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Re: Verizon wants cell phone tower near Grant Grove

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avatar Verizon wants cell phone tower near Grant Grove
April 10, 2009 10:52AM
I think as long as the cell coverage goes from the grove and to the west and south only, it's OK. I definitely don't want to be on a trail and listen to mindless babble from people who talk too loud. I'm bad enough just listening to XM 166...


Re: Verizon wants cell phone tower near Grant Grove
April 13, 2009 11:18AM
I think it's a great idea. Park Ridge has a bunch of towers already so one more won't hurt. Also, I would love not to have to go to the payphone with a calling card every time I need to make a phone call. Plus, cell phone coverage in the backcountry is not a bad idea. Sure beats having to carry a satellite phone and is a lot cheaper. Is no substitute for a PLB though.
avatar Re: Verizon wants cell phone tower near Grant Grove
April 13, 2009 11:29AM

cell phone coverage in the backcountry is not a bad idea.

It can certainly be a Good Thing when one is in trouble.
avatar Re: Verizon wants cell phone tower near Grant Grove
April 13, 2009 02:21PM
I wonder if the availability of cell phone coverage will produce a false sense of security-- like carrying bear spray or "pack'in heat" and result in more preventable rescue situations. It may result in more "advice" as opposed to "rescue", however in the long run I would bet there will be more calls for ranger action in the backcountry if there are better communications. In a sense, the "wildness" is taken out of wilderness when help is just a phone call away. I suspect it is inevitable that there will be cell coverage.However, I think it will subtly and irrevocably erode the wilderness experience and will certainly place an increased burden on enforcement ranger resources.

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
avatar Re: Verizon wants cell phone tower near Grant Grove
April 13, 2009 04:33PM
Frank Furter
I wonder if the availability of cell phone coverage will produce a false sense of security-- like carrying bear spray or "pack'in heat" and result in more preventable rescue situations. It may result in more "advice" as opposed to "rescue", however in the long run I would bet there will be more calls for ranger action in the backcountry if there are better communications. In a sense, the "wildness" is taken out of wilderness when help is just a phone call away. I suspect it is inevitable that there will be cell coverage.However, I think it will subtly and irrevocably erode the wilderness experience and will certainly place an increased burden on enforcement ranger resources.

Double edge sword of course.

It could aid in reports of dangerous situations like wildfires. I've actually used my cell phone to report a bear sighting (I was given a number to call with my Yosemite wilderness permit).

However - we are talking about Grant Village. It's like Yosemite Valley, but on a smaller scale. It's not exactly wilderness. There's a private community there (Wilsonia) that's not owned by the federal government..

Frankly I would have wished to have a working cell phone available when I was at Grant Village waiting for someone. Fortunately she arrived and all was well, but I frankly don't know what I would have done if we didn't meet up. What kind of resources are employed when a party is reported late but otherwise in good condition? Sometimes a quick call might avert those kinds of resources being used. I've heard of many cases where a search team was sent out just because a group was running a bit late and couldn't get their status back to the waiting party. When I was up in Yellowstone (gave up on Observation Peak) my folks were waiting for me back in Canyon Village and they told me they were about to call in for help if I had arrived an hour later.
avatar Re: Verizon wants cell phone tower near Grant Grove
April 13, 2009 08:42PM
FF:> I wonder if the availability of cell phone coverage will produce a false sense of security-- like carrying bear spray or "pack'in heat" and result in more preventable rescue situations. <.

Raising the bar of stupidity....(people will have to work harder at killing themselves?)

FF: > In a sense, the "wildness" is taken out of wilderness when help is just a phone call away. I suspect it is inevitable that there will be cell coverage.However, I think it will subtly and irrevocably erode the wilderness experience and will certainly place an increased burden on enforcement ranger resources.<

Rescue VS Recovery (More fools are gonna survive, thereby burdening the system?)

avatar Re: Verizon wants cell phone tower near Grant Grove
April 13, 2009 08:52PM
FF:> I wonder if the availability of cell phone coverage will produce a false sense of security-- like carrying bear spray or "pack'in heat" and result in more preventable rescue situations. <.

Raising the bar of stupidity....(people will have to work harder at killing themselves?)

FF: > In a sense, the "wildness" is taken out of wilderness when help is just a phone call away. I suspect it is inevitable that there will be cell coverage.However, I think it will subtly and irrevocably erode the wilderness experience and will certainly place an increased burden on enforcement ranger resources.<

Rescue VS Recovery (More fools are gonna survive, thereby burdening the system?)


Maybe rescue vs recovery. I recall a recent story about Mt. Rainer or Mt Hood that involved a lost climber who was able to communicate with rescue. They delaved search as they knew she was OK and everyone was better off. Just think how many calls about "things that go bump in the night" would occur if there were good cell coverage in the backcountry. Also, we have all had times where we would have called if we could, but because we couldn't, just figured out the sitch on our own.

How about that recent 911 call about not getting enough shrimp in her chop suey fried rice?

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/13/2009 09:02PM by Frank Furter.
avatar Re: Verizon wants cell phone tower near Grant Grove
April 13, 2009 10:54PM
FF: Just think how many calls about "things that go bump in the night" would occur if there were good cell coverage in the backcountry

I would do my best to refrain from dialing up every time I saw a spider wink

avatar Re: Verizon wants cell phone tower near Grant Grove
April 13, 2009 11:50PM
What about a picture of a spider?
avatar Re: Verizon wants cell phone tower near Grant Grove
April 14, 2009 12:34AM
What about a picture of a spider?

Spiders are officially banned from the new boardthumbs up

avatar Re: Verizon wants cell phone tower near Grant Grove
April 14, 2009 12:39AM
avatar Re: Verizon wants cell phone tower near Grant Grove
April 14, 2009 12:48AM
Well, if you change your mind:


Good of you to keep yer spiders caged up in their link; they look too darn real, otherwise!

avatar Re: Verizon wants cell phone tower near Grant Grove
April 14, 2009 06:58AM
If cell phone coverage were available in the wilderness I would begrudgingly carry one despite the extra weight (yes Vince, 3-4 more ounces) but it would remain "off" except in case of legitimate emergency or to notify my one and only of any unplanned route changes.

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