I took this photo on the way up. If you check the name of the file, I mislabeled it as North Dome, when it was Basket Dome.
That's definitely North Dome.
OK. So now I'm trying to remember if I incorrectly labeled it as Basket Dome previously. My brain is fried right about now.
Still - if you're going to do this hike, bring plenty of anti-inflammatories. I had naproxen the time I completed it, but apparently some people prefer ibuprofen.
The first time I tried it I was totally unprepared. I had Gore-Tex trail runners and was wearing lots of cotton. I had cotton socks, a cotton shirt, and jeans. I had waterproof-breathable stuff over my clothes, but I was soaked and a bit clammy from the sweat. It was also an unseasonably warm winter day in the low 50s, and it rained.