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Winter storm warning

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avatar Winter storm watch
December 15, 2010 04:48PM
Winter storm watch
Urgent - winter weather message
National weather service hanford ca
415 pm pst wed dec 15 2010

...Heavy snow expected across the southern sierra from friday
Through the weekend...

.A series of wet pacific storms will move inland across central
California beginning on friday. Very heavy snowfall and strong
Winds are expected above 7000 feet.

Sierra nevada from yosemite to kings canyon-
Tulare county mountains-
415 pm pst wed dec 15 2010

...Winter storm watch in effect above 7000 feet from friday
Morning through sunday afternoon for the southern sierra nevada
From yosemite national park to the kern county line...

The national weather service in hanford has issued a winter storm
Watch above 7000 feet for heavy snow and strong winds...Which is
In effect from friday morning through sunday afternoon for the
Southern sierra nevada from yosemite national park to the kern
County line.

* snow accumulations: 5 to 10 feet above 7000 feet.

* elevation: above 7000 feet.

* timing: snow will begin friday afternoon...Increasing friday
Night with heavy snow continuing through the weekend.

* locations include: tuolumne meadows...Tioga pass...Camp nelson
And park ridge.

* winds: southwest to west winds 15 to 30 mph. Gusts to around 60
Mph along the crest.

* impacts: travel into the back country of the southern sierra
Nevada may be difficult...If not impossible by friday evening.

Precautionary/preparedness actions...

A winter storm watch means there is a potential for significant
Snow and strong winds that may impact travel. Continue to monitor
The latest forecasts.

Stay tuned to noaa weather radio...Or your favorite news
Source...For further information on this potentially dangerous
Winter weather event.



Re: Winter storm watch
December 15, 2010 07:23PM
Is that low enough to cover the area for going to Dewey point with fresh snow?
avatar Re: Winter storm watch
December 15, 2010 08:23PM
Dewey Point is at 7200 feet so it's debatable. There will probably be the wind but it could be rain there instead of snow. I wouldn't want to be out in it because of the possibility of rain instead of snow. The temps in the valley will not be going below freezing so the forecast for the valley over the next few days during the big storm will bring only rain there. At Dewey Point--who knows.

The Goat and I were at near 6000 feet last weekend and the snow was pretty much nonexistent and what was there was melting fast due to the high temps. It just got down to about 40 degrees overnight Friday with warmness during the day. But note that some people found it necessary to lug along a -10 degree 850 Power Fill bag and be in a bivy to boot..

Old Dude
avatar Re: Winter storm watch
December 16, 2010 10:59AM
Dearest Old Dude,
Bag weighs 3lb 5oz. Find a bag 0 or below that is lighter and you got something.
Campmor 0 weighs nearly 4 lbs. So I'm saving weight.
Need to get cost/use down ...

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: Winter storm watch
December 16, 2010 04:36PM
I called the Yosemite info line and they are saying snow down to 5200 so there is going to be lotso fresh white stuff up along GP road.
avatar Winter storm warning
December 16, 2010 01:50PM
Winter storm warning
Urgent - winter weather message
National weather service hanford ca
139 pm pst thu dec 16 2010

...Very heavy snow across the southern sierra from friday through
The weekend...

.A series of wet pacific storms will move inland across central
California beginning on friday and continuing into at least
Sunday. Very heavy snowfall and strong winds are expected above
7000 feet.

Sierra nevada from yosemite to kings canyon-
Tulare county mountains-
139 pm pst thu dec 16 2010

...Winter storm warning in effect from 10 am friday to 4 pm pst
Sunday above 7000 feet...

The national weather service in hanford has issued a winter storm
Warning above 7000 feet for heavy snow and strong winds...Which
Is in effect from 10 am friday to 4 pm pst sunday for the southern
Sierra nevada from yosemite national park to the kern county
Line..The winter storm watch is no longer in effect

* snow accumulations: 5 to 10 feet above 7000 feet.

* snow levels: will rise and fall at times during this series
Of storms...Ranging anywhere from 6000 feet to 8000 feet...
Depending on the exact track of each individual system.
However the heaviest snow accumulations will be at and above
7000 feet.

* timing: snow will begin friday...Increasing in intensity
Friday night and saturday...Continuing through sunday.

* locations include: tuolumne meadows in yosemite park...
Huntington lake...Lodgepole in sequoia park...Camp nelson.

* winds: southwest to west winds 15 to 30 mph. Gusts to around
60 mph along the crest.

* impacts: travel into the high country of the southern sierra
Nevada may be difficult...If not impossible by friday

Precautionary/preparedness actions...

A winter storm watch means there is a potential for significant
Snow and strong winds.


Precautionary/preparedness actions...

A winter storm warning means significant amounts of snow are
Expected or occurring. Strong winds are also possible. This will
Make travel very hazardous or impossible.

Stay tuned to noaa weather radio...Or your favorite news
Source...For further information on this winter weather event.



avatar Area forecast discussion
December 16, 2010 05:34PM
Fxus66 khnx 170002

Area forecast discussion
National weather service san joaquin valley - hanford ca
402 pm pst thu dec 16 2010


A series of pacific storms will begin moving through the area by
Friday. These systems will continue bringing significant amounts of
Moisture to the area through the middle of next week with heavy rain
And very heavy higher elevation snow expected at times.


.Discussion...Low clouds have been hanging in over the central and
Southern san joaquin valley but some late afternoon erosion is now
Occurring. This could be considered the calm before the storm or
Better yet calm before the series of storms. Water vapor imagery
Shows a deep gulf of alaska upper low steering a very long fetch
Of moisture between 30n-40n towards the california coast. Rain is
Expected to reach the coast later tonight and possibly into the
West side of the sj valley before sunrise. Precip will overspread
The central california interior during the day and increase in
Intensity friday night. The wet weather will continue saturday with
Another heavy surge of moisture expected saturday night and sunday.
Precip estimates remain high with 1 to 3 inches of rain in the sj
Valley this weekend...Heaviest on the east side. Urban and small
Stream flooding is likely to occur at times...Especially in poor
Drainage areas and from the abundant leaf fall recently. Qpf of
5-10 inches is expected in the southern sierra and foothills.
Hazardous travel conditions will develop with a good potential for
Rock and mudslides as well as rapid rises and flooding of smaller
Creeks and streams. The snow level will fluctuate during the
Weekend but is mainly expected to be in the neighborhood of 7000
To 8000 feet. Heavy snow will fall at times with accumulations
From 5 to 10 feet above 7000 feet. A winter storms warning has
Been issued for the southern sierra above 7000 feet from yosemite
Np down to the kern county line from 10am friday through 4pm
Sunday. Lower qpf is expected over kern county but the mountains
Could see several inches of rainfall...With the heaviest precip
Arriving on sunday. The kern desert will experience some rain
Shadowing but still may see from around a half to one inch of
Rain. Strong gusty southwest to west winds could develop on the
Far west side of the sj valley near the diablo and temblor
Ranges...Especially around avenal and kettleman. It looks like a
Brief lull in the activity around monday but another strong wave
Is expected tues-wed with more heavy precip. Tough to pin down
The details for that system yet...But several more inches of
Precip on already saturated ground appears likely.


Ifr conditions across the san joaqiun valley along with mountain
Obscuration...Mainly over the foothills...Will continue through 20z
Today. Will see slight improvement to mvfr conditions between 00z
Today and 06z tonight. Widespread ifr conditions will return to the
San joaquin valley after 06z friday and continue through 18z
Saturday. Conditions will improve to mvfr as rain enters the
District during the day on friday.


.Air quality issues...


.Hnx watches/warnings/advisories...
Winter storm warning from 10 am friday to 4 pm pst sunday above
7000 feet for the caz096-097.



avatar Flood advisory
December 17, 2010 01:29PM
Flood advisory
National weather service san joaquin valley ca
934 am pst fri dec 17 2010

934 am pst fri dec 17 2010

The national weather service in hanford ca has issued an

* urban and small stream flood advisory for...
The central and southern san joaquin valley north of
Kern county. This includes the cities of...Merced...Atwater...

* until 930 am pst saturday. The most significant rainfall is
Expected after 600 pm pst.

* rain will be heavy at times tonight into saturday morning
With ponding of water in poor drainage areas.

Do not drive your vehicle into areas where the water covers the
Roadway. The water depth may be too great to allow your car to cross

Lat...Lon 3739 12089 3760 12036 3701 11976 3692 11947
3645 11914 3643 11905 3581 11891 3581 12015
3615 12058 3650 12057 3702 12122
Time...Mot...Loc 1729z 180deg 0kt 3737 12025


avatar Flood watch
December 17, 2010 05:35PM
Flood watch
National weather service san joaquin valley - hanford ca
153 pm pst fri dec 17 2010

...Heavy rainfall through monday morning may cause flooding across
Much of inland central california...

.A series of pacific winter storms tapping into deep subtropical
Moisture will bring periods of heavy rain to central interior
California. The heaviest rain is expected to fall between saturday
Morning and sunday afternoon.

Sierra nevada from yosemite to kings canyon-
Tulare county mountains-
153 pm pst fri dec 17 2010

...Flood watch in effect from saturday morning through monday
Morning below 7000 feet...

The national weather service in hanford has issued a

* flood watch for the southern sierra nevada below 7000 feet.

* from saturday morning through monday morning

* rainfall: very heavy rainfall...Possibly up to 10 inches...Is
Forecast to occur in the sierra nevada below the snow line which
Is expected to fluctuate around 7000 feet. Periods of heavy rain
Can be expected from saturday morning through sunday night.

* impacts: flooding or flash flooding is possible in the mountains
Due to rapid runoff. Localized rock or mud slides could develop.
Flooding is not currently predicted on the merced river at
Pohono bridge...However...Rising waters are anticipated along
The smaller rivers and streams this weekend.

Precautionary/preparedness actions...

A flood watch means there is a potential for flooding based on
Current forecasts. You should monitor later forecasts and be
Alert for possible flood warnings. Those living in areas prone to
Flooding should be prepared to take action.



avatar Flood warning
December 19, 2010 02:12PM
Flood statement
National weather service san joaquin valley ca
1040 am pst sun dec 19 2010

Kings ca-mariposa ca-kern ca-tulare ca-fresno ca-madera ca-merced ca-
1040 am pst sun dec 19 2010

...The flood warning remains in effect until 815 am pst tuesday for
The central and southern san joaquin valley and adjacent
Foothills...And the southern sierra nevada and tehachapi mountains
Below 6000 feet.

At 1035 am pst national weather service radar indicated moderate
Rain...With embedded areas of heavy rain...Was continuing to move
Into the central california interior. The california highway patrol
Had several reports of road flooding in the central and southern
San joaquin valley and the foothills.

Recent heavy rain has contributed to ongoing flooding conditions
Throughout the foothills and the central and southern san joaquin
Valley. Additional rain today through monday night will aggravate
Flooding problems in these areas and will pose a continued threat of
Rising water through early tuesday morning.

Additionally...The threat of rock slides and debris flow will
Continue over the higher elevations and in the recent burn areas.
The national weather service in hanford is forecasting up to inch of
Additional rain in the san joaquin valley...With as much as 3 inches
In the foothills.

A flood warning means that flooding is imminent or has been reported.
Stream rises will be slow and flash flooding is not expected.
However...All interested parties should take necessary precautions

Precautionary/preparedness actions...

Most flood deaths occur in automobiles. Never drive your vehicle into
Areas where the water covers the roadway. Flood waters are usually
Deeper than they appear. Just one foot of flowing water is powerful
Enough to sweep vehicles off the road. When encountering flooded
Roads make the smart choice...Turn around...Dont drown.

Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small
Creeks and streams...Highways and underpasses. Additionally...Country
Roads and farmlands along the banks of creeks...Streams and other low
Lying areas are subject to flooding.

To report flooding...Have the nearest law enforcement agency relay
Your report to the national weather service forecast office.


Lat...Lon 3741 12086 3763 12021 3686 11908 3534 11845
3515 11860 3504 11936 3540 11981 3611 12047
3650 12057 3713 12114


avatar Hazardous weather outlook
December 19, 2010 03:54PM
Hazardous weather outlook
National weather service san joaquin valley - hanford ca
929 am pst sun dec 19 2010

West central san joaquin valley-east central san joaquin valley-
Southwestern san joaquin valley-southeastern san joaquin valley-
Mariposa madera and fresno county foothills-
Tulare county foothills-kern county mountains-
Sierra nevada from yosemite to kings canyon-
Tulare county mountains-indian wells valley-
Southeastern kern county desert-
929 am pst sun dec 19 2010

...Very wet weather and very heavy higher elevation snow

This hazardous weather outlook is for all of interior central

.Day one...Today and tonight

A flood warning is in effect for the central california interior
For urban areas and small streams in of the southern san joaquin
Valley and adjacent foothills and the southern sierra nevada and
Tehachapi mountains below 6000 feet until 815 am pst tuesday.
Please see sfoflwhnx or wmo header...Wgus46 khnx...For details.

A winter storm warning above 7000 feet is in effect until 4 pm
Pst monday for the southern sierra nevada from yosemite to the
Kern county line. Please see sfowswhnx or wmo header...Wwus46
Khnx...For details.

A small stream flood advisory for locally heavy rain is in effect
For eastern kern county in central california until 900 am pst
Monday. Please see sfoflshnx or wmo header...Wgus86 khnx...For

.Days two through seven...Monday through saturday

The flood warnings for the above areas will remain in effect
Until tuesday morning.

The winter storm warning above 7000 feet will remain in effect
Until 4 pm pst monday afternoon for the southern sierra nevada
From yosemite to the kern county line.

The small stream flood advisory for locally heavy rain will remain
In effect for eastern kern county in central california until 900
Am pst monday. Please see sfoflshnx or wmo header...Wgus86
Khnx...For details.

Wet weather is expected to continue into at least wednesday. Please
Stay tuned...As further statements...Including watches and
Warnings...May need to be issued.

.Spotter information statement...

Skywarn spotter activation will not be needed.

Weather spotters are encouraged to report any significant or
Unusual conditions to the national weather service.


avatar Winter storm warning
December 20, 2010 01:19PM
Winter storm warning
Urgent - winter weather message
National weather service hanford ca
1030 am pst mon dec 20 2010

Sierra nevada from yosemite to kings canyon-
Tulare county mountains-
1030 am pst mon dec 20 2010

...Winter storm warning remains in effect until 4 pm pst this

A winter storm warning remains in effect until 4 pm pst this
Afternoon for the higher elevations of the southern sierra

* snow accumulations: new snow up to 1 ft. Storm totals of 5 to
10 feet above 7000 feet are likely.

* snow levels: 4500 to 5000 feet.

* timing: periods of heavy snow will continue through at least
This afternoon.

* locations include: camp nelson...Giant forest...Johnsondale...
Lodgepole...Shaver lake...Yosemite valley

* winds: southwest to west 15 to 30 mph. Gusts to around 60 mph
Along the crest.

* impacts: travel into the high country of the southern sierra
Nevada may be difficult...If not impossible.

Precautionary/preparedness actions...

A winter storm warning means significant amounts of snow are
Expected or occurring. Strong winds are also possible. This will
Make travel very hazardous or impossible.

Stay tuned to noaa weather radio...Or your favorite news source...
For further information on this winter weather event.


avatar Flood warning
December 20, 2010 01:20PM
Flood warning
Flood statement
National weather service san joaquin valley ca
1216 pm pst mon dec 20 2010

Kings ca-mariposa ca-kern ca-tulare ca-fresno ca-madera ca-merced ca-
1216 pm pst mon dec 20 2010

...The flood warning remains in effect until 815 am pst tuesday for
Merced...Southwestern madera...Fresno...Western tulare...Western
Kern...Southwestern mariposa and kings counties...

At 1210 pm pst widespread flooding was reported by law enforcement
And media sources in the mcfarland area along poso creek. Street
Flooding is widespread in the bakersfield metro area and in the
Lamont area where caliente creek flows into the valley floor.

Nearly all rivers...Creeks and streams in the kern county mountains
Are running bankfull or overflowing. Radar shows heavy rain
Continuing to move into kings...Tulare and kern counties. Additional
Rainfall amounts over one inch are likely this afternoon with
Additional rain to fall tonight.

A flood warning means that flooding is imminent or has been reported.
Stream rises will be slow and flash flooding is not expected.
However...All interested parties should take necessary precautions

Precautionary/preparedness actions...

Most flood deaths occur in automobiles. Never drive your vehicle into
Areas where the water covers the roadway. Flood waters are usually
Deeper than they appear. Just one foot of flowing water is powerful
Enough to sweep vehicles off the road. When encountering flooded
Roads make the smart choice...Turn around...Dont drown.

Excessive runoff from heavy rainfall will cause flooding of small
Creeks and streams...Highways and underpasses. Additionally...Country
Roads and farmlands along the banks of creeks...Streams and other low
Lying areas are subject to flooding.

A flood warning means flooding is occurring or is imminent. Most
Flood related deaths occur in automobiles. Do not attempt to cross
Water covered bridges...Dips...Or low water crossings. Never try to
Cross a flowing stream...Even a small one...On foot. To escape rising
Water move up to higher ground.

To report flooding...Have the nearest law enforcement agency relay
Your report to the national weather service forecast office.


Lat...Lon 3741 12086 3763 12021 3686 11908 3600 11872
3582 11869 3582 11865 3534 11845 3515 11860
3504 11936 3540 11981 3611 12047 3650 12057
3713 12114

avatar Hazardous weather outlook
December 20, 2010 06:31PM
Hazardous weather outlook
National weather service san joaquin valley - hanford ca
507 pm pst mon dec 20 2010

West central san joaquin valley-east central san joaquin valley-
Southwestern san joaquin valley-southeastern san joaquin valley-
Mariposa madera and fresno county foothills-
Tulare county foothills-kern county mountains-
Sierra nevada from yosemite to kings canyon-
Tulare county mountains-indian wells valley-
Southeastern kern county desert-
507 pm pst mon dec 20 2010

...Very wet weather with very heavy higher elevation snowfall
Continues through wednesday...

This hazardous weather outlook is for all of interior central

.Day one...Tonight

A flood warning for urban areas and small streams is in effect
For the central california interior below elevation 6000
Feet...Until 815 am pst tuesday. Please refer to sfoflwhnx...Or
Wmo header wgus46 khnx...For more details.

A winter storm warning above 4500 feet is in effect for the tulare
County mountains until 1000 pm tonight. Please refer to
Sfowswhnx...Or wmo header wwus46 khnx...For more details.

A winter weather advisory above 5000 feet is in effect for the
Kern county mountains until 600 am pst tuesday. Please refer to
Sfowswhnx...Or wmo header wwus46 khnx...For more details.

.Days two through seven...Tuesday through sunday

The flood warning will remain in effect until 815 am pst tuesday
Morning for the central california interior below 6000 feet.

The winter weather advisory will remain in effect until 600 am
Pst tuesday morning for the kern county mountains above 5000 feet.

Please stay tuned for further statements as very wet weather is
Expected to continue until at least wednesday...Including watches
And warnings...From the national weather service forecast office
In hanford.

.Spotter information statement...

Skywarn spotter activation will not be needed.

Weather spotters are encouraged to report any significant or
Unusual conditions to the national weather service.

avatar Winter weather advisory
December 21, 2010 02:18PM
Winter weather advisory
Urgent - winter weather message
National weather service hanford ca
137 pm pst tue dec 21 2010

Sierra nevada from yosemite to kings canyon-
137 pm pst tue dec 21 2010

...Winter weather advisory in effect from 6 pm this evening to
3 pm pst wednesday...

The national weather service in hanford has issued a winter
Weather advisory for snow...Which is in effect from 6 pm this
Evening to 3 pm pst wednesday for the southern sierra nevada from
Yosemite to kings canyon.

*the last in a series of weather disturbances will move into and
Across the mountains tonight and wednesday bringing significant

* snow accumulations: 8 to 15 inches.

* elevation: as low as 4000 feet.

* timing: snow will begin this evening and become heavy overnight
And wednesday.

* locations include: shaver lake...Yosemite valley...Huntington

* winds: southwest to west 30 to 50 mph over ridges.

* impacts: travel into yosemite national park and other mountain
Areas will be difficult due to snow packed and icy roads.

Precautionary/preparedness actions...

A winter weather advisory means that periods of snow will cause
Travel difficulties. Be prepared for slippery roads and limited
Visibilities...And use caution while driving.



avatar Hazardous weather outlook
December 21, 2010 09:45PM
Hazardous weather outlook
National weather service san joaquin valley - hanford ca
850 pm pst tue dec 21 2010

Sierra nevada from yosemite to kings canyon-
850 pm pst tue dec 21 2010

...More snow...

This hazardous weather outlook is for the southern sierra nevada
From yosemite to kings canyon.

.Day one...Tonight

A winter weather aadvisory is in effect. Please refer to
Sfowswhnx...Or wmo header wwus46 khnx...For more details.

.Days two through seven...Wednesday through monday

The winter weather aadvisory remains in effect until 3 pm pst
Wednesday. Please refer to sfowswhnx...Or wmo header wwus46
Khnx...For more details.

.Spotter information statement...

Skywarn spotter activation will not be needed.

Weather spotters are encouraged to report any significant or
Unusual conditions to the national weather service.

avatar Winter weather advisory
December 22, 2010 09:28AM
Winter weather advisory
Urgent - winter weather message
National weather service hanford ca
1206 am pst wed dec 22 2010

Sierra nevada from yosemite to kings canyon-
1206 am pst wed dec 22 2010

...Winter weather advisory remains in effect until 3 pm pst this

A winter weather advisory remains in effect until 3 pm pst this
Afternoon for the southern sierra nevada from yosemite to kings

*the last in a series of weather disturbances will move into and
Across the mountains tonight and wednesday bringing significant

* snow accumulations: 8 to 15 inches.

* timing: snow will become heavy overnight and wednesday.

* locations include: shaver lake...Yosemite valley

* winds: southwest to west 30 to 50 mph over ridges.

* impacts: travel into yosemite national park and other
Mountain areas will be difficult due to snow packed and icy

Precautionary/preparedness actions...

A winter weather advisory means that periods of snow will cause
Travel difficulties. Be prepared for slippery roads and limited
Visibilities...And use caution while driving.



avatar Re: Winter weather advisory
December 22, 2010 10:50AM
Me tinks perhops Bill-e-boy got more than he axe for.

Will find out soon...

Chick-on is looking at you!
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