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Re: Tuolumne Meadows - When to Visit?

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Tuolumne Meadows - When to Visit?
August 18, 2009 05:49AM
Planning a return trip to Yosemite in 2010 after a fantastic 2005 trip. We caught the falls at a high point in late June due to heavy snowfall that winter but Tioga remained closed until after we left...so we would like to spend 2-3 days this time in TM on day hikes. Barring an unusual winter, is there generally a best time to visit TM? Should we wait until later in the summer, say about mid-July? We realize the falls will not be as active then but if the conditions in TM would be more enjoyable, we would be willing to do it. Thanks in advance.
avatar Re: Tuolumne Meadows - When to Visit?
August 18, 2009 06:02AM
Barring an unusual winter

We may just have one. El NiƱo started last June and is expect to strengthen.
avatar Re: Tuolumne Meadows - When to Visit?
August 18, 2009 10:06AM

David, it's a trade-off. Early June is out because many of the trails still have snow on them unless that does not bother you. Late June works on some of the trails but you will see some snow. Water flow will still be moderate to high. There is also always the possibility that the road may not open until June but it's been mostly late May the last few years (I believe). By mid-July snow will not be an issue and stream crossings should not pose any problems but mosquitos will be out in force. August might have less mosquitos, will definitely have low water flows, and snow will be almost non-existent except on a few very high north facing slopes.

Re: Tuolumne Meadows - When to Visit?
August 18, 2009 10:09AM
Usually earlier in the season (June/ early July) there is a lot more water and more bugs. But the area has nice views until later in the season (late september/october) The meadows start turning brown and not as spectacular as ealier.
Re: Tuolumne Meadows - When to Visit?
August 18, 2009 01:23PM
I'm thinking the same time frame as our last trip may still be best for us...about the third week of June and then hope for an 'average' opening date for Tioga Road. But I have a follow -up question. The day hikes we would be interested in are the more popular ones, such as Dog Lake/Lembert Dome, Elizabeth Lake, Cathedral Lakes, and Mono Pass. In a 'normal' or average year, is snow a problem on these trails in late June in terms of access ? Hiking through or over packed snow is not a concern...just wondering how much of an obstacle snow cover is on these trails versus , say, backcountry routes that dont see as much traffic. Thanks again!.
avatar Re: Tuolumne Meadows - When to Visit?
August 18, 2009 01:39PM
I'm thinking the same time frame as our last trip may still be best for us...about the third week of June and then hope for an 'average' opening date for Tioga Road. But I have a follow -up question. The day hikes we would be interested in are the more popular ones, such as Dog Lake/Lembert Dome, Elizabeth Lake, Cathedral Lakes, and Mono Pass. In a 'normal' or average year, is snow a problem on these trails in late June in terms of access ? Hiking through or over packed snow is not a concern...just wondering how much of an obstacle snow cover is on these trails versus , say, backcountry routes that dont see as much traffic. Thanks again!.


Dog Lake/Lembert Dome should not be a problem for snow. You will find small patches in the woods and maybe a little on the back side of the dome but nothing significant. This would be the easiest hike both in terms of distance and limited snow. Elizabeth Lake could still have some mentionable snow beacause it sits in a bowl facing north,---not a lot of direct sunlight in there. Cathedral trail could also have some snow but possibly not too much until you try to do the upper lake. Our view of that area from Lembert Dome the 2nd week of June last year included visible snow on the north slope approaching Cathedral area. Somebody else can speak to Mono Pass since I have no experience with that one.

Re: Tuolumne Meadows - When to Visit?
August 19, 2009 10:42AM
I'm thinking the same time frame as our last trip may still be best for us...about the third week of June and then hope for an 'average' opening date for Tioga Road.

Keep in mind that some recent years Tioga Road hasn't opened until late June or even July 1.

There have been recent news stories predicting (observing?) El Nino conditions in the ocean this year, which could lead to a wet winter and a late opening of the road in 2010.

If your plans are flexible, it's probably not a big deal. If you are flying in, then it could be an issue.
Re: Tuolumne Meadows - When to Visit?
August 18, 2009 05:30PM
I would think Mono Pass would still have some snow, probably not a lot though. Both times I went up there was in August and still had patches every so often.
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