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Tuolumne Meadows and Lembert Dome during a summer storm, Yosemite National Park

The Moon is Waxing Crescent (13% of Full)


Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips

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Mosquitoes and repellent tips
June 22, 2007 09:22AM
Going to Tuolumne Meadows Aug 13 -16th. My wife( a non-camper) is really apprehensive about the mosquitoes. What is a typical mosquito situation in August? What are the latest good repellents, precautions and gadgets to keep her (and our under age 10 kids) comfortable? Thanks for any help.
avatar Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
June 22, 2007 11:58AM
This August won't be typical. It will probably be very dry and that'll keep the mosquito situation calm.

Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
June 22, 2007 06:57PM
I thought the mosquito situation would be calm when I was in Tuolumne Meadows last week, what with the reduced water this year. But instead, it was so bad that for the first time ever, I used mosquito repellant. Morning, noon, and night, the mosquitos were numerous and agressive.

I found that the 29% deet spray worked wonders, instantly repelling the little devils. It only lasts a couple of hours, so be sure to have plenty on hand.
Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
June 22, 2007 07:41PM
I'm heading up in about 2 days for a week of backpacking (northeast quadrant of park) ... I've got my 100% deet ready, plus the full 3-piece body netting getup I found on EBay ...

I hate the deet stuff ... my god, just get a microscopic speck of it in your eyes; mouth; wherever ... and you're doomed!

I normally rub it on the netting, and then place the netting on ... kind of a compromise ... so I don't have to rub it on skin, which I hate.

Then just sit there in this "faraday cage" feeling thing ... and sit around smelling like a Dupont chemistry experiment!

But with 100%, they'll show respect ....
avatar Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
June 22, 2007 10:47PM
Anvanho wrote:

> I hate the deet stuff ... my god, just get a microscopic speck
> of it in your eyes; mouth; wherever ... and you're doomed!

I've always managed to keep it out of my eyes. But I've also found that it always makes its way into my mouth somehow. Icky!

Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
June 27, 2007 10:19PM
Anvanho wrote:
> I hate the deet stuff ... my god, just get a microscopic speck
> of it in your eyes; mouth; wherever ... and you're doomed!

For the last couple of years I've used the Repel Lemon/eucalyptus spray, and found it works well. I don't know if it's as effective as deet, but it keeps the mosquitoes off, smells a heckuva lot better, and is a natural product.

Last year on our late May Half Dome trip, the mosquitoes were awful, both in the valley and up higher. We tried deet, the lemon/euc, and the other new less-smelly product...I forget the name but it was a Cutter product. the deet and the lemon/euc both worked well, the Cutter just didn't "cut' it 8^).

This year, same time, the mosquitoes were not much of a problem, but when they showed up the lemon/euc worked fine, so the deet never even got used. Next year I probably won't even bring the deet, as I don't like using it anyway, tested or not.

Yosemite Photo Galleries: http://www.pbase.com/roberthouse/yo
Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
June 23, 2007 07:58AM
Thanks for your replies. I will probably post this again the first week of August to see what the latest mosquito situation is.
avatar Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
June 23, 2007 10:05AM
I camped out a couple weeks ago at Minaret Falls, in the canyon about 10 miles west of Mammoth Lakes. In the past when camping in late spring like that the skeeters are horrible, and I was bit twice just walking to the payment kiosk (about 100 yards). So out came the DEET and that was the end of that. The next day I sat around just enjoying the San Joaquin (and an empty campground!) and did not need DEET at all. By August (when our annual family reunion happens in the same spot) the bugs should be pretty much non-existent.
Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
June 24, 2007 01:17PM
I've used that Sawyer's time-release DEET repellant lotion before and it worked pretty well. It's less DEET but lasts longer. I also always bring a mosquito headnet. I don't like to put repellant on my face and that helps when the buggers are really bad.

Sawyer Controlled Release Insect Repellent

They have several products:
Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
June 28, 2007 06:27AM
I think that Repel lemon eucalyptus stuff got a good review in one of the latest issues of Backpacker magazine. They said it worked *almost* as well as the deet. I was thinking of trying that next, it's good to hear another positive review.
avatar Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
July 11, 2007 11:59AM
I haven't had perfect success with it, but I've had OK results with Cutter Advanced with 7% Picaridin. It's rated for 3-4 hours effectiveness. There's also a 15% concentration spray can marketed as lasting all day. I bought that once at Wal-Mart although I never saw it available since I bought it last year. The same ingredient is found in Off FamilyCare Clean Feel at a 5% concentration with a similar 3-4 hour recommended effectiveness.

This stuff is not greasy, barely has any smell, and doesn't attack plastics. I'm mildly allergic to DEET and can't stand it to begin with. The Cutter 7% concentration seems to come in 1 oz, 6 oz bottles or wipes. The 1 oz bottle has a crimped on nozzle so that it can't be refilled or topped off with the stuff from the larger bottle. For my next backcountry trip, I'll probably carry two of the 1 oz bottles or place it in a smaller 2 oz spray bottle. I carried and entire 6 oz bottle for my 3-day Yosemite backcountry trip but only used about 1.5 oz.

The main problem is that since it isn't greasy it does seem to wash off easily when it rains or with a heavy sweat. DEET is rather greasy, but at least it seems to bond to the skin well. DEET also attacks plastics like polystyrene and polyester (nylon is supposedly OK). A coworker had a bottle spill in his luggage and his ABS plastic housing radio was ruined.


Post Edited (07-11-07 16:31)
Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
July 11, 2007 05:24PM
We tried the Cutter picardin spray last year in late May, when mosquitoes wer pretty prevalent in and around the valley. We also had deet spray and the lemon-eucalyptus Repel spray, so it was a good chance to see how they compared.

My son put the Cutter picardin on and watched the mosquitoes ignore it and help themselves (they were very aggressive on that trip). The deet and the lemon-euc both worked much better. Since I'm not too thrilled with using deet, I stuck with the lemon-euc and had no problems with getting bitten. It (lemon-euc) also seems to work on ticks, which is what I originally bought it for. It's hard to really say with ticks, since you don't know how many you'd have gotten if you hadn't used it, but last year was a very heavy tick season and I've never found one on me when I used the spray. So at least I can't say that it doesn't work.

Yosemite Photo Galleries: http://www.pbase.com/roberthouse/yo
Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
July 11, 2007 05:40PM
From another forum:

Mosquito control for severe conditions


Encountering and suffering from mosquitos seems to be part of the Sierra experience, especially in early summer. Severe conditions can range from the annoying, to producing actual danger from skin infections resulting either from the bites themselves, or from secondary scratching. Under the worst conditions, people can experience thousands of bites, and the incessant buzzing can make grown people cry.

Each year, those highly experienced on the trails encounter numerous people who are learning, the hard way, that many things touted for mosquito control do not work for most people.

Comparison of various repellents:

Beyond any question or debate, DEET (N,N-Diethyltoluamide) is the only product available to place on the skin that *consistantly* works well. Frequently heard is concern that DEET may be a toxic chemical, but this is far from true. DEET is one of the most-used chemicals in the world, and it has been among the most-tested chemicals that exists. WHEN USED AS DIRECTED, it is very safe. The very rare situations in which side effects have occurred, it has been when the directions were NOT followed, such as immersing a child in it, and other crazy things.

There are two new topical products available now in the US: Picardin, and Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus. Most people find these work for a much shorter time than DEET, and the effectiveness varies...some find it as effective, some find it worthless. However, there is no doubt that both are more pleasant to wear than DEET.

A different type of product for mosquito protection, is permethrin, a product that has long been used for the treatment of lice. In it's lice usage, it is applied to a childs entire body for 8 hours. This is considered very safe in children, and has been used for decades. In it's mosquito usage, it is applied ONLY to clothing and allowed to dry, and at ONE TENTH the dose of the lice dosage. It works best when the material is saturated. Repeat...you have to SATURATE the clothing. Unlike DEET, which is only a repellant and does no harm to the insect, permethrin BOTH repells mosquitos and also kills them!! It will remain active through at least 20 washings, or several months. There have been virtually no reactions reported worldwide after decades of use.

A line of clothing is produced by Ex-Officio, called "Buzz Off", which is impregnated with Permethrin.

Permethrin is widely available at sporting goods stores.

The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as the World Health Organization both recommend the use of BOTH permethrin and DEET for maximal protection, especially in regions where mosquito disease transmission exists.

Those who have used the combination in bad mosquito areas find the combination remarkable at keeping the bugs at bay. Additionally, the permethrin eliminates biting through treated clothing.

For those who are afflicted by these insects, this represents a major step forward.

Reviewed by K. Murray, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, University of Southern California
Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
July 12, 2007 05:42AM
All, Thanks for all of the input. KenM, Fight On!
I am going to let my wife read these posts, and she will hopefully be thankful for all of the input . Another question: Do daily doses of garlic help with putting off mosquitoes? I seem to remember an old wives tale about this.

Post Edited (07-12-07 15:20)
avatar Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
July 12, 2007 07:10AM
It only puts off old wives.

Old Dude
Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
July 12, 2007 07:41PM
mrcondron wrote:

> It only puts off old wives.

And sometimes future wives as well...

Yosemite Photo Galleries: http://www.pbase.com/roberthouse/yo
Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
July 12, 2007 10:57AM
I think that repeated testing of garlic has shown no benefit at all.
Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
July 11, 2007 04:14PM
I tried that cutter stuff last month at T. Meadows, and I had no luck with it at all. It was like I hadn't put anything on. then I got the 29% deet and life was instantly much better.
avatar Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
July 11, 2007 05:05PM
Wear long pants, a long sleeved shirt, and spray some OFF Back Country into the palm of your hand, rub your hands together and smear it over your face and neck, and finally rub your hands together to get the backs of them. This will keep the guys from biting for most of a day and doesn't use much repellent. If they are really thick and you are breathing hard you might inhale one now and then though.

Old Dude
Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
July 15, 2007 09:52PM
The original question on this thread was concerning the prospects of mosquitos in Tuolumne Meadows in August.

We just came back three days in the Meadows. We never took the repellant out of our packs.

Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
July 16, 2007 05:43AM
Thanks for that news. We will be there 4 weeks from today. Like I said in the my first post in this thread, I want this camping experience to be as pleasant as possible for my wife.
Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
July 16, 2007 06:25AM
I took my wife on her first camping experience in June. I found that the most important thing for her was the air mattress. But each of us is different...
Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
July 16, 2007 03:54PM
Thanks, I already have the air mattress.
avatar Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
May 31, 2010 08:20PM
What is a typical mosquito situation in August?

I wonder how it'll be this year.
avatar Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
June 01, 2010 07:07AM
What is a typical mosquito situation in August?

I wonder how it'll be this year.

With all this water.... take all the mosquitoes from the past 5 years and hatch them ALL this year.

By the way; crane flies are not "mosquito hawks." They do not eat mosquitoes. In fact, most don't even eat as adults.
avatar Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
June 06, 2010 01:48PM
With all this water.... take all the mosquitoes from the past 5 years and hatch them ALL this year.

Hopefully they won't be ganging up and carrying off small children.
avatar Re: Mosquitoes and repellent tips
June 06, 2010 04:20PM
Hopefully they won't be ganging up and carrying off small children.

A chicken or two would be alright.
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