It's hard to say if water took this section out or if a boulder knocked it loose. It is over a waterway that gets only a small portion of the total flow from Falls Creek and I can't see just water doing this especially since I'm sure the 10 plus years of spring runoff has had water flows equal to the storm that took it out this time.
During the time prior to the replacement of the washed section in 97 hikers were allowed to do a little scrambling and continue on to Rancheria and maybe on to Table Lake. This time the trail is closed. There isn't an easy way to scramble this time but it would be very easy to have a trail crew move a couple of rocks and make a doable route. Maybe later, but hopefully before a new section is installed which could be a year of two. On the plus side, the bears in the Rancheria area will get weaned of backpacker food.
Old Dude