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Re: Yellowstone National Park: Rangers Apprehend Snowmobilers In Backcountry

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avatar Yellowstone National Park: Rangers Apprehend Snowmobilers In Backcountry
February 04, 2009 08:10PM
Yellowstone National Park (ID,MT,WY)
Rangers Apprehend Snowmobilers In Backcountry

Four people were apprehended recently when park rangers caught them riding snowmobiles in Yellowstone’s backcountry. They were operating their rented machines off-trail, more than a mile inside the park boundary near West Yellowstone. The four men from Indiana will have to return to the area in late February and appear before the magistrate in federal district court at Mammoth Hot Springs. While limited, managed snowmobile and snowcoach travel over groomed, snow-packed park roads is permitted in Yellowstone, the use of snowmobiles in the backcountry, on trails, and off road has always been prohibited. Violators face a fine of up to $5,000 and up to six months in jail as well as forfeiture of their snowmobiles. Additional charges of damage to park resources can result in another $5,000 fine and an additional six months imprisonment. In recent weeks, rangers have observed off-road snowmobile tracks up to two-and-a-half miles inside Yellowstone’s backcountry. Rangers regularly patrol the boundary and have the option to ticket, arrest, and confiscate the snowmobiles of violators, who can expect to face aggressive prosecution.

avatar Re: Yellowstone National Park: Rangers Apprehend Snowmobilers In Backcountry
February 06, 2009 05:15AM
Here is my snowmobile. Doesn't always do so well in the snow. Actually this is the first time I've been stuck in the snow.

Bronco stuck
Re: Yellowstone National Park: Rangers Apprehend Snowmobilers In Backcountry
February 06, 2009 08:00AM
eeek wrote:
> Four people were apprehended recently when park rangers caught
> them riding snowmobiles in Yellowstone’s backcountry. They
> were operating their rented machines off-trail, more than a
> mile inside the park boundary near West Yellowstone.

Well, good, I hope they don't let them off too easy.

We don't have much issue with snowmobilers here that I know of, but the idea of them wrecking our wilderness and spoiling the peace by thinking they're in an amusement park is irritating.

Along with being in Yosemite, surfing is one of my favorite things to do, and now and then we get some yahoo (usually tourist) in a jet ski flying in and bouncing around, usually grinning as though we're all there just enjoying the same thing (which is illegal anyway...they're not supposed to be anywhere near swimmers or surfers). Surfing, despite the publicity, is a pretty mellow and quiet activity for most of us, with the quiet power of the ocean, the dolphins, pelicans etc. that are out there with us, and a non-competitive envirnoment, and similar in some ways to being in the wilderness (at least here in central CA). Then these guys come whizzing and buzzing along and spoiling it for all of us, at least until someone gets to a phone (or they "read" our gestures telling them to get lost 8^).

So I can sympathize with the folks who are faced with snowmobilers; seems like they should just build them a track somewhere and keep them out of the wilderness, but I guess they're pretty established in Yellowstone.

I'm sure they're very effective and useful for rescue and search (so are jet skis), but for a roller coaster ride, there are plenty of other options.

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avatar Re: Yellowstone National Park: Rangers Apprehend Snowmobilers In Backcountry
February 06, 2009 08:11AM
Sierrafan;>>now and then we get some yahoo (usually tourist) in a jet ski flying in and bouncing around, usually grinning as though we're all there just enjoying the same thing<<

I am terrified to kayak on Lake Tahoe after 12:00pm not because of the winds or surf, but because the jet skiers seem to think its real funny to create wakes big enough to upset our boats; it gets real scary sometimes. Most of the lakes/reservoirs that are deemed "multiuse" are immediately disqualified to use after 11:00am. (they never get up before sunrise, so the morning is safe)

avatar Re: Yellowstone National Park: Rangers Apprehend Snowmobilers In Backcountry
February 23, 2009 06:00PM
Bee wrote:

> Sierrafan;>>now and then we get some yahoo (usually tourist) in
> a jet ski flying in and bouncing around, usually grinning as
> though we're all there just enjoying the same thing<<
> I am terrified to kayak on Lake Tahoe after 12:00pm not because
> of the winds or surf, but because the jet skiers seem to think
> its real funny to create wakes big enough to upset our boats;
> it gets real scary sometimes. Most of the lakes/reservoirs that
> are deemed "multiuse" are immediately disqualified to use after
> 11:00am. (they never get up before sunrise, so the morning is
> safe)

I remember going to San Francisco Fleet Week one year in the late 90s. We were waiting for the parade of ships to pass us in front of Fishermans Wharf, when some bozo blasts his jet ski through in a protected area. Not only was the area supposed to be locked down because Navy vessels were approaching, but he was unintentionally harassing the (protected) sea lions in the area.

I've heard that many jet skiiers have been injured trying to stop those things. I understand that they only steer via directing the output of the pump jet. If the output is cut off, they just go in a straight line. I've heard of cases where a new rider thought they would still steer after they shut it down and were hoping to shut it down before reaching the shore, then steering to arrive on shore at an angle. Of course it doesn't work that way and people have been thrown off the PWC when it quickly grounded. Or the instinct was to lay off the throttle then steer like in a car, in which case reducing the throttle killed any chance to effectively steer out of an obstacle. Then there's riders falling off and getting pounded with the jets, especially in the mouth, ears, eyes, and "other orifices".
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