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Re: realistic weekend temps

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realistic weekend temps
January 05, 2011 11:37AM
Hi All..my mom and I are taking our annual Yosemite trip this weekend and I'd like some input on what the actual temperatures we should expect are. The link off nps shows 40's day time but the local news is showing 10 degrees colder.

I'm making her snowhoe on this tripso I hope the warmer temps don't create alot of snow meltoff. Was thinking about doing the tuolomne meadows or possibly drive up to the trees near wawona. Was concerned about doing a 2 mile walk from parking to grove. Is this accurate? How much snow do you think there will be on the jmt up to the top of Vernal?

Re: realistic weekend temps
January 05, 2011 11:47AM
Tuolumne Meadows is not accessible in winter by car, so that is out. The snow in the valley, most of the time, is not deep enough to really require or enjoy snowshoes, IMO. Take your mom up to Badger Pass and do the snowshoe walk with the ranger. Meet at the A frame ranger station, not the ski lodge. You might need chains to get up there, (which you are required to carry at all times in winter in Yosemite) or you can take the free badger pass shuttle bus from Curry or the Lodge. We did this last month and it was very enjoyable. He takes his time and rests often and gives lots of information along the way.

You can also go to the Wawona grove as you mention, though it is a two mile walk on the road to get to the grove. A shorter hike is down to the Tuolumne Grove near Crane Flat, which you can also do with snow shoes.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2011 11:48AM by hotrod4x5.
Re: realistic weekend temps
January 05, 2011 12:22PM
Sorry...I meant the trees, not the meadow. My husband and I snowshoed around Mirror Lake and back toward the the visitor center. While snow was not very deep, the shoes were great for the iciness.
avatar Re: realistic weekend temps
January 05, 2011 01:22PM
Sorry...I meant the trees, not the meadow. My husband and I snowshoed around Mirror Lake and back toward the the visitor center. While snow was not very deep, the shoes were great for the iciness.

I'm not sure that was such a great idea since the trail to Mirror Lake is paved. If the snow is not deep and if you're bottoming out to the pavement, you're going to be digging the snowshoe traction aids into the blacktop. If you're worried about icy conditions, there are light-duty ice/packed snow traction aids like YakTrax or Stabil-Icers.

The Badger Pass guided snowshoe walk meets at the A-frame building at 10:30 AM until the end of the winter (around the time the ski area closes). Here's a photo I took near the start:

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2011 01:23PM by y_p_w.
Re: realistic weekend temps
January 05, 2011 04:40PM
Here's the link to the current trail conditions http://www.nps.gov/yose/planyourvisit/wildcond.htm

There shouldn't be that much snow on the trail to Vernal until you cross the bridge and start climbing up the JMT after you pass the mist trail junction which will be closed. I'd call to get the latest conditions or check at the visitor center before heading out. It's been pretty cold this past week so it will be icy and slippery. This sunshine is awesome but no cloud cover means freezing temps at night but it should compact the snow somewhat.
avatar Re: realistic weekend temps
January 05, 2011 05:35PM
Here's the link to the current trail conditions http://www.nps.gov/yose/planyourvisit/wildcond.htm

I don't think that page is up to date.
avatar Re: realistic weekend temps
January 06, 2011 06:39AM
Here's the link to the current trail conditions http://www.nps.gov/yose/planyourvisit/wildcond.htm

I don't think that page is up to date.
Lookie good 2 me.

Couple comments on it though:
"With what the winter gives us in ease of travel it challenges us equally in difficulty of navigation."

ease of travel? sure you can zip right over logs and shrub ... but easy? not if you're the one busting the trail...

This says a lot... and is applicable pretty much year round:
"Being honest about your skill level as a wilderness traveler and conservative with what route you choose is paramount
during this time of year. Knowing the abilities of yourself as well as the rest of your party can be a determining factor
between success and failure. Having appropriate equipment is vital to safe travel, but more importantly knowing how to
use that gear and what its limitations are can be equally critical."

Chick-on is looking at you!
Re: realistic weekend temps
January 07, 2011 11:47AM
y_p_w~ I'm not a complete moron. The road is paved but had several inches of ice and snow. I also carry icetrekkers, but did not want to do all the switching between shoes and trekkers..as far as the ranger walk, I'm looking for a little more quiet in my trip.

szalkowski~ I have found the forecasted temps to not always be accurate, and the tv weather is forecasting temps 10 degrees colder then the link, that's why I was asking.

chick-on~ I'm thinking the grove also. Closer parking and not far "out" of the park. My mom is concerned about having to chain up past the gas station to the grove parking..is this a concern or can you get to the parking no problem? I'm hoping the weekends nice. I was hoping for a little fresh snow though... I also wish my mom was more fit, I'd love to get back up just past Colombia Rock to the see the falls. I love to hit the same places several times at several seasons and compare the pics. Do you think there is much of an ice cone at the bottom of upper falls yet? I definately know my abilities and the limits of my moms. She insisted on doing the Panorama Trail for her 60th B-day. Lets just say we just made the last shuttle back the Curry....she did it though.
avatar Re: realistic weekend temps
January 07, 2011 01:57PM
My mom is concerned about having to chain up past the gas station to the grove parking..is this a concern or can you get to the parking no problem?

If no chains to the gas station... then you won't have to chain up to do the VERY small distance to the grove (.6 mile) If that is an issue ... you could just walk to the
grove from Crane Flat gas station. It is my understanding that you can park there too in the winter. There are trails that you can shoe on to the grove.
See here:

We are taking 120 in. I'm not worried about any chain control. Fingers crossed...

I'm hoping the weekends nice. I was hoping for a little fresh snow though...
Me too... Looks like it...

I love to hit the same places several times at several seasons and compare the pics. Do you think there is much of an ice cone at the bottom of upper falls yet?

Wish they would put another webcam up on Sentinel. And point one to Nevada/Vernal, and the other to Yose Falls...
Guessing on this... but I think the ice coney not gonna be much yet... Give it another month or so?
Could be completely wrong on this though... Will know tomorrow though... wink

Have fun

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: realistic weekend temps
January 05, 2011 10:12PM
Hi All..my mom and I are taking our annual Yosemite trip this weekend and I'd like some input on what the actual temperatures we should expect are. The link off nps shows 40's day time but the local news is showing 10 degrees colder.

In answer to the original question:
avatar Re: realistic weekend temps
January 06, 2011 06:31AM
Take her to Tuol Grove. It's downhill to the grove... about a mile.

Looks like a nice weekend. I'll be der two.

Have fun.

Chick-on is looking at you!
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