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Yosemite Valley

The Moon is Waxing Crescent (13% of Full)


Re: Today's Wildflowers

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avatar Today's Wildflowers
July 19, 2009 07:53PM
Castle Peak is covered in wildflowers -- there were even more this trip than a month ago. It would be nice if someone could name them if possible, even though the pic is not that good (please mention the color so I know what's what)

( I had to clone stamp out my hiking pole in the lower right corner were the granite patch is, so that it would not distract from the pic!)
avatar Re: Today's Wildflowers
July 19, 2009 07:57PM
Most of those are donkey ears (yellow), some indian paintbrush (red), lupine (purple), and I think pink pestomen.
avatar Re: Today's Wildflowers
July 19, 2009 08:52PM
Penstemon, Mule's Ears, Lupine, Indian Paintbrush, probably Sulfur Buckwheat species (small yellow flowers) as you look to the right of the photo. I can't tell if the purple to the back are lupine or not. Very scenic.

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/19/2009 08:54PM by Frank Furter.
avatar Re: Today's Wildflowers
July 26, 2009 07:29AM
Leopard Lilly. Taken at Vivian Lake on 7/23.

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