So as to the second instance, during the coming weeks, if anyone finds themselves (deliberately or by accident) wandering along the bottom of the south face of Half Dome (approx. below the saddle and the bottom end of the cables)

and you happen upon a bright red Casio Exilim "card" camera, in whole, or more likely in pieces, which looks like this (front view only),

and if either the tiny blue 2Gig SD chip or the part of the camera still holding the SD chip is found, I would be more than grateful if you could retrieve the chip (I have full replacement coverage for the camera, so I don't really care about retrieving the camera itself) and contact me here so I can arrange to have the chip mailed to me.
In short, absent the highly unlikely event that someone actually finds the camera/chip while wandering in this rarely frequented area, the 2 weeks of vacation pictures that I took with this camera are lost (most notably, my first summit of Mt. Whitney, and my Tenaya Lake-Cloud's Rest-Half Dome-Happy Isles dayhike -- it was while descending the Half Dome cables during the latter that the camera met its demise). I realize that the chances of someone finding the camera/chip are slim to none, but ya never know...
I was also just thinking that if any of you who live in the area want an excuse to do a day hike in Yosemite before the weather degrades (oops, too late for that for a few days anyway!), and would be open to doing a "camera SAR" hike to try and locate my camera (see picture of camera at top of thread), or at least the piece with the little blue chip in it, in the area below the cables noted on the picture also at the top of this thread, I'd pay your (1) round trip gas, (2) Natl Park entry fee (if you don't already have a pass, etc.), (3) reasonable meal costs for the trip, and of course (4) mailing costs to mail the chip to me, if it is found in the camera or in a piece of the camera. This offer would be more for folks who already live closer to Yosemite than, say, for those who live in L.A., but if someone from the L.A. area is already up there anyway, the same offer would apply.
If interested, post to this thread.
California-Trailwalker (CaT)
Post Edited (11-03-07 20:04)
If future generations are to remember us with gratitude rather than contempt, we must leave them more than the miracle of technology.
We must leave them a glimpse of the world as it was in the beginning, not just after we got through with it.
- Lyndon Johnson, on signing the Wilderness Act into law (1964)