology in the Division of Resources Management and Science.
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