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Article on freeze-dried food company Wise

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Article on freeze-dried food company Wise
November 25, 2017 11:55AM
Business Is Booming for America’s Survival Food King
A year of natural disasters and nuclear threats has suburbanites turning to Wise Co.’s Aaron Jackson, just in case.
By Amanda Little
‎November‎ ‎22‎, ‎2017‎ ‎2‎:‎00‎ ‎AM‎ ‎PST

... Jackson’s technology isn’t new. Wise practices a 21st century version of something the Incas started in roughly 1200 A.D., when they placed meat strips on high-altitude stone platforms to freeze overnight and then dry in the sun to make charqui, a proto-beef jerky. Modern freeze-drying methods were created during World War II to preserve blood serum so it could be shipped internationally to treat the wounded. The current processes arose in the late 1970s when concerns over the oil crisis and stagflation motivated millions of Americans to cache food.

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