This is the second cultivation site found on National Park Service property so far this season, and approximately the eighth site found in the Highway 140 corridor this year. We are requesting the help of all Yosemite area residents as we have reason to believe that individuals associated with the cultivation site may flee the area.
The community and employees can provide tips and leads to the Yosemite Emergency Communications Center at 209-379-1992. Things to be looking for include:
- A person who appears suddenly and then retreats into the brush
- Hitchhikers that appear as if they have been in the woods for a long period of time or adversely experiencing heat related emergencies
- Individuals dressed in camouflage or clothing too warm for the weather (long sleeves and jeans when the general population is wearing shorts)
- Hitchhikers that lack traditional outdoor equipment (i.e. fishing or climbing gear, sleeping bag, tents)