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Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!

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avatar Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 06, 2011 07:22PM
Say it with me:
World Champion Green Bay Packers!


They did it to me on the last game too. But a win is a win baby!!!!!

Chick-on is looking at you!

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 06, 2011 07:34PM
Oh, was the Super Bowl today?

Old Dude
avatar Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 06, 2011 08:46PM
Oh, was the Super Bowl today?

Hey Old Guy... I got something for you to kiss.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 06, 2011 09:00PM
Head rollSmiling dogpileRolling on floor laughRolling on floor laughRolling on floor laugh

The body betrays and the weather conspires, hopefully, not on the same day.
avatar Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 08, 2011 09:06PM
Oh, was the Super Bowl today?

Hey Old Guy... I got something for you to kiss.

Now what could I do with a shot like that?

avatar Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 08, 2011 09:33PM
Was kinda expecting him to appear (a la KFC) on the little tyke play set...
avatar Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 06, 2011 09:08PM
Oh, was the Super Bowl today?

What's that? Giant toilet?
avatar Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 06, 2011 09:11PM
Oh, was the Super Bowl today?

What's that? Giant toilet?

See here:

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 06, 2011 09:44PM
Oh, was the Super Bowl today?

What's that? Giant toilet?

See here:

See here:

avatar Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 06, 2011 09:51PM
Pretty sure you are not suppose to put that on your lips before/after/or during puckering up.

Not dat old so not 110% sure dough.

tongue sticking out smiley

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 06, 2011 10:25PM
Oh, was the Super Bowl today? Dang, missed it again. That's 30 years in a row I've missed it.
Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 08, 2011 06:33AM
Oh, was the Super Bowl today? Dang, missed it again. That's 30 years in a row I've missed it.

I never pay any attention to hockey, myself.
avatar Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 08, 2011 07:47AM
Oh, was the Super Bowl today? Dang, missed it again. That's 30 years in a row I've missed it.

I never pay any attention to hockey, myself.

Funny girl

My response:
a) http://yosemitenews.info/forum/read.php?3,32016,32021#msg-32021
b) was gonna include something about a map and compass... but I'm too nice
c) was gonna include something about a gps... but I'm too nice
d) tongue sticking out smiley
e) Have a nice day
f) do do do da do do do ... Go Pack Go! (I want a THREE-PEAT!)

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 07, 2011 11:16AM
Congrats on the win. One of the guys on my crew at work is a packers fan and he is quite exuberant. I would be too, if the niners ever got rid of the York ownership and won it all. Savor it. Also, I'm glad that Pittsburg didn't get #7....
avatar Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 07, 2011 12:03PM
Congrats to the Packers!
avatar Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 07, 2011 05:00PM
I predicted Green Bay to win it all this year so I was happy. It just made it even better that they beat the Steelers to do it. Oh how I hate the Steelers.
avatar Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 07, 2011 06:19PM
A little known fact is that Chick-on is from Green Bay.

Old Dude
avatar Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 07, 2011 06:32PM
From Bill_e_g's pictures, I thought chick-on was from Circus Circus in Las Vegas... Chick
avatar Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 07, 2011 06:51PM
I was rooting for the Carolina Panthers but they missed the playoffs for some reason or other. Confused
avatar Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 08, 2011 07:50AM
I predicted Green Bay to win it all this year so I was happy. It just made it even better that they beat the Steelers to do it. Oh how I hate the Steelers.
Can you predict them to win next year too?

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 07, 2011 09:53PM
We thought that the football world championship was played last year in South Africa.
(Globally Yours)
The Yosemite Marmot-Wildwolves

P.S. See you in Rio in 2014!!!

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/08/2011 04:27PM by szalkowski.
avatar Re: Sa-weeeet Vic-to-ry!!!!!!!!!!
February 08, 2011 07:53AM
I'm crossing the road to get off the side you are on....

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar MedicalResearchBall Bowl
February 08, 2011 08:51AM
Perhaps American football will eventually provide an answer to the following question:
Why can people without brains still suffer concussions?
avatar Re: MedicalResearchBall Bowl
February 08, 2011 09:13AM
Perhaps American football will eventually provide an answer to the following question:
Why can people without brains still suffer concussions?

Continue to rain on my parade.
I really appreciate it.

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: MedicalResearchBall Bowl
February 08, 2011 09:23AM
Perhaps American football will eventually provide an answer to the following question:
Why can people without brains still suffer concussions?

Continue to rain on my parade.
I really appreciate it.

avatar Re: MedicalResearchBall Bowl
February 08, 2011 10:20AM
Brown Chicken Brown Cow ???

Chick-on is looking at you!
avatar Re: MedicalResearchBall Bowl
February 08, 2011 09:46AM
Continue to rain on my parade.
I really appreciate it.

avatar Re: MedicalResearchBall Bowl
February 08, 2011 10:23AM
Continue to rain on my parade.
I really appreciate it.


The Little Adult version undoubtedly comes with a large screen plasma television tabletop and an inverted-umbrella satellite dish.
avatar Re: MedicalResearchBall Bowl
February 09, 2011 09:39PM
Continue to rain on my parade.

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