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Re: Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update

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avatar Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
December 09, 2010 03:55PM
Weather: (December 1 through December 7)
High temp: 50° (Dec 7)
Low temp: 10° (Dec 1)
New Snow: 13”
Total settled snow depth: 23” as of December 8

Ski Conditions and Weather: The winter is in full swing here in Tuolumne Meadows. We had one of the most wintery Novembers in recent memory, with over 6 feet of new snow and temperatures as low as -16 degrees. We have added another foot of snow this first week of December, making for a solid base and good coverage for the entire area. The trail breaking is relatively easy, 4-6 inches deep. Coverage is still a little thin for doing turns on steeper terrain, but the touring is just about perfect considering the early date. The latest report from the east side is that the snow line is in the vicinity of Warren Fork, so skiers coming in from Lee Vining should be prepared to walk mostly bare pavement the first 3 miles or so above the road closure gate.

Avalanche and Snowpack Conditions: For the latest avalanche advisory for this area go to http://www.esavalanche.org for the Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center. The ESAC site is updated several times a week and more often during weather events.

Wildlife: We have seen little wildlife in the past couple of weeks, just the usual tracks of coyotes, pine martens, weasels, squirrels, mice, and hares, along with birds such as Mountain Chickadees, Brown Creepers, Red-breasted Nuthatches, Common Ravens, and Clark’s Nutcrackers. There are still some American Robins hanging out up here even though the ground is completely snow covered (I suspect they are subsisting on juniper berries), as well as one die-hard Belted Kingfisher cruising up and down the mostly ice-covered Tuolumne River between the Ski Hut and Parsons Lodge.

A Friendly Reminder: If you have any ski related or weather questions feel free to call (209) 372-0450 between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm. If we are out skiing, leave a message and a phone number so we can return your call.

(Jeff and Kathi, the Tuolumne winter rangers).
avatar Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
December 16, 2010 02:03PM
December 15, 2010

Weather: (December 8 through December 14)
High temp: 60° (Dec 12)
Low temp: 10° (Dec 8)
New Snow: 10”
Rain: 0.23”
Total settled snow depth: 25” as of December 15

Ski Conditions and Weather: It was quite a mixed bag of weather in Tuolumne this week, with two days of rain and one day of snow. Daytime high temperatures ranged from the mid-30’s all the way up to 60 degrees. We have a pretty solid base now, about 15 inches above the ground, consisting of rain saturated snow that has re-frozen and been covered with new snow. Forecasts are calling for heavy snow this weekend, so there’s a good chance that we will be adding significantly to our local snowpack. Snow levels have been high the past couple weeks, and the next storms are predicted to continue that pattern. Even though we haven’t gotten a report from the east side, we suspect that the snow line is still in the vicinity of Warren Fork. So skiers coming in from Lee Vining should be prepared to walk mostly bare pavement the first 3 miles or so above the road closure gate.

Avalanche and Snowpack Conditions: For the latest avalanche advisory for this area go to http://www.esavalanche.org for the Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center. The ESAC site is updated several times a week and more often during weather events.

Wildlife: We have seen very little wildlife recently, just the usual tracks of coyotes, pine martens, weasels, squirrels, mice, and hares, along with birds such as Mountain Chickadees, Brown Creepers, Red-breasted Nuthatches, Common Ravens, and Clark’s Nutcrackers. Coyotes have dug numerous holes in the snow around the meadows, no doubt searching for mice or other edibles at the bottom of the snowpack.

A Friendly Reminder: If you have any ski related or weather questions feel free to call (209) 372-0450 between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm. If we are out skiing, leave a message and a phone number so we can return your call.

(Jeff and Kathi, the Tuolumne winter rangers).
avatar Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
December 23, 2010 11:48AM
December 22, 2010

Weather: (December 16 through December 22)
High temp: 35° (December 16)
Low temp: -3° (December 16)
New Snow: 79 inches
Total settled snow depth: 67” as of December 22

Ski Conditions and Weather: We had quite a week here in the High Sierra. A series of major storms pounded us relentlessly since last Friday. We received 79 inches of new snow with an impressive water content of 7.63 inches. It is currently still snowing. The winds were strong, especially on Saturday when we had blizzard conditions all day. We stayed close to the house most of the week since it was a little scary to venture too far. We did manage to get out further on Tuesday during a break in the storms, and the skiing was actually quite good. After all that snow we expected trail breaking to be impossible, but it was fairly easy- trail breaking was never more than knee deep. The snow was so wet, it set up great and we were able to stay on top for the most part. Nearby Mammoth Mountain ski resort reported that this was their snowiest December on record and we still have a week left to go in the month. We are not sure where the snowline is since it was a fairly warm system. It was all snow here in Tuolumne Meadows.

Avalanche and Snowpack Conditions: We have not seen any avalanche activity but we haven’t been able to go very far or see any of the high peaks due to the clouds. Extreme caution would be advised anywhere you go. For the latest avalanche advisory for this area go to http://www.esavalanche.org for the Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center and click on advisory. The ESAC site is updated several times a week and more often during weather events.

Wildlife: Even with all the snow, we still saw tracks of Pine Marten, weasel, White-tailed Jackrabbit, Chickaree, and coyote, along with many tiny rodent tracks. Birds seen this week include the Mountain Chickadee, Red Breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, Clark’s Nutcracker, and Raven. Last Thursday we saw a Belted Kingfisher flying along the still open waters of the Tuolumne River. We are hoping it headed for a more hospitable climate since the storms.

Questions: Not surprisingly, we lost all power and phone lines due to the storm. They still are not working as of today. We have not heard if or when they will be back on. (Jeff and Kathi, the Tuolumne winter rangers).
avatar Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
January 03, 2011 01:53PM
December 29, 2010

Weather: (December 23 through December 29)
High temp: 42° (December 24 and 27)
Low temp: 3° (December 26 and 27)
New Snow: 31 inches
Total settled snow depth: 70” as of December 29

Ski Conditions and Weather: We had another stormy week here in the High Sierra. A few smaller storms gave us another 31 inches of snow. We have received 133 inches (11.1 feet) of new snow since the beginning of December. It is currently still snowing and windy creating whiteout conditions. We did manage to break some trail and the touring was good. The snow is still too deep to get in any turns, unless you venture onto the steeper terrain. We didn’t think that was such a good idea given the massive amount of snow plus all the wind loading that has taken place. But once the weather turns back to sunny California days, you will be able to ski anywhere and have amazing coverage. We are not sure where the snowline is on the east side since we have had no visitors brave enough to venture up here.

Avalanche and Snowpack Conditions: We have not seen any avalanche activity on any of the steeper terrain around Tuolumne but extreme caution would be advised anywhere you go. For the latest avalanche advisory for this area go to http://www.esavalanche.org for the Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center and click on advisory. The ESAC site is updated several times a week and more often during weather events.

Wildlife: Even with all the snow, we still saw tracks of Pine Marten, weasel, White-tailed Jackrabbit, Chickaree, and Coyote, along with many tiny rodent tracks. We saw the tracks of one unfortunate rodent running across the meadow only to disappear in the wing prints of a large bird, possibly an owl. The coyotes are quite active but very shy. We have seen their body tracks tunneling through the deep snow. Birds seen this week include the Mountain Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, Clark’s Nutcracker, and Raven. We saw a Goshawk flying down the Tuolumne River.

Questions: Not surprisingly, we still have no power or phone lines. We have not heard if or when they will be back on. (Jeff and Kathi, the Tuolumne winter rangers).
avatar Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
January 06, 2011 10:57AM
Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Weather: (December 30 through January 5)
High temp: 43° (January 4)
Low temp: -19° (December 31)
New Snow: 16 inches
Total settled snow depth: 68” as of January 5

Ski Conditions and Weather: It has finally stopped snowing here in the High Sierra. A few smaller storms gave us another 16 inches of snow earlier in the week. Along with these storms came the frigid arctic air, -19 F on New Year’s Eve morning. The nights are still below zero but the last couple of days we have had beautiful sunny weather. Trail breaking initially was a bit deep as the snow had not settled enough due to the cold temperatures. Every day it gets a little easier; the best touring is currently in the sunny areas, the shaded areas still are holding onto the deep powder snow. We are not sure where the snowline is on the east side since we have had no visitors brave enough to venture up here.

Avalanche and Snowpack Conditions: We had a small avalanche come down off Lembert Dome that crossed the Tioga Road. It was not in a known avalanche zone so extreme caution would be advised anywhere you go until this new snow settles. For the latest avalanche advisory for this area go to http://www.esavalanche.org for the Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center and click on advisory. The ESAC site is updated several times a week and more often during weather events.

Wildlife: Even with all the snow, we still saw tracks of Pine Marten, weasel, White-tailed Jackrabbit, Chickaree, and Coyote, along with many tiny rodent tracks. Birds seen this week include the Mountain Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, Clark’s Nutcracker, and Common Raven.

Questions: Not surprisingly, we still have no electricity or phones. We have not heard if or when they will be turned back on. (Jeff and Kathi, the Tuolumne winter rangers).
avatar Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
January 13, 2011 01:35PM
Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
January 12, 2011

Weather: (January 6 through January 12)
High temp: 50° (January 6)
Low temp: -13° (January 10)
New Snow: 3 inches
Total settled snow depth: 61” as of January 12

Ski Conditions and Weather: It was a dry and beautiful week in the High Sierra. One small disturbance brought us 3 inches of snow last night. Daytime highs were in the low 30’s to low 40’s range, leaving the snow soft and powdery. We were able to venture out farther and try some turning in the steeper terrain. Coverage is excellent and so was the snow. Trail breaking is moderately easy, about 6 inches deep. Visitors have skied in from the west and east. Reports from the west indicate snowline is halfway up the switchbacks in the Snow Creek drainage or about 5000 feet in elevation. Reports from the east side in Lee Vining have the snowline all the way down to the locked gate on Highway 120 or about 7000 feet in elevation. So you can ski the entire length of the road from the gate.

Avalanche and Snowpack Conditions: For the latest avalanche advisory for this area go to http://www.esavalanche.org for the Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center and click on advisory. The ESAC site is updated several times a week and more often during weather events.

Wildlife: We saw tracks of Pine Marten, weasel, White-tailed Jackrabbit, Chickaree, and Coyote, along with many tiny rodent tracks. We heard a Pika (the rock rabbit of the High Sierra) squeaking near Johnson Peak but never got to actually see it.
Birds seen this week include the Mountain Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, Clark’s Nutcracker, and Common Raven.

Questions: We still have no electricity or phones. We have not heard if or when they will be turned back on. (Jeff and Kathi, the Tuolumne winter rangers).
avatar Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
January 20, 2011 10:50AM
Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
January 19, 2011

Weather: (January 13 through January 19)
High temp: 57° (January 17)
Low temp: 7° (January 13)
New Snow: 0 inches
Total settled snow depth: 53” as of January 19

Ski Conditions and Weather: It was another dry and beautiful week in the High Sierra. We had a trace of rain on the afternoon of the 13th, putting a nice breakable crust on top of the snow. Daytime highs were mainly in the 50’s all week turning the snow into a sloppy mess by afternoon. The snow collapses beneath your skis. It was a heat wave, making for uncomfortable skiing in the sun; we were looking for shade to hide under. The meltdown has started and water is flowing everywhere. Coverage is still excellent but the temperatures have ruined the nice soft skiable snow. Trail breaking is moderately easy, about 6 inches deep, after you break through the inch thick crust. It looks like this weather will continue according to the extended weather forecasts.

Avalanche and Snowpack Conditions: For the latest avalanche advisory for this area go to http://www.esavalanche.org for the Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center and click on advisory. The ESAC site is updated several times a week and more often during weather events.

Wildlife: We saw tracks of Pine Marten, weasel, White-tailed Jackrabbit, Chickaree, and Coyote, along with many tiny rodent tracks. Birds seen this week include the Mountain Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, and Clark’s Nutcracker.

Questions: We still have no electricity or phones. We have heard they will not be fixed till spring. (Jeff and Kathi, the Tuolumne winter rangers).
avatar Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
January 28, 2011 08:30AM
Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
January 27, 2011

Weather: (January 20 through January 26)
High temp: 58° (January 21)
Low temp: 11° (January 26)
New Snow: 0 inches
Total settled snow depth: 49” as of January 26

Ski Conditions and Weather: It is another Groundhog Day here in Tuolumne. Sunny, blue skies, 50 degrees, just like every other day for the past 2 weeks. The only variation we have is some days there is an east wind blowing. Coverage is still excellent and if you hit it just right, you may get some spring-like skiing in. The morning snow is firm and fast but by the afternoon your skis break through the snow and you sink in a couple of inches. It looks like this weather will continue till Sunday when the weather service is calling for a slight chance of snow.

Avalanche and Snowpack Conditions: For the latest avalanche advisory for this area go to http://www.esavalanche.org for the Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center and click on advisory. The ESAC site is updated several times a week and more often during weather events.

Wildlife: We saw tracks of Pine Marten, weasel, White-tailed Jackrabbit, Chickaree, and Coyote, along with many tiny rodent tracks. We saw small bear tracks crossing the road by Cathedral Creek, an unusual sighting for January. Birds seen this week include the Mountain Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, Common Raven, and Clark’s Nutcracker.

Questions: We still have no electricity or phones. We have heard they will not be fixed till spring.
Re: Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
January 28, 2011 08:59AM

High temp: 58° (January 21)
avatar Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
February 05, 2011 09:18AM
Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
February 2, 2011

High temp: 52° (January 27)
Low temp: 0° (January 31, February 1)
New Snow: 11 inches
Total settled snow depth: 53” as of February 2

Ski Conditions and Weather: We had a mixed bag of weather this past week. The end of last week was warm and sunny, then over the weekend we picked up close to a foot of new snow, and then had a strong east wind following the storm. The winds wrecked havoc on the new snow, piling it into drifts and forming a breakable wind slab on top. The wind is still blowing strong out of the east, but is predicted to die down and warm up. This will hopefully improve skiing conditions which are now variable, hard slab to breaking through about 10 inches. There is still snow all the way to the locked gate on Highway 120 in Lee Vining Canyon.

Avalanche and Snowpack Conditions: For the latest avalanche advisory for this area go to http://www.esavalanche.org for the Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center and click on advisory. The ESAC site is updated several times a week and more often during weather events.

Wildlife: We saw tracks of Pine Marten, weasel, White-tailed Jackrabbit, Chickaree, and Coyote, along with many tiny rodent tracks. The coyotes were howling this morning on top of Lembert Dome. Birds seen this week include the Mountain Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, Common Raven, and Clark’s Nutcracker.

Questions: We still have no electricity or phones. We have heard they will not be fixed till spring. (Jeff and Kathi, the Tuolumne winter rangers).
avatar Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
February 10, 2011 11:05AM
Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
February 9, 2011

Weather: (February 3 through February 9)
High temp: 52° (February 6)
Low temp: 0° (February 9)
New Snow: 0
Total settled snow depth: 48” as of February 9

Ski Conditions and Weather: This has been the week of the winds. We have had strong east winds all week making it feel colder than it really was. Brilliant sunshine dominated everyday followed by cold, clear nights. Skiing conditions have really deteriorated because of the winds. Ski tracks have been left stranded several inches above the snowpack or buried under a wind-crusted slab of Styrofoam. Just to give you an idea of how wet last December was, our February 1st snow surveys showed the Tuolumne and Merced River drainages at 150% above average, even though we have not had any significant snow in almost 6 weeks. The Lee Vining grade (HWY 120) is starting to melt out in spots, making skiers take off their skis and walk short distances on bare pavement.

Avalanche and Snowpack Conditions: For the latest avalanche advisory for this area go to http://www.esavalanche.org for the Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center and click on advisory. The ESAC site is updated several times a week and more often during weather events.

Wildlife: Tracks seen recently were Pine Marten, weasel, White-tailed Jackrabbit, along with the many tiny rodent, Coyote and Chickaree tracks. We saw a large flock of robins feeding on Juniper berries just east of Ranger Camp. Birds seen this week include the Mountain Chickadee, Red Breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, Clark’s Nutcracker, American Robin, Northern Flicker, and Common Raven.

Questions: The power and phones are out indefinitely, come prepared. (Jeff and Kathi, the Tuolumne winter rangers).
avatar Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
February 17, 2011 11:14AM
Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
February 16, 2011

Weather: (February 10 through February 16)
High temp: 51° (February 13)
Low temp: 1° (February 10)
New Snow: 7 inches
Total settled snow depth: 51” as of February 16

Ski Conditions and Weather: Winter has returned to the High Sierra. After another windy week with clear blue skies we have finally been hit by a full fledged snowstorm. As of this morning we picked up 7 inches of new snow and it is still snowing heavily with gusty winds creating white-out conditions. The NWS is expecting this trend to continue into next week with the Sierra picking up several feet of new snow. With that said, expect some tough trail breaking if you come in. Snow coverage is still great around the Tuolumne Meadows area and you can ski just about anywhere you desire. The snow had melted significantly on the Lee Vining grade (HWY 120) below Warren Fork (9000 feet in elevation) in the past couple of weeks. Expect this storm to cover up the bare pavement once again.

Avalanche and Snowpack Conditions: For the latest avalanche advisory for this area go to http://www.esavalanche.org for the Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center and click on advisory. The ESAC site is updated several times a week and more often during weather events.

Wildlife: We saw tracks of Pine Marten, weasel, White-tailed Jackrabbit, Chickaree, and Coyote, along with many tiny rodent tracks. Birds seen this week include the Mountain Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, American Robin, and Clark’s Nutcracker.

Questions: Power and phones are out of service indefinitely. We have heard they will not be fixed till spring. Come prepared, there is no electricity or phone service at the ski hut.
Re: Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
February 17, 2011 12:07PM
How are they getting their reports out with no power or phones?
avatar Re: Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
February 17, 2011 12:13PM
How are they getting their reports out with no power or phones?

Radio most likely.
Re: Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
February 17, 2011 12:52PM
Ahh radio! Good point. I assume they must have some kind of solar setup to keep things going when they have no power.
avatar Re: Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
February 17, 2011 12:58PM
I assume they must have some kind of solar setup to keep things going when they have no power.

That would seem likely.
avatar Re: Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
February 17, 2011 01:07PM
Ahh radio! Good point. I assume they must have some kind of solar setup to keep things going when they have no power.

Pont of Information:
The hard-wired power to Tuolumne Meadows comes from the Poole Power Plant down in Lee Vining Canyon.

The Poole facility, believe it or not, belongs to SCE (Southern California Edison) rather than PG&E. The SCE service area goes up the eastern flank of the Sierra up through Mono County:

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2011 01:27PM by szalkowski.
avatar Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
February 25, 2011 02:04PM
Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
February 23, 2011

High temp: 32° (February 23)
Low temp: -15° (February 21)
New Snow: 44 inches
Total settled snow depth: 65” as of February 23

Ski Conditions and Weather: We had quite the weather week here in Tuolumne. Last week’s storm brought us 51 inches of new snow and bitterly cold temperatures. We did not get above freezing the entire week and had below zero temperatures five nights in a row. We also had moderate winds which dropped the wind chill values. Expect some tough trail breaking if you come in. There is trail broken from the west but another storm is due to hit us this evening obliterating any trail that had been broken. Snow coverage is still great if you can get in here.

Avalanche and Snowpack Conditions: For the latest avalanche advisory for this area go to http://www.esavalanche.org for the Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center and click on advisory. The ESAC site is updated several times a week and more often during weather events.

Wildlife: We saw tracks of Pine Marten, weasel, White-tailed Jackrabbit, Chickaree, and Coyote, along with many tiny rodent tracks. Birds seen this week include the Mountain Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, American Robin, and Clark’s Nutcracker.

Questions: Power and phones are out of service indefinitely. We have heard it will not be fixed till spring. Come prepared, there is no electricity or phone service at the ski hut. (Jeff and Kathi, the Tuolumne winter rangers).
avatar Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
March 03, 2011 04:54PM
Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update

High temp: 44° (March 1)
Low temp: -15° (February 27)
New Snow: 31 inches
Total settled snow depth: 72” as of March 2

Ski Conditions and Weather: Even though spring is on the horizon, it is still very much winter here in the High Sierra. In the past 2 weeks we received 82 inches of snow. The temperatures have moderated a bit. The NWS is forecasting unsettled weather all week. It is currently snowing and windy. Expect some tough trail breaking if you come in. Snow coverage is still great if you can get in here.

Avalanche and Snowpack Conditions: For the latest avalanche advisory for this area go to http://www.esavalanche.org for the Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center and click on advisory. The ESAC site is updated several times a week and more often during weather events.

Wildlife: Very few tracks were seen through the copious amounts of snowfall but the usual critters are still out and about; mainly Pine Marten, weasel, White-tailed Jackrabbit, Chickaree, and Coyote, along with many tiny rodent tracks. Birds seen this week include the Mountain Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, American Robin, and Clark’s Nutcracker. We caught a brief glimpse of a hawk by Mono Parker trailhead. Perhaps a Sharp Shinned or Coopers Hawk.

Questions: Power and phones are out of service indefinitely. We have heard it will not be fixed till spring. Come prepared, there is no electricity or phone service at the ski hut. (Jeff and Kathi, the Tuolumne winter rangers).
Re: Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
March 06, 2011 01:13PM
AAmartian, those posts are not being made by Jeff and Kathi, so posting questions for them here will not do you much good.
Re: Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
March 06, 2011 02:11PM
Thanks for the input, hotrod. I'm a little confused as all the previous posts are signed by Jeff and Kathi and seem to be based from Tuolumne Meadows. But I'm just looking for current info so if anyone has input about our questions, we'd definitely appreciate it.
avatar Re: Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
March 06, 2011 03:44PM
Thanks for the input, hotrod. I'm a little confused as all the previous posts are signed by Jeff and Kathi and seem to be based from Tuolumne Meadows. But I'm just looking for current info so if anyone has input about our questions, we'd definitely appreciate it.

The website administrator (eeek) copies those posts from the following park webpage:

Suggest calling the valley visitor center. They might be able to answer your questions or relay them to Jeff and Kathi for a reply.

I assume that your group is aware that they will need to start their trip from the locked gate on the Tioga Road which is (according to the Caltrans website) about 5 miles up Lee Vining Canyon from the US395 intersection.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/06/2011 03:54PM by szalkowski.
avatar Re: Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
March 06, 2011 05:18PM
The website administrator (eeek) copies those posts from the following park webpage:

Actually I usually get them from the Daily Report. winking smiley
avatar Re: Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
March 06, 2011 06:41PM
I assume that your group is aware that they will need to start their trip from the locked gate on the Tioga Road which is (according to the Caltrans website) about 5 miles up Lee Vining Canyon from the US395 intersection.

That would be here:

avatar Re: Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
March 06, 2011 07:04PM
I assume that your group is aware that they will need to start their trip from the locked gate on the Tioga Road which is (according to the Caltrans website) about 5 miles up Lee Vining Canyon from the US395 intersection.

That would be here:


Out of curiosity, Caltrans' claim notwithstanding, is the gate really around 5 miles from the bottom?
I was thinking that it was just past the turnoff to the Poole Power Station, which would make it appreciably shorter.
(The "NEXT 9 MILES" on the sign also suggests that it is more like 3 miles.)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/06/2011 07:08PM by szalkowski.
avatar Re: Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
March 06, 2011 05:24PM
Re: Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
March 06, 2011 05:42PM
Thanks qumqats and szalkowski for the info. Yep, we're aware of where the gate is. We're already mentally preparing for the long slog to get in. I'll see if I can get in touch with Jeff and Kathi through the Visitor Center....
Re: Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
March 06, 2011 11:44AM
Thanks for the updates Jeff and Kathi. It's been very motivating and helpful as we have a big group getting together at the hut 3/20-24. The skiers (12) are getting psyched for trail breaking from the east, getting on some summits, and scoring some untracked sweetness. Hopefully we don't spoil any honeymooners or romantic get-aways...fair warning??? Of course we'll be prepared for the possibility of a pre-packed hut, but we are counting on using it it for cooking and drinking our cache.

Couple of questions- Thanks to your current posts we're aware of the power and phone situation, but it's been a number of years since I've spent any time in Tuolumne in the winter. Are any of the toilets near the hut operational? Also, last time I was there I helped a mama bear and her cub out of the big dumpster at the store. We are prepared to haul our trash out but it would help our planning to know if a dumpster is available for use? Also, I recall pumping water out of the river just to save on the fuel it takes melting snow, but I'm not sure the condition of the river. Is it frozen over at this point?

We will continue to watch your posts on conditions, maybe get a chance to thank you both with a fireside scotch in a couple weeks.


avatar Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
March 10, 2011 03:06PM
Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
High temp: 47° (March 5)
Low temp: -1° (March 4)
New Snow: 14 inches
Total settled snow depth: 74” as of March 9

Ski Conditions and Weather: It was yet another stormy week here in Tuolumne. Three separate storms hit us, bouncing back and forth between warm days and cold days. Trail breaking is moderate, sinking in about 6 inches. Not much spring skiing yet, the new snow is still wet and heavy and turns aren’t very good. We need a break from this stormy pattern, and an extended period of warmer weather, for the snow to set up more firmly.

Avalanche and Snowpack Conditions: For the latest avalanche advisory for this area go to www.esavalanche.org for the Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center and click on advisory. The ESAC site is updated several times a week and more often during weather events.

Wildlife: Very few tracks were seen through the copious amounts of snowfall but the usual critters are still out and about; mainly Pine Marten, weasel, White-tailed Jackrabbit, Chickaree, and Coyote, along with many tiny rodent tracks. Birds seen and heard this week include the Mountain Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, American Robin, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Dark-eyed Junco, and Clark’s Nutcracker.
avatar Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
March 18, 2011 12:38PM
Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update - 3/17

High temp: 51° (3/10)
Low temp: 12° (3/11)
New Snow: 7"
Total settled snow depth: 69" as of 3/16

Ski Conditions and Weather: It was another cold and windy week here in Tuolumne. We’ve had snow on and off all week, along with high winds and cloudy skies. Not much indication that spring is going to arrive anytime soon, the forecast for the next week is for more of the same type of weather. Trail breaking is about 6" deep in wind- crusted snow in the open areas, and deeper in powdery snow in the sheltered spots. Our last report from the east side is that the Lee Vining grade is mostly bare pavement from the road closure gate up to about Warren Fork Creek, with a few short stretches of snow here and there along the way. So people coming in from the Lee Vining side should be prepared to walk most of the first 3 miles before reaching snow line.

Avalanche and Snowpack Conditions: For the latest avalanche advisory for this area go to http://www.esavalanche.org for the Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center. The ESAC site is updated several times a week and more often during weather events.

Wildlife: We have seen very little wildlife recently, just the usual tracks of coyotes, pine martens, weasels, squirrels, mice, and hares, along with birds such as Mountain Chickadees, Brown Creepers, Red-breasted Nuthatches, Common Ravens, and Clark’s Nutcrackers.

A Friendly Reminder: There is no phone service or electricity in Tuolumne again this winter, so come prepared. Thanks - Jeff and Kathi, the Tuolumne winter rangers.
avatar Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
March 25, 2011 01:10PM
Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update - Wednesday, March 23
High temp: 36° (March 17)
Low temp: -4° (March 22)
New Snow: 44 inches
Total settled snow depth: 88” as of March 23

Ski Conditions and Weather: Although spring is officially here, winter is still in full force in Tuolumne Meadows. We haven’t seen the sun in almost 2 weeks. Storm after storm has pounded us, leaving us with our highest snow depth in 5 years. It is currently snowing heavily. The National Weather Service is predicting this pattern to stay with us until the end of the month. Don’t expect any spring skiing in the near term. Trail breaking is deep and difficult.

Avalanche and Snowpack Conditions: For the latest avalanche advisory for this area go to http://www.esavalanche.org for the Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center and click on advisory. The ESAC site is updated several times a week and more often during weather events.

Wildlife: Very few tracks were seen through the copious amounts of snowfall but the usual critters are still out and about; mainly Pine Marten, weasel, White-tailed Jackrabbit, Chickaree, and Coyote, along with many tiny rodent tracks. The spring migration has been put on hold up here. Birds seen and heard this week include the Mountain Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, American Robin, Common Raven, and Clark’s Nutcracker.
avatar Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
April 03, 2011 09:57AM
Weekly Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
High temp: 53° (3/30)
Low temp: -1° (3/25)
New Snow: 38 inches
Total settled snow depth: 84” as of March 31

Ski Conditions and Weather: This winter is one for the record books. In March we received 112 inches of snow, containing 8.01 inches of water. We have received over 35 feet of snow this winter, and winter probably isn’t over yet. We reached our maximum snow depth here at the Ranger Station of 105 inches this week. But don’t let that fool you, higher elevations have much more snow. Our snow survey site at Rafferty Meadows (below Tuolumne Pass) had 145 inches of snow containing 57 inches of water. Only the legendary winter of 1983 dropped more snow (156”) at this site, and only the big winter of 1995 dropped more water (58”), since record-keeping began at this spot in 1948. With 105 inches of snow, this is the fourth deepest end-of-March snowpack at the Tuolumne Meadows snow survey site since 1930, exceeded only by the winters of 1995 (107”), 1969 (126”), and 1983 (138”). The storms have stopped for now; unsettled weather is expected for the weekend. The snow is settling fast now that the temperatures have warmed up, so expect skiing conditions to change daily.

Avalanche and Snowpack Conditions: For the latest avalanche advisory for this area go to http://www.esavalanche.org for the Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center and click on advisory. The ESAC site is updated several times a week and more often during weather events.

Wildlife: Very few tracks were seen through the copious amounts of snowfall but the usual critters are still out and about; mainly Pine Marten, weasel, White-tailed Jackrabbit, Chickaree, and Coyote, along with many tiny rodent tracks. The spring migration has been put on hold up here. Birds seen and heard this week include the Mountain Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, Common Raven, and Clark’s Nutcracker.

Reminder: Bear canisters are now required for backcountry travel. Power and phones are out of service indefinitely. Come prepared, there is no electricity or phone service at the ski hut.
avatar Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update
April 07, 2011 01:32PM
Tuolumne Meadows Winter Conditions Update (4/1 - 4/6)
High temp: 63°
Low temp: 16°
New Snow: 1 inch
Total settled snow depth: 70” as of April 6

Ski Conditions and Weather: This will be the last weekly update for the winter of 2010-11. Spring has finally arrived and it has settled the snow quite a bit. We even had a thunderstorm last Saturday. More unsettled weather is expected starting tomorrow, bringing more snow to our unbelievable snowpack. Skiing is hard and fast in the mornings and softening up in the afternoon. Expect skiing conditions to change daily. Caltrans has not started plowing HWY 120 from the Lee Vining side yet.

Avalanche and Snowpack Conditions: For the latest avalanche advisory for this area go to http://www.esavalanche.org for the Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center and click on advisory. The ESAC site is updated several times a week and more often during weather events.

Wildlife: Tracks seen this week: mainly Pine Marten, weasel, White-tailed Jackrabbit, Chickaree, and Coyote, along with many tiny rodent tracks. The spring migration has started. Birds seen and heard this week include the Mountain Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, Evening Grosbeak, American Robin, Swallows, Dark-eyed Junco, and Clark’s Nutcracker.

Bear canisters are now required for overnight backcountry travel. Power and phones are out of service indefinitely. Come prepared, there is no electricity or phone service at the ski hut.
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