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Re: last minute route planning for a weekend trip (vogelsang area)

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last minute route planning for a weekend trip (vogelsang area)
September 23, 2010 10:24AM
The girlfriend and I have decided to embark on a 3 day backpacking trip in the yosemite high country. We plan to leave this Friday. What I'm thinking is a loop: starting via Lyell perhaps staying at Ireland lake the First night. Not sure where I'd camp the second night but we'd continue to vogelsang, then along Lewis creek, then back around via fletcher and rafferty trail. I know if I camp at Ireland it'll add 3 miles or so to my trip and I'd have a pretty long 2nd or 3rd day, but I don't mind as the elevation profile in the area doesn't look too bad.

Any suggestions as to where to camp on night 2? I'm open to considering alternatives to Ireland for the first night as well
avatar Re: last minute route planning for a weekend trip (vogelsang area)
September 23, 2010 10:54AM
Any suggestions as to where to camp on night 2? I'm open to considering alternatives to Ireland for the first night as well

Recommend the unnamed lake located between Evelyn Lake and the Ireland Lake trail intersection for the first night.

Anywhere not in a meadow that looks nice along Fletcher Creek the second night.
avatar Re: last minute route planning for a weekend trip (vogelsang area)
September 23, 2010 10:57AM

I'm not certain but think you might be able to find something off trail to the left of the Fletcher Creek Trail just after crossing the footbridge from Lewis Creek. However, considering the amount of miles you have to go that last day I would continue up Fletcher Creek and camp closer to Emeric Lake. That will also put some climbing behind you. Don't know how many miles you have in you but if you don't mind a 350' climb on a side trail I highly recommend trying to include a brief stop at Bernice Lake which would be a 2-mile round trip after going over Vogelsang Pass. I think a lot of folks miss this pristine spot.
avatar Re: last minute route planning for a weekend trip (vogelsang area)
September 23, 2010 11:04AM
You can go to Ireland...
then, if you are brave (ha ha)... you can zig over to Townsley this way:

Not a huge fan of Babcock... so I'd recommend.. drop backpack in Vog... run up to
Vog pass... maybe bag a peak if u like... then come back... get pack ...
and head over to Emerick. Find nice spot... and explore more.

Or whatever someone else suggests.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/23/2010 11:04AM by bill-e-g.
Re: last minute route planning for a weekend trip (vogelsang area)
September 23, 2010 01:10PM
There is a beautiful established site on the eastern end of Fletcher Lake.
Re: last minute route planning for a weekend trip (vogelsang area)
September 23, 2010 07:06PM
Thanks for the tips. So you said babcock isn't worth a visit- is there then not much worth seeing on the southern half of that trail (heading south after emerick)?
avatar Re: last minute route planning for a weekend trip (vogelsang area)
September 23, 2010 07:56PM
Thanks for the tips. So you said babcock isn't worth a visit- is there then not much worth seeing on the southern half of that trail (heading south after emerick)?

You know what... Babcock is ok. I just like Emerick much better... especially the dome directly east of it.
Fletcher Dome is DEFINITELY worth visiting. That is the dome just SE of Babcock.
If you have time probably worth checking out the top of.

The stuff I said above was b/c from Ireland all the way over Vog Pass and then back up and around to
Emerick is about 13 miles or so. Most peeps don't wanna do that many miles. I don't advise
> 10 miles per day for the average joe.

Fletcher Crk. is more classic Yose with domes. Lewis is more high sierra rock. Minimal you want
to check out Vogelsang Pass even if you don't go over and down it.
avatar Re: last minute route planning for a weekend trip (vogelsang area)
September 23, 2010 07:58PM
Just to clarify... There are some great views of the dome right from the trail.

Have fun
avatar Re: last minute route planning for a weekend trip (vogelsang area)
September 23, 2010 08:05PM
Why I like Emerick:

(this was late Aug. a few years ago)
Re: last minute route planning for a weekend trip (vogelsang area)
September 23, 2010 09:25PM
Wow. Very nice! I don't mind one Long 14-16 mile day at all (did
A much more strenuous 3 day 40 mile loop out of mineral king just recently) so I'll head towards emeric on the second day and see how It goes. Will let
You know what I get a chance to see and climb this time around
Re: last minute route planning for a weekend trip (vogelsang area)
September 26, 2010 11:03PM
Well unfortunately the girlfriend was sick and not in a state to hike at all. Neither of us realized this until we were well into the first day. Ended up just camping in Lyell canyon one night and hiking back the same way the next day. Dissappoonted we couldn't make it to any lakes this time around (there was no way she could have hiked uphill towards vogelsang on day 2) but Lyell canyon was pretty nice.
avatar Re: last minute route planning for a weekend trip (vogelsang area)
September 27, 2010 11:47AM
Sorry to hear about that but Yosemite isn't going anywhere. Maybe you can get back before they close Tioga
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