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Re: Beautiful Women and How to Attract Them

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avatar Beautiful Women and How to Attract Them
December 03, 2012 01:33AM
Also known as: Pointless Threads and How to Avoid Them

It's "off-season" and this time of year threads get kinda dumb, there's not much going on. Most folks are sitting around in the comfort of their homes. Clicking their yosemitenews.info bookmark or googling "Yosemite." For the record, I currently have 9 mandibular digits, 3 more than last week, so it's currently "off-season" for me.

There are some threads in the archives of this forum that are really good, full of information. Summer threads are the business. Winter threads tend to pale in comparison. To make it more confusing, some of us hike 4-seasons. Who knows?

With 9 fingers I can now offer 2 simple suggestions, easy:

1) On some pointless threads, someone links to a good thread, and sometimes that thread get better. Totally cool.

2) Noobs - Read THE BIBLE (We're lucky, we got a good one and if you can't shell out $12.65 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping don't waste my time!) (affiliate link, anyone?)

But before I go further, I should ask all of you: how could we better manage our information?

To be honest, sometimes I think all this stuff is just served up by computers. Every once in a while, I'll meet an Old Dude. Sure, like they landed a guy on the moon.

(It's all about advertising, you know. Thx - Joe)
avatar Re: Beautiful Women and How to Attract Them
December 03, 2012 06:37AM
I was just looking for a Russian Bride.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Beautiful Women and How to Attract Them
December 03, 2012 07:05AM
Seriously though... Maybe there would be more so-called "good" threads if people would share.
In my case, why do you think I've only posted a few things of 28 backpacking trips so far this year?
And quit putting up route maps?

I know what you are getting at though.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Beautiful Women and How to Attract Them
December 03, 2012 10:40AM
I thought you quit putting up route maps because you didn't want to get blamed if someone got in trouble by biting off more than they could chew trying to follow one of your routes (not all of which are an easy romp in the woods).

In regards to the quality of threads, what I'll say is those who want to improve upon them can do so by contributing their own quality posts to the forum. Those who just "stand on the sidelines" complaining about the threads without contributing anything are part of the problem (and not part of the solution).

In regards to sharing, personally, I think most regular posters on this forum share their experiences about Yosemite often, but that some of us don't nearly visit Yosemite and the Sierra as often as others do. wink

And in regards to rating threads, I think the software that runs this forum (Phorum) has built-in capability to let its users rate individual threads, posts, and even other users. The rating features just need to be enabled by the administrator of this forum (Rick).

avatar Re: Beautiful Women and How to Attract Them
December 04, 2012 11:40AM
I've only posted a few things of 28 backpacking trips so far this year?

How do you fit in 28 trips a year? I try to make it up there about 3 times a year. I'm about 7 hours away, so it takes me a good part of the day to get there. I'm in awe of the chick-on life style.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/04/2012 02:06PM by eeek.
Re: Beautiful Women and How to Attract Them
December 03, 2012 06:50AM
I expected pics crying
avatar Re: Beautiful Women and How to Attract Them
December 03, 2012 10:57AM
I expected pics crying

Hotrod wants fake photos of Russian mail order brides.
avatar Re: Beautiful Women and How to Attract Them
December 03, 2012 06:20PM
Hotrod wants fake photos of Russian mail order brides.

avatar Re: Beautiful Women and How to Attract Them
December 03, 2012 07:29PM
Hotrod wants fake photos of Russian mail order brides.

Now that's one good looking Russian woman!

Old Dude
avatar Re: Beautiful Women and How to Attract Them
December 03, 2012 11:59PM

OMIGOD! Get down, dude, get DOWN! You're about to be struck by lightning!


(NOAA's and others' poster children for lightning safety)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/04/2012 03:31PM by gophersnake.
avatar Re: Beautiful Women and How to Attract Them
December 03, 2012 08:22AM
Beautiful Women and How to Attract Them: spray yourself liberally with a cologne named "essence of Twinkies"
Re: Beautiful Women and How to Attract Them
December 03, 2012 01:56PM
I have to admit that I would like to see more of Chick-ons posts about his trips (and perhaps--in a perfect world--a reduction in the number of twinkies jokes)

But it seems that a lot of the senior members here tend to participate in terms of answering questions from newbies, rather than starting new threads about topics that are of interest.

Of course, if you've been here long enough, most of the threads have already been discussed...so nothing new to say?

I love Eeks updates from the larger world....

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