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Re: Instructions for Posting Pictures

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avatar Instructions for Posting Pictures
December 04, 2008 08:23AM
I was going to write "I am probably the only one who doesn't know how to do this" but I realized that usually when I preface a question with that, I am often with the silent majority.

My question is this:
How does one post pictures to this email list? I have been unable to just paste them into the email with the computer/internet browser/internet access that I use.
Thanks in advance


The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
avatar Re: Instructions for Posting Pictures
December 04, 2008 09:25AM
You just put the image url between [ img ] [ /img ] tags (without the spaces).

avatar Re: Instructions for Posting Pictures
December 04, 2008 10:04AM
My ignorance is more profound than that, but the fog is clearing.
I can paste a URL but that implies that the pictures are on the web. I am assuming that personal photos must then be posted on the web somewhere to accomplish that. How or where does one upload the images to the web? Do you need a personal webpage?
avatar Re: Instructions for Posting Pictures
December 04, 2008 11:03AM
You can register at http://yosemitephotos.net and upload the photos there.

avatar Re: Instructions for Posting Pictures
December 04, 2008 10:58AM
Use this site. Look below for "Share Your Yosemite Photos" and go from there.

(I used picasa too but I've had mixed results with that)

If you are using windows then after it's uploaded and you view the picture
in your browser just right click w/i the picture and select properties to
get the URL.

You could also just put a hot-link to your picture as in response to your
"Vogelsang to Sunrise xcountry".. btw, was that info of any use?
avatar Re: Instructions for Posting Pictures
December 04, 2008 11:59AM
>>btw, was that info of any use?<<
yes, thanks much. Decided against trying that with my wife in tow.

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
avatar Re: Instructions for Posting Pictures
December 04, 2008 05:00PM
Ok here goes some instructions for the other internet embryos like me:
1. open account with image hosting service (I found photobucket easier to use than yosemitephotos.net)
2. be sure the image has public access
3. right click on image to get URL and paste URL in clipboard
4. if the photo hosting service does not configure the URL for "IMG" the put bracked IMG immediately before and after URL. The final bracked IMG should contain backslash [/IMG]
5. Paste the configured URL in email. It should look something like:
without the spaces
6. When you preview the email, it should show the image requested prior to posting
7. The address for the image below is:

Anyone know where this is?

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
avatar Re: Instructions for Posting Pictures
December 04, 2008 07:15PM
That's the meadow by Sunrise High Sierra Camp.
Taken from the dome west of the meadow.

Here's another photo:

And here is the dome:

Obviously taken on different trips. smiling smiley

Everything I know I learned from Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Instructions for Posting Pictures
December 04, 2008 10:38PM
I believe the dome is called "Bug Dome" locally; don't know if that is the official name.
Impressive to be there in winter; I suspect few have done that.

avatar Re: Instructions for Posting Pictures
December 05, 2008 09:32AM
O.K. folks. I'll add my name to Frank's as one who is sometimes computer challenged. I've successfully uploaded a photo to yosemitephotos.net but how again does one insert that into a message post and/or create a link in the message specifically to one or more photos?

Thank you for your patience in advance.


avatar Re: Instructions for Posting Pictures
December 05, 2008 11:10AM
As mentioned above... in your browser when you are viewing the photo...
right clicky... select properties... copy the URL

then put
[ img ] <url> [ /img ]

in your post (without the spaces)


[ img ]http://yosemitephotos.net/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=10215&g2_serialNumber=2[ /img ]

if you want hotlink then just put < and > around it
< http://yosemitephotos.net/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=10215&g2_serialNumber=2 >

Is this your photo?


Post Edited (12-05-08 11:11)

Everything I know I learned from Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Instructions for Posting Pictures
December 05, 2008 01:29PM

Yes it is. Thank you very much. I plan to take lots of photos on my trip in July and will share some of the more interesting ones. This one is of course the back side of Sentinal Dome taken in June this year.


avatar Re: Instructions for Posting Pictures
December 05, 2008 08:06PM
I was so proud of my posted picture that I didn't realize I had posted the thumbnail rather than the actual picture. It appears that best picture size would be something like at least 400X400 pixels. That size can be checked when you right click on the picture (or if using photobucket the box that provides photo info) to get the URL. Also, there is the whole universe of Flickr that can be used and it does seem to have fewer ads than the other picture hosting sites I have explored.

I don't have a SpaceBook or MyFace account so all of this is like learning a foreign language or statistics.

I'm part of the lost generation that grew up without social networking, cell phones and internet. However, I can honestly claim to have steamed wood laths for bending and built my own oak backpack frame. Does anyone remember the diamond hitch or spider hitch to tie your equipment wrapped in a ground cloth onto the frame??


The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
avatar Re: Instructions for Posting Pictures
December 05, 2008 09:26PM
>However, I can honestly claim to have steamed wood laths for bending

Ah, that's nothing. I can honestly claim to have punched cards to write computer programs. winking smiley

avatar Re: Instructions for Posting Pictures
December 06, 2008 10:25AM
And fed the cards into an IBM 360. Right with you.


avatar Re: Instructions for Posting Pictures
December 06, 2008 11:25AM
10 Print "Yosemite Rocks"
20 Goto 10
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