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Re: Twin Peaks Pass and Stanton Pass - how difficult?

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Twin Peaks Pass and Stanton Pass - how difficult?
July 15, 2009 10:16PM
I would like to here from anyone with first hand experience crossing from upper Virginia Canyon into Spiller Creek Canyon via either Twin Peaks or Stanton pass. According to reports I have seen, they are either a class 2 or 3 scramble, though some say the west side of both may be slightly harder than class 3. Which route would be the easiest route to get from Return Lake to Spiller Creek? Or is it possible to drop from the plateau southwest of Return Lake down to Spiller Lake and then on down to Spiller Creek. Is it easier to go east to west or west to east.

In addition, is it possible to go from the West Lake - Par Value Lakes area over to Return Lake without having to drop down into Glines Canyon and over Virginia Pass. There looks to be a another pass northwest of Virgina Pass that may not be too difficult.

Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
avatar Re: Twin Peaks Pass and Stanton Pass - how difficult?
July 16, 2009 07:50AM
I don't have first hand experience. But if the wifie isn't feeling well by tonight I know where I will be tomorrow.
(Soldier, Spiller, etc. Lakes are on my list) ... Love Virginia Canyon ... never been in Spiller...
And never started on Summit Lake TH.

From what I know.. Twin Lakes pass is "easier". Class 2. That is the way I would recommend.
Stanton Pass West Side is Class 3. This is Roper's Sierra High Route.

Not sure what route I will take since I want to touch a Return, Soldier, and Spiller Lakes.

I won't comment on Par Lakes since probably you can look at Google Earth as well as can.

When you going?
avatar Re: Twin Peaks Pass and Stanton Pass - how difficult?
July 16, 2009 01:37PM
if the wifie isn't feeling well by tonight I know where I will be tomorrow.

Shouldn't you stay home and take good care of her?
Re: Twin Peaks Pass and Stanton Pass - how difficult?
July 16, 2009 01:46PM
We go in on July 29th starting from the Green Creek trailhead. We have 4 or 5 nights to spend, so we have all the time in the world to explore. Our plan is to go to Return Lake and then either cross over to Spiller Creek Canyon, head down down Spiller Canyon and then up Virginia Canyon and out via Summit Lake. Or, if the pass looks to difficult to do with full packs, stay on the east side and day hike the area. We would then cut down to Virginia Creek and still go out via Summit Lake, bypassing Spiller Canyon all together. Since we are not aiming at the peaks, it appears that crossing over to Spiller Lake and down from there may be the easiest route (bypassing both passes), just not sure where it would be best to drop down to Spiller Lake from (skiting the lake just to the south look the easiest). I would like to hike down Spiller Canyon, but not sure my wife wants to do the scrambling up and over. She can, but she says she wants an easier hike this time :-)

If you go, any insights on the area would be greatly appreciated.
avatar Re: Twin Peaks Pass and Stanton Pass - how difficult?
July 27, 2009 06:39PM
Just got back from running around in this area. The short answer is that if you want to go to Spiller Canyon from
Return Lake go up to the plateau and drop down to Spiller Lake and then go N thru saddle and drop into the Canyon.

I know you can go down from the plateau because I saw some people down there after running around all day
and then lastly peeking down there. I saw their footprints in the snow and saw the route down. Let's just say it
didn't look too pretty from Spiller Lake itself. The wife and I went to Soldier first and then dropped down to Spiller
north of the plateau. Big boulder fun all the way down the way we went. Looks like slippy slide loose rock
from the plateau.

Regarding the other passes:
Stanton Pass. We took this one N of the actual pass. West side was boulder goodness all the way to the crest.
East side was scree all the way. We went just N of the snow field if you go...
The actual pass looks like a bugger on both east and west sides. I'd say for sure Secor has this one right at class 3.

Twin Peaks Pass. I went up to this from the east. Well Secor says "no obstacles from the east". Hmm... I went up
a delicious 'crack' up to the lake. After that all class 2 stuff IMO to the top of Virginia Peak. The west side looks not
too bad but I'm fairly certain it drops off.

So... if you are still reading... What I would do (and we will next time)... is what you were wondering was do-able.

If you have never seen Spiller Canyon ... yowza.... just simply gorgeos. Now my 2nd favorite canyon after Jack Main.
avatar Re: Twin Peaks Pass and Stanton Pass - how difficult?
July 27, 2009 06:42PM
Here's the route(s) we took. I can send you gps tracks if you desire.

If you want any pictures... let me know... As usual I took 100's.

or this to zoom in:

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/26/2011 05:15PM by bill-e-g.
Re: Twin Peaks Pass and Stanton Pass - how difficult?
July 26, 2011 02:48PM

The link to the pictures is now broken -- well it has been over two years since the link was posted. I am interested in the route pictures from Soldier Lake to Spiller Lake so we can go down into Spiller Canyon. We have climbed Stanton and Gray Butte years ago but we never looked at the route to Spiller Lake.

Could you put up a link to this pictures? Thank you.
avatar Re: Twin Peaks Pass and Stanton Pass - how difficult?
July 26, 2011 05:12PM
avatar Re: Twin Peaks Pass and Stanton Pass - how difficult?
July 27, 2011 10:19PM
OK. I just have to assume you want these:
View up from Spiller to saddle:

View down from saddle to Spiller:

View from saddle south to where we went down:

View from where we went down north to saddle:

View about 1/2 way down:

Some perspective (look for person in this one):

Hope this helps you some
(I'd go up to saddle and drop down) (Stanton Pass is even steeper)

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Twin Peaks Pass and Stanton Pass - how difficult?
July 30, 2011 05:56PM
OK, I have to assume they were of use...
Re: Twin Peaks Pass and Stanton Pass - how difficult?
August 03, 2011 11:28AM
What we have decided to do is to follow your route over Stanton Pass -- that is crossing about 1,000 feet further northeast of Stanton Pass (the low point on the ridge). I spent some time looking at the area using Google Earth and the path you took sure looks the easiest. We just have to hike up another 200 feet of elevation.

The pictures were very useful. Thank you.
avatar Re: Twin Peaks Pass and Stanton Pass - how difficult?
August 03, 2011 01:20PM
Can put up a few from N of Stanton Pass if you want. Lemme know and I'll do it.
It's a very steep climb to that point from Return Lake.

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Twin Peaks Pass and Stanton Pass - how difficult?
July 28, 2009 06:43AM
Here's the view North from Stanton Peak.
2 pictures with annotations. click forward...


I only put the link in case you want to see it first with your own eyeballs.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/26/2011 05:16PM by bill-e-g.
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