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Re: Why do you hike? Why do you post?

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avatar Why do you hike? Why do you post?
August 20, 2009 10:48AM
Something for you all to ruminate over.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/20/2009 05:33PM by blooty.
avatar Re: Why do you hike? Why do you post?
August 20, 2009 10:59AM
It's all there. Exercise, the chance to see natural beauty, solitude (to varying degrees), challenge.

Everyone has a different goal. I remember once the goal of a group I met was to haul a 40 lb keg of beer to the top of a prominent local peak.

avatar Re: Why do you hike? Why do you post?
August 20, 2009 11:25AM
Why go?:
- To be Awed
- To be Humbled
- To Gain Perspective
- To Explore
- To "See it All" (no picture does it justice .. even if Chick-on is in it)
- 100 other reasons (the wife loves it too)

Why post?:
- To share (chick-on haters out there have pared down my enthusiasm about this though)
- To let others know there is more to it than flippin HD
avatar Re: Why do you hike? Why do you post?
August 20, 2009 11:39AM
Why post?:
- To let others know there is more to it than flippin HD

Re: Why do you hike? Why do you post?
August 20, 2009 05:25PM

Why post?:
- To share (chick-on haters out there have pared down my enthusiasm about this though)
- To let others know there is more to it than flippin HD

Did a night hike to half dome. First of our group got there around 6:30 am - there was a righteous kegger happening up there, people imbibing right and left, sprawled out in sleeping bags all over the place. As the rest of our group made it up there the party people made their way back down the cables - I passed one dude wearing this honkin' Metolius haul bag, looked like he had a 55 gallon barrel in it.

I'm gonna venture to say that Half Dome ain't even backcountry. A steady stream of people heads up there 24/7.

I am so looking forward to doing the Pear Lake/Tablelands trip in October - there won't be any kegger out there....
avatar Re: Why do you hike? Why do you post?
August 20, 2009 01:26PM
I remember once the goal of a group I met was to haul a 40 lb keg of beer to the top of a prominent local peak.

It's always nice to hear what well-motivated individuals can accomplish, when they put their minds to it! grinning smiley
How many did you have yourself while you were up there?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/20/2009 01:27PM by PineCone.
avatar Re: Why do you hike? Why do you post?
August 20, 2009 01:51PM

I remember once the goal of a group I met was to haul a 40 lb keg of beer to the top of a prominent local peak.

It's always nice to hear what well-motivated individuals can accomplish, when they put their minds to it! grinning smiley
How many did you have yourself while you were up there?

I had one beer. I don't know if it had anything to do with my getting lost on the way back, but I thought I was sober. winking smiley

There were three of them - the owner and two of the employees. They took turns hauling it up in this cavernous backpack with a huge main compartment. They're the Mount Tallac Brewing Company, so of course their quest was to bring their beer to the top of Mount Tallac in Desolation Wilderness near Lake Tahoe. The owner told me that they didn't really have the volume to justify bottling the stuff (where you need to produce in large quantities to justify the setup expense) so they made it a medium sized keg.

avatar Re: Why do you hike? Why do you post?
August 20, 2009 04:55PM
We don't need this stuff here.

Old Dude
avatar Re: Why do you hike? Why do you post?
August 20, 2009 06:56PM
I hike:

To see what awe inspiring view is around the next corner.
To recharge the emotional batteries.
To become one with natural surroundings.
To be free of the "game" of life we play every day, at least for a little while.

I post because:

Heck, I don't have a clue. I just know lurking doesn't do it for me.eye rolling smiley

avatar Re: Why do you hike? Why do you post?
August 20, 2009 07:28PM

Old Dude
avatar Re: Why do you hike? Why do you post?
August 21, 2009 12:50AM

Isn't that what they put fish in?
avatar Re: Why do you hike? Why do you post?
August 21, 2009 06:58AM
I guess the post shoulda read:
Why can't people just answer the question.
(yet another reason why my particular postage has gone down)
avatar Re: Why do you hike? Why do you post?
August 24, 2009 12:48AM
Why hike?

a) for the view, and
b) because usually there ain't nobody else around

Why post?

because what else you gonna do while sitting on your butt when you aren't hiking (or doing something else way out there)
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