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Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct

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avatar WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 19, 2009 09:23PM
The members of the Whitney Portal Store Message Board got together to climb Thor Peak, and celebrate the life of Kent Ashcraft. It was a first snow climb for many and a gorgeous day on the mountain. (quote curtesy of Laura)

My hiking skills continue to expand (with a little help from my friends)

Photos curtesy of Moosetracks (the REAL one) Richard Patriowski (the REAL Richard P.) and Ranger Bob

more photos may be viewed here: http://piotrowski.smugmug.com/Whats-New-1/WPSMB-Thor-Peak-101709/10014179_4v68G#P-1-12

and here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/moosepics621/sets/72157622488951889/

AND here: http://www.citycg.com/thor1009/index.html

One more (if anyone cares) http://fruitsofthevine.net/sports/Thor%2010_17_09/

Thor Peak in the center as seen from the Whitney Portal

yes, Vince, I AM on the E-Ledges (in turquoise shirt)

up the face of Thor in about 4+ ft of snow (crampons and Ice axe welcome)

Doug Sr., Me and Mouse working that snow

finally to the top

shadows and potential icing chases us down

E-ledges by dusk

Day is done as sun sets on the Inyos

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 10/24/2009 11:20PM by Bee.
avatar Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 21, 2009 07:08AM
I have looked over all the photos. Looks like terrific fun.
Were there water sources besides snow on the route?
How long did it take?
Were permits required?

Summitpost suggests that the Class 1-2 trail is hard to follow if there is snow on the ground, any problems
in that regard?

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
avatar Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 21, 2009 10:54AM
Frank Furter
I have looked over all the photos. Looks like terrific fun.
Were there water sources besides snow on the route?
How long did it take?
Were permits required?

Summitpost suggests that the Class 1-2 trail is hard to follow if there is snow on the ground, any problems
in that regard?

The route to Thor began by the WPS using the OLD Whitney Trail up to the North Fork. At that point, we accessed the Mountaineer's Route all the way to Lower Boyscout Lake. THere are several creeks, waterfalls, and other sources of water -- even if there had been no snow (the last one being the lake, itself)

We began the hike/climb around 8:30am and we finished around 6:00pm (keeping in mind that the going on the snow was very slow, as the steps had to be carved out with an axe)

We began as a group of 4 people and our route was called "The Secret Route", and our intention was to be about 1 of 5 groups that would meet up on the top of Thor, however, when we reached LBL, it was obvious tht the only practical route TO take was the one tht our group had intended, so ALL 33 people took the same route to the top of the mountain.

Thor required a "Whitney Day Permit" -- there are 150 a day that are available for the whole portal zone.

I was told by others that the actual snow climb would be considered a class 3 hike, due to steepness and the conditions brought fourth by the snow. "Trail"? What trail wink? There are only "routes" up to Thor -- no specific trail as listed in guidebooks. The actual "trail" ended with the Moutaineer's Route, but that is still dicey to follow in a few places (The E-Ledges require either a knowledgeable lead or some really good pictures). Looking back, I would not have done this hike by myself without gear (crampons/mini spikes/ice axe) and training. B

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/21/2009 10:58AM by Bee.
avatar Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 27, 2009 03:11PM
Thor required a "Whitney Day Permit" -- there are 150 a day that are available for the whole portal zone.

That's a huge quota. With that many people on the mountain they really should have toilets!
avatar Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 27, 2009 03:23PM
Moved to a new thread.

Old Dude

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/27/2009 03:31PM by mrcondron.
avatar Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 21, 2009 03:06PM
Go to top.

Old Dude
avatar Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 21, 2009 03:22PM
Go to top.

Then come back down?
avatar Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 21, 2009 03:24PM
Only about 125 more posts to go to break Bee's other thread record.

Old Dude
avatar Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 21, 2009 03:31PM
Only about 125 more posts to go to break Bee's other thread record.

It appears to be safe—this time there is no trail.
avatar Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 21, 2009 04:19PM
Eye Kare.

Purty Awesum. How come you no karri me up der?
Coulda been "Da Bird and da Bee"

Cool Grape Goodness

Chickon Boo O.U.T.!

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 21, 2009 07:04PM
How can the bird be two places at the same time?smiling smiley
avatar Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 21, 2009 08:07PM
How can the bird be two places at the same time?smiling smiley

1. Hand

2. Bush

avatar Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 21, 2009 09:15PM
Thanx for sharing Bee! Great pictures.
avatar Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 21, 2009 09:18PM
So many mountains, so little time (and oxygen).

The cure for a fallacious argument is a better argument, not the suppression of ideas.
-- Carl Sagan
avatar Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 21, 2009 09:26PM
Frank Furter
So many mountains, so little time (and oxygen).

And structural integrity of skin...
avatar Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 21, 2009 07:39PM
Darn!! I couldda introduced Chick-on to Moosie (she is a fan of Chick-on) I am SURE that Chick-on would have stolen the moment (we need to get little spikies for his chickie feet)

Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 22, 2009 10:27AM
Wonderful, Bee, a great story and pix, thanks!
Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 23, 2009 06:50AM
Bee, it was wonderful to see you in my neck of the woods, and I'm so proud of you. You've come a long way, and I know you, along with so many others, had an eye-opening experience that day as to the possibilities that still await.

When I head to Lee Vining, and possibly over Tioga this winter, I'll be sure to post some pics here.

Climb Hard, Beee Safe!

avatar Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 24, 2009 11:19PM
Moosie!!! So good to see you for a visit -- in Lone Pine, on Thor, HERE at our site!! Post many pictures and share your fun with us!

It is amazing to look back four months, and see the pictures of myself hiking in my riding booties....now I walk (crawl) up the sides of snowy peaks!

Thank you for watching our backs(butts) on the way down.....

Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 25, 2009 09:27AM
No worries, A-toll, my dear Bee. Couldn't have y'all sliding to your doom on the rocks below, now could we?

As for posting, if Tioga is able to stay open a few more weeks, I may pop up to the high country again. I'll lyk.

Frank Furter: the MR is actually a mite easier to follow in the winter due to a relatively consistent boot track. With sufficient coverage, the E-ledges in the initial canyon are avoided by staying on the south wall slabs for the entire ascent, which I think is quite lovely due to it being in the trees. Above that, there is usually a good track to follow all the way to the top.

Interesting: I headed up the NF with a few friends (their first attempts at the MR) in September, and it was my first time in the chute above Iceberg Lake without snow. What a shocker! It wasn't as bad, but I do prefer the step-ladder that snow offers in there!

avatar Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 25, 2009 12:52PM
With sufficient coverage, the E-ledges in the initial canyon are avoided by staying on the south wall slabs for the entire ascent, which I think is quite lovely due to it being in the trees. Above that, there is usually a good track to follow all the way to the top.

Interesting: I headed up the NF with a few friends (their first attempts at the MR) in September, and it was my first time in the chute above Iceberg Lake without snow. What a shocker! It wasn't as bad, but I do prefer the step-ladder that snow offers in there!


Ahhh! I was wondering when Doug Sr., told me that the MR was the preferred winter ascent, how you climbed the E-ledges when they fill up with snow! Do the South slabs stay clearer?

The chute above Iceberg Lake: EVERY book, article, commentary that I read about the MR said that it was much easier in Winter (but I would do it anytime with Moosie)


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/25/2009 12:54PM by Bee.
Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 25, 2009 07:24PM
Well, technically it's easiest in "spring", which means April-June. The snow has generally consolidated, and the boot track is like a convenient staircase (unless you're like me and posthole THROUGH the existing steps, making for some harder work). The trickiest part is the Final 400, but from now having done it in summer conditions, is not quite as steep (just a bit more exposed) as the early parts of the chute.

Keep working, Bee! You're doing great!

avatar Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 25, 2009 07:43PM
Miss Moosie,

I started going to the gym last week, so that my upper body can bee of some use!! I am hoping to maybe, possibly learn to climb someday, too. I absolutely LOVED the snow -- even though I was working hard -- there was something so appealing to climbing in the snow, that when someone mentioned that he was primarily a winter climber, I can now understand why. It is frustrating to think about the door (Tioga) closing, soon, because it makes this new playground so much further away.

How passable is the Portal Road after they stop plowing it? Are chains enough to get you to the trails? Which of the other mountains in the Whitney Zone are active winter climbs?

Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 26, 2009 12:35PM
Mmm... snow... I have such a love-hate relationship with it. On the one hand, when consolidated, it makes for such a solid, even surface to walk across. I especially love it when the snow has a crispness that the crampons bite in just so and walking is a breeze.

On the other, I'm the posthole queen, wallowing in holes up to my thighs and cursing with each step giving way underneath. Especially with a winter pack. The workload (and wasted energy at times) can beee excruciatingly frustrating.

Upper body strength? Oh yeah! That, and most importantly, trunk strength (think abs and balance work).

You can always e-mail me any questions or if you want any help w/ your workouts!

avatar Re: WPSMB Kent Ashcraft Memorial Hike 17-Oct
October 25, 2009 04:29AM
Bee, it was wonderful to see you in my neck of the woods....

We have all used the expression, but rarely see it in print. Consequently, it peaked [sic] my interest (sorry, couldn’t resist) as to the etymology of the phrase. The consensus view is that it is likely pure Americana.


The Brits seem to be especially curious about its origin:

Perhaps the most interesting hit was to an American Studies link in the Russian Far East:
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