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Re: City kids?

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avatar City kids?
September 26, 2007 10:23AM
avatar Re: City kids?
September 26, 2007 10:36AM
What's the problem with it?
I thought it was a good article.

avatar Re: City kids?
September 26, 2007 04:19PM
california-trailwalker wrote:

> What's the problem with it?
> I thought it was a good article.

I don't see any problem with it. It states something that I find to be true.

I will point out that some of my best experiences in Yosemite have been from interpretive park ranger Shelton Johnson, whether it was an interpretive walk on the subject of bears or snowshoeing at Badger Pass. I've read his history and talked a bit with him about his Buffalo Soldier project. Some of his interviews mentioned his summer job in Yellowstone where he and a fellow worker were wondering why there weren't more people like them.


Re: City kids?
September 26, 2007 05:07PM
I read this forum all the time, but this is my first post. Just wanted to say that I took my 15 year old nephew camping up to Kings Canyon a few years ago along with my younger son who has done a lot of camping. My nephew was acting like a fish out of water. Being so used to TV and video games, music, bike and motorcycle riding, etc. there didn't seem to be much to interest him. We even saw a couple of bears on our trip. He said they just looked like big dogs. I hope my nephew had fun with us but he was kind of a pain in the rear. My younger son reads a lot and can sit around a campsite for hours and be happy. My point, I guess, is that there are many different reasons that some younger people aren't very interested in protecting the great outdoors. It goes beyond race and what kind of neighborhood you grow up in.

avatar Re: City kids?
September 26, 2007 09:54PM
Rebecca wrote:

> My point, I guess, is that there are many different
> reasons that some younger people aren't very interested in
> protecting the great outdoors. It goes beyond race and what
> kind of neighborhood you grow up in.

Certainly I would hope so. However - there is somewhat of a perceptions that places like Yosemite are mostly the bastion of mostly white middle-class folks from the suburbs. Some not in that category don't feel comfortable, and I consider that a pity.

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