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Re: Glacier Point bus trailhead drop-off

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avatar Glacier Point bus trailhead drop-off
April 18, 2009 04:06PM
Has anyone had experience with the Glacier Point Tour Bus dropping backpackers off at trailheads along the Glacier Point Road?

I'm considering a backpack trip from Mono Meadow trailhead through LYV to Happy Isles, and would like to take the Glacier Point bus from the valley back to the Mono Meadow trailhead, but this site:
says "this bus does not make stops at other trailheads." I was hoping that maybe if you were there and asked the driver (kindly), that the driver would probably stop.

I rode the Tuolumne Meadows Shuttle Bus in 2005, and the driver was happy to stop for me at Murphy Creek, and elsewhere for others.

Worst case would be that the bus wouldn't stop for us (me & my daughter), and I'd hike or hitchhike back to the car.
avatar Re: Glacier Point bus trailhead drop-off
April 18, 2009 04:16PM
Unlike the Tuolumne shuttle this bus isn't run by NPS. So the best way to find out if they'll let you out at a trailhead would be to call 209 372-4386 and ask.
avatar Re: Glacier Point bus trailhead drop-off
April 18, 2009 04:18PM
Right-o, thanks!
avatar Re: Glacier Point bus trailhead drop-off
April 18, 2009 05:19PM
I picked up that bus from the Yosemite Lodge and they dropped us off at Mono Meadows. This was about 10 years ago.
avatar Re: Glacier Point bus trailhead drop-off
April 20, 2009 11:08AM
FYI the person I just spoke to at the activities (booking) office said that official policy is no stopping, but that most all drivers are cool and could make a stop if they wanted to. The phone call was being recorded and he was hesitant to speculate, and mentioned that a driver wouldn't promise to stop like this if his boss was standing there. Sounds like it should work out, and that's my plan for now!
Re: Glacier Point bus trailhead drop-off
May 12, 2012 03:18PM
Officially, the drivers aren't supposed to make any stops because this is not a bus for hikers. But most of them are nice and probably would. It wouldn't take much time, but you'd still be paying the same fare as if GP were your final destination.
Re: Glacier Point bus trailhead drop-off
May 24, 2012 06:20PM
A few green backs and I bet he will stop
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