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Possible stem cell therapy for damaged meniscus

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Possible stem cell therapy for damaged meniscus
July 30, 2012 10:12PM
Pig Tissue Seen Fixing Injury That Sidelined Lin: Health
By Makiko Kitamura - Jul 27, 2012 7:24 AM PT

A tiny tissue tear has gotten in the way of the careers of former New York Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin and English Premier League soccer star Michael Essien. The same injury also routinely ruins the fun of millions of weekend warriors. Now a new technology using pig tissue may save those careers and undo the painful damage from torn meniscus in knees.

The removal of damaged meniscus tissue is the most common orthopedic procedure in the U.S. and is a major cause of osteoarthritis. While replacing damaged meniscus with donor tissue helps reduce pain and restore normal range of motion, a shortage of donors has limited the scope of such operations. That may soon change. Tissue Regenix Group Plc (TRX) of York, England, is developing a new product using material from pigs that holds the hope of producing abundant quantities of tissue.

Tissue Regenix’s dCELL technology involves taking animal tissue and removing cellular material from it that would cause humans to reject the implant. That allows doctors to use the stripped tissue without anti-rejection drugs to replace worn out or diseased body parts. Once implanted, the cellular scaffold is repopulated with the patient’s own stem cells.

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