Greetings, as of April 30, 2002, the snow at Lee Vining was falling pretty steady. We were camped at the Aspen campground and although it was a bit chilly, the weather overall was outstanding. Thursday night, 4-25, was a pleasent 30 degrees at night and day time highs about 60 with wind comming in. Friday was a kick in the butt with a slight dropping of snow in the morning hours. The opener was slow but the snow kept our spirits high, (well most of us anyhow). Sunday was pleasent with a little cooler weather but no snow. Moday we traveled up to Virginia lakes to check the ice for a relaxing time of fishing but we didnt see anyone there so we went up to Trumbal instead. What a joyfull sight we saw! Many people out on the ice braving the conditions only fish to our hearts contents. We limited in just minutes but tossed many back to live another day. Tuesday was a personal best for me as we finally got some snow to stick on the ground, unfortunately we had to leave that morning to come back down to crummy Southern Cal. Oh well, back to what seems to be forever in another wait till we can go back to a little slice of heaven!!