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Fern on the Four Mile Trail, Yosemite National Park

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Re: Bighorn Sheep?

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Bighorn Sheep?
August 05, 2010 09:01AM
Are there any bighorn sheep left in the Sierras?

I purchased a book about the history of Yosemite, about the sheep herders etc, and one part was about Bighorns. It described how they would traverse peaks and sheer walls, I guess they were all hunted to extinction, I know the Pika is also endangered but that is related to global warming from my understanding.
Just wonderin...
avatar Re: Bighorn Sheep?
August 05, 2010 09:14AM
Are there any bighorn sheep left in the Sierras?

Re: Bighorn Sheep?
August 05, 2010 09:15AM
Bighorn can still be found on the East side of the Sierra. From Tioga Pass down to Mt Williamson.
Re: Bighorn Sheep?
August 05, 2010 09:29AM
I've seen them in the White Mountains as well.
Re: Bighorn Sheep?
August 05, 2010 09:32AM
zowie! I really need to get out of the city more often!
avatar Re: Bighorn Sheep?
August 06, 2010 04:11AM
zowie! I really need to get out of the city more often!

Isn't there a herd that resides on the Transamerica Pyramid?
Re: Bighorn Sheep?
August 09, 2010 01:50PM
zowie! I really need to get out of the city more often!

Isn't there a herd that resides on the Transamerica Pyramid?

Nope those are the Mallet-headed cheeseeaters...
avatar Re: Bighorn Sheep?
August 05, 2010 01:46PM
I've seen them in the White Mountains as well.

I've seen them in Death Valley (Titus Canyon). But nothing compared to the view in Yellowstone:

Re: Bighorn Sheep?
August 05, 2010 03:19PM
I didn't see them when I went to Yellowstone, good catch.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/05/2010 03:19PM by hotrod4x5.
avatar Re: Bighorn Sheep?
August 05, 2010 03:24PM
Sometimes they are hard to miss.

avatar Re: Bighorn Sheep?
August 06, 2010 01:20AM
I was looking for them last year when traveling through an area just north of Mt. Whitney that reportedly has them (Big Horn Plateau, I think), but didn't see any there.

Here are some more from Yellowstone.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/06/2010 01:25AM by sierranomad.
avatar Re: Bighorn Sheep?
August 05, 2010 08:58PM
I've never seen them in the sierra but have seen them in Anza Borrego, Joshua Tree, Mojave, Death valley, on top of White Mountain and along Silver Canyon (whites). I have a friend who saw some just above Muir Lake in Cottonwood Lakes basin a couple of years ago - here's a photo of hers. I was up there a couple of weeks ago but didn't see any. (oh but the fishies were sure purty).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/05/2010 08:59PM by calipidder.
avatar Re: Bighorn Sheep?
August 10, 2010 06:54AM
Never seen them in the Sierra... although don't come in from the east much.
Have only seen them in Glacier (this was Two Medicine area).

calipidder, is that Precipice Lake?

Best crappy pix I got from Glaicer:
avatar Re: Bighorn Sheep?
August 10, 2010 10:31AM
In my profile pic? Yes, Precipice Lake. I've slept there a couple times during the Perseid meteor shower peak. It's one of my (many) happy places.
avatar Re: Bighorn Sheep?
August 10, 2010 12:55PM
In my profile pic? Yes, Precipice Lake. I've slept there a couple times during the Perseid meteor shower peak. It's one of my (many) happy places.


Are you an amatuer astronomer or just a meteor shower chaser?
avatar Re: Bighorn Sheep?
August 10, 2010 01:56PM
Well, I actually have a bachelor's degree in astrophysics, but it's not my career (chose the silicon valley $ route instead of the higher ed route - did you know many physicists are really good programmers? Comes in handy when trying to find a real-life job). But I do enjoy a night out under the stars. One of the best jobs I ever had was working in a planetarium. I find it difficult to describe constellations to my hiking partners without the aid of a laser pointer though.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/10/2010 01:58PM by calipidder.
avatar Re: Bighorn Sheep?
August 10, 2010 05:58PM
Get a more powerful laser pointer and it will work just fine.

Old Dude
avatar Re: Bighorn Sheep?
August 10, 2010 06:06PM
Well, I actually have a bachelor's degree in astrophysics, but it's not my career (chose the silicon valley $ route instead of the higher ed route - did you know many physicists are really good programmers? Comes in handy when trying to find a real-life job). But I do enjoy a night out under the stars. One of the best jobs I ever had was working in a planetarium. I find it difficult to describe constellations to my hiking partners without the aid of a laser pointer though.

Yes, the old laser pointer class. I do some educational outreach through my astronomy club and everybody knows exactly where you mean when you can point right to it. Trouble is, if its kids they all want to know what that cool device is all about. Wow! Where did you get that? Can I see it? Let me do that. Anything electronic steals their total attention.
avatar Re: Bighorn Sheep?
August 10, 2010 07:06PM
Yes, the old laser pointer class. I do some educational outreach through my astronomy club and everybody knows exactly where you mean when you can point right to it. Trouble is, if its kids they all want to know what that cool device is all about. Wow! Where did you get that? Can I see it? Let me do that. Anything electronic steals their total attention.

Tell them that it's a miniature flashlight with a colored filter.
[Tangential anecdote: About 10 years ago, I was perusing an optics-related trade magazine ( I think that it may have been called "Spectra" ) which contained a forum where people could pose questions that other readers could respond to in subsequent issues. Some of the questions revealed how absolutely clueless the inquirer was on the subject. The classic one was from a fellow who was interested in finding a 1 Watt, eye-safe, white light laser. After much reflection (pun intended), I came to the conclusion that the request was serious and not a joke; needless to say, no response was ever bothered to be posted.]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/10/2010 07:07PM by szalkowski.
avatar Re: Bighorn Sheep?
August 10, 2010 03:14PM
That's what I thought. Precipice is one of those special places.
Re: Bighorn Sheep?
August 10, 2010 06:43PM
Next time you stop at Ellery lake train your binoculars up high above the rocky mountains above the lake. I've seen them many times way up there. (Yosemite)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/10/2010 06:44PM by mtn man.
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