Took the beginning rock climbing class on thursday. With a guy named Jeff. Good instructor. Did alot of belaying and self-repelling over at a spot called Swan's Slab? Learned alot, though I probably won't be self-repelling anytime soon. I did learn that my shoes can grip a lot more than I thought with the right posture and sense of commitment to each step. Though I probably won't be doing the wall of El Cap. anytime soon, a little more confidence on rock is helpful considering I like the sierras so much, and sooner or later there's going to be some challenging sections between me and my destination.
The next day instead of driving home I decided to try and find the short-cut to the diving board through the Broderick-Liberty Cap pass. The one that bill used a couple of weeks ago to get to the diving board. There was at one point 2-3 steps (probably one step for bill) I had to take across what I thought was some pretty exposed granite over the drop into the drainage of whatever creek runs through there. Still a little scary, but I felt a little better considering how steep the granite we climbed the day before was, though in all fairness, for that we were all roped up. In the gap, no one would hear me except the squirrels who were eyeing my trail mix earlier.
Nice area. Alot of boulder scrambling. Seemed pretty untouched except for the occasional duck. There's even a duck in a tree. Never seen a duck in a tree. They don't really have the feet for it, though neither do chickens. Tried to stay on the dead stuff and rocks to keep from trampling the green shoots that seemed to be growing everywhere. Didn't seem like much of a short cut though. Probably shorter than hiking up to john muir trail and cutting across to lost lake, but it's slower going because of the boulders.
Now that the east gate on 120 is open, might try the dana couloir.